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Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977486 Inglês
The following excerpt refer to question.

Nineties fashion was hard to pin down. A clash of trends screamed for our attention while others were so quietly cool they're still sartorial staples in our collective wardrobes: slip dresses, Doc Martens, chokers, crop tops.
While the 1980s were all about volume – padded shoulders, puffed jackets, big hair and an obsession with designer wear – style in the early 1990s was decidedly low maintenance.

(Available in: 
In the first line of the excerpt, the underlined and in bold type expression can be substituted without losing its meaning by:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977485 Inglês
Consider the following text:
(CNN) Researchers at Yale University say they have been able to restore blood circulation and other cellular functions in pigs a full hour after the animals' deaths, suggesting that cells don't die as quickly as scientists had assumed. With more research, the cutting-edge technique could someday potentially help preserve human organs for longer, allowing more people to receive transplants. The researchers used a system they developed called OrganEx, which enables oxygen to be recirculated throughout a dead pig's body, preserving cells and some organs after a cardiac arrest.
(Available in:
Mark the alternative that presents an adequate title for the excerpt: 
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977484 Inglês
The following text refer to question.

'I survived two sandstorms and nearly ran out of water in the Sahara Desert,' says man who biked from London to Lagos

   Kunle Adeyanju is a self-confessed daredevil who has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro twice and cycled from Lagos to Accra over three days.
   But it is his latest adventure that is creating a buzz after he successfully completed a motorcycle ride from London to Lagos.
   The journey took 41 days as he traveled 13,000 kilometers (8,080 miles) through 11 countries and 31 cities.
   Adeyanju embarked on the trip partly to raise money for polio, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Ikoyi Metro, Nigeria, where he is president-elect. He says he chose the cause because of a childhood friend who suffered from the debilitating illness.
   "Polio is a personal thing for me... as a boy, my best friend had polio and when we go swimming or play football, he could do none of those things. Sadly, my friend passed away some years back. If he hadn't had polio, he probably will still be alive today."

(Available in: 
According to the text, Kunle Adeyanju took the journey from London to Lagos in order to:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977483 Inglês
The following text refer to question.

'I survived two sandstorms and nearly ran out of water in the Sahara Desert,' says man who biked from London to Lagos

   Kunle Adeyanju is a self-confessed daredevil who has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro twice and cycled from Lagos to Accra over three days.
   But it is his latest adventure that is creating a buzz after he successfully completed a motorcycle ride from London to Lagos.
   The journey took 41 days as he traveled 13,000 kilometers (8,080 miles) through 11 countries and 31 cities.
   Adeyanju embarked on the trip partly to raise money for polio, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Ikoyi Metro, Nigeria, where he is president-elect. He says he chose the cause because of a childhood friend who suffered from the debilitating illness.
   "Polio is a personal thing for me... as a boy, my best friend had polio and when we go swimming or play football, he could do none of those things. Sadly, my friend passed away some years back. If he hadn't had polio, he probably will still be alive today."

(Available in: 
According to the text, it is correct to say that Kunle Adeyanju:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977482 Inglês
The following text refer to question.

Kevin Adkins almost kicked the Ice Age skull to the side because he thought it was just debris from a recent flood – then he saw that it had teeth.

   When Kevin Adkins took his father-in-law, Tony Hager, on his first turkey hunt on May 8, 2022, the two West Virginians spotted an animal skull in a Putnam County creek. Covered in mud from a flood that had hit the region two days earlier, it was initially unidentifiable. So Adkins took it home – and later learned that it belonged to an 11,000-year-old giant sloth.
   While 36-year-old Adkins had hunted turkeys in Putnam County plenty of times before, he had never come across something like this. Trudging through the muddy wilderness, the Red House resident and his father-in-law were primarily interested in nabbing some wild birds when they encountered the relic.
   “We were running and gunning for toms,” Adkins told Outdoor Life. “We’d worked a gobbler for about 30 minutes, then the bird moved off, so we picked up and headed up the creek. I looked down in the middle of the creek as we crossed it and saw a big blob of something I thought was a root ball, so I almost kicked it away.”
   “But I noticed something different about it and looked closer,” Adkins went on. “That’s when I saw some molar teeth, so I picked it up.”
   Determined not to let the potential find of a lifetime distract from his turkey hunt, Adkins propped the skull next to the creek and forged ahead. When he and Hager concluded their hunt later that morning, they retrieved the skull and carried it home.
   “[My wife] thought it was a cow skull because it was so big,” Adkins said. The skull weighed about 30 pounds and sported tufts of hair. It had four molar teeth on either side of its jawbone.
   “But my father-in-law said no, it was something very different,” continued Adkins. “That’s when we started searching the internet, sending photos to family and friends, and then I posted it on social media. That really got things moving along with trying to ID what I’d found.”

