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Ano: 2023 Banca: PM-MG Órgão: PM-MG Prova: PM-MG - 2023 - PM-MG - Soldado |
Q2156496 Inglês

Leia o trecho da reportagem a seguir e responda o que se pede:


Peru: Parents arrested for sexually abusing baby, selling images

19 May 2021 - Specialized officers across four continents raced to remove the child from harm.


Authorities in Peru have arrested a couple accused of producing sexual abuse material of their two-month old baby, following an international effort to save the child from harm. In early April, specialized investigators in Canada and Australia contacted INTERPOL after identifying a user who was not only sharing abusive images, but also offering to produce additional material in exchange for payment. Investigators worked to gather data on the suspect, who had been active on Darknet forums since 2014. Further analysis showed that the same user had recently sought advice on child and organ trafficking. [...]



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Ano: 2023 Banca: PM-MG Órgão: PM-MG Prova: PM-MG - 2023 - PM-MG - Soldado |
Q2156495 Inglês

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A Serbian volleyball player suspended after making anti-Asian racist gesture during match against Thailan  

A Serbian volleyball player has been suspended for two matches after she was caught on camera stretching her eyelids - a racist gesture used to mock people with Asian heritage -- during an international competition between Serbia and Thailand.

Sanja Djurdjevic violated the sport's disciplinary rules on June 1 while competing in the match in Italy. according to a statement given Tuesday from the FIVB Disciplinary Panel Sub-Committee.

In addition to the suspension, the independent body, which is responsible for imposing disciplinary sanctions within FIVB competitions, fined Serbia's volleyball federation the equivalent of $22,000. According to the panel, the FIVB will donate the money to a cause dedicated to tackling discriminatory behavior and/or to fund educational programs on cultural sensitivity.


Fonte: httos:/

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Ano: 2023 Banca: PM-MG Órgão: PM-MG Prova: PM-MG - 2023 - PM-MG - Soldado |
Q2156494 Inglês

Leia o trecho da matéria a seguir e responda a pergunta que segue:


                                                     FBI Releases 2019 Crime Statistics


For the third consecutive year, the estimated number of violent crimes in the nation decreased when compared with the previous year's statistics, according to FBI figures released today. In 2019, violent crime was down 0.5% from the 2018 number. Property crimes also dropped 4.1%, marking the 17th consecutive year the collective estimates for these offenses declined. [...]



Fonte: September 28, 2020.

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Ano: 2023 Banca: PM-MG Órgão: PM-MG Prova: PM-MG - 2023 - PM-MG - Soldado |
Q2156493 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a pergunta que segue:


                                              A robust Gender Parity