(Available in:
According to the text, it is correct to say that:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977480 Inglês
The following text refer to question.

Kevin Adkins almost kicked the Ice Age skull to the side because he thought it was just debris from a recent flood – then he saw that it had teeth.

   When Kevin Adkins took his father-in-law, Tony Hager, on his first turkey hunt on May 8, 2022, the two West Virginians spotted an animal skull in a Putnam County creek. Covered in mud from a flood that had hit the region two days earlier, it was initially unidentifiable. So Adkins took it home – and later learned that it belonged to an 11,000-year-old giant sloth.
   While 36-year-old Adkins had hunted turkeys in Putnam County plenty of times before, he had never come across something like this. Trudging through the muddy wilderness, the Red House resident and his father-in-law were primarily interested in nabbing some wild birds when they encountered the relic.
   “We were running and gunning for toms,” Adkins told Outdoor Life. “We’d worked a gobbler for about 30 minutes, then the bird moved off, so we picked up and headed up the creek. I looked down in the middle of the creek as we crossed it and saw a big blob of something I thought was a root ball, so I almost kicked it away.”
   “But I noticed something different about it and looked closer,” Adkins went on. “That’s when I saw some molar teeth, so I picked it up.”
   Determined not to let the potential find of a lifetime distract from his turkey hunt, Adkins propped the skull next to the creek and forged ahead. When he and Hager concluded their hunt later that morning, they retrieved the skull and carried it home.
   “[My wife] thought it was a cow skull because it was so big,” Adkins said. The skull weighed about 30 pounds and sported tufts of hair. It had four molar teeth on either side of its jawbone.
   “But my father-in-law said no, it was something very different,” continued Adkins. “That’s when we started searching the internet, sending photos to family and friends, and then I posted it on social media. That really got things moving along with trying to ID what I’d found.”

(Available in:
According to the text, it is correct to say that the skull both men found as they were hunting turkeys was of:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977478 Sociologia
Considere o excerto a seguir.
Na sociologia, até os anos 1970, o conceito de “papéis sociais de sexo”, apresentado pela antropóloga cultural estadunidense Margaret Mead (1901-1978), era o termo mais utilizado. É a partir dessa década que as teorias sociais passam a utilizar o conceito de gênero influenciadas pela chamada segunda onda do feminismo [...]. Desse modo, o conceito de gênero passa a enfatizar os processos de construção dos comportamentos em relação ao corpo e aos afetos, justamente para superar o “congelamento” das categorias de homem e mulher que advêm de descrições biológicas. [...] Isso quer dizer, como afirma o sociólogo francês Pierre Bourdieu, que as estruturas e instituições sociais partem de uma construção simbólica em que as características masculinas e femininas são biologizadas, naturalizadas e, portanto, dificilmente podem ser desconstruídas.
(SILVA, Afrânio et. al. Sociologia em movimento. São Paulo: Moderna, 2016. p. 333.)
Sobre a abordagem sociológica do conceito de gênero, é correto afirmar:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977477 Sociologia
Sobre o tema do racismo na sociedade brasileira, considere o excerto a seguir:
A visão de convívio harmonioso entre as raças foi desconstruída pelos estudos de Florestan Fernandes, que participou com Roger Bastide das pesquisas financiadas pela Unesco, e redundaram no livro A integração do negro na sociedade de classes (1965).
(SILVA, Afrânio et. al. Sociologia em movimento. São Paulo: Moderna, 2016. p. 121.)
Qual é, dentre as afirmativas a seguir, a que sintetiza a contribuição do sociólogo Florestan Fernandes para os estudos das relações raciais no Brasil?
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977476 Sociologia
Considere o trecho a seguir:
Os problemas de diversidade e pluralismo colocados em pauta pelas sociedades multiculturais, a partir da década de 1980, obrigaram-nos a uma nova reflexão sobre o reconhecimento universalista proposto pela Modernidade. Os movimentos sociais organizados por homossexuais, negros, mulheres, entre outros grupos, passaram a reivindicar a efetiva realização da igualdade de oportunidades e o fim dos princípios discriminatórios. Deu-se, então, o estabelecimento de políticas públicas que ficaram conhecidas como políticas de ação afirmativa.
(O’DONNEL, Julia et al. Tempos modernos, tempos de sociologia. Rio de Janeiro: Editora do Brasil, 2018.)
Com base na argumentação das autoras, pode-se afirmar que:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977475 Sociologia
Considere o texto a seguir:
Os sociólogos franceses Luc Boltanski e Ève Chiapello, em sua obra intitulada O novo espírito do capitalismo (2009), afirmam que a nova política de contratação e as novas organizações da estrutura empresarial (que é global) permitem que o empregador, ao subcontratar a mão de obra, possa ocultar que é o empregador. É o caso de grandes empresas norte-americanas de celulares que transferiram sua produção para empresas fornecedoras na China. [...] Ou seja, levam a alterações contratuais de trabalho que, ao facilitarem os trâmites e a burocracia para a demissão de empregados, como é o caso dos chamados temporários, aumentam a sensação de insegurança dos trabalhadores.
(ARAÚJO, Silvia Maria de Araújo; BRIDI, Maria Aparecida; MOTIM, Benilde Lenzi. Sociologia. São Paulo: Scipione, 2016. p. 152.)
Sobre os problemas relativos à transformação no mundo do trabalho no século XXI, é corretor afirmar: 
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977474 Geografia
A divisão oficial do Brasil em cinco Grandes Regiões foi instituída em 1967 para atender às atividades de planejamento estatal. Os critérios de regionalização consideraram características econômicas e sociais e também as divisões político-administrativas das Unidades da Federação, no sentido de que nenhum estado ou o Distrito Federal poderia ter parte de seu território classificado numa Grande Região e parte em outra.
Sobre o tema, é correto afirmar:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977473 Geografia
Sobre os fatores que afetam a dinâmica demográfica e as políticas de controle populacional, é correto afirmar:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977472 Geografia
Sobre a atividade industrial, é correto afirmar:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977471 Geografia
Os modelos nacionais de produção agropecuária são organizados em função de fatores ambientais, territoriais, tecnológicos, econômicos e políticos. Sobre esse tema, é correto afirmar:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977470 Geografia
A geografia política pode ser definida, em essência, como o estudo das relações entre espaço e poder, ao passo que a geopolítica pode ser definida como a aplicação estratégica de conhecimentos geográfico políticos com o fim de atender aos projetos de poder dos Estados Nacionais. Sobre o tema, é correto afirmar:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977469 Geografia
As metrópoles dos países em desenvolvimento caracterizam-se pela expansão acelerada e pelo processo de periferização. Sobre o tema, é correto afirmar: 
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977468 Geografia
Sobre os processos de ocupação econômica de áreas florestais, é correto afirmar:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977467 Geografia
Sobre o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH), é correto afirmar: 
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977466 Geografia
Sobre o setor de shopping centers no Brasil, é correto afirmar:
Ano: 2022 Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q1977465 Filosofia
[As] experiências comuns resultantes do lugar social que ocupam impedem que a população negra acesse certos espaços. […] Quando falamos de direito à existência digna, à voz, estamos falando de locus [lugar] social, de como este lugar imposto dificulta a possibilidade de transcendência. Absolutamente não tem a ver com uma visão essencialista de que somente o negro pode falar de racismo, por exemplo.
(RIBEIRO, Djamila. O que é lugar de fala? Belo Horizonte: Editora Letramento, 2017. p. 64.)
De acordo com a passagem acima e com a obra de que foi retirada, locus social é o lugar:
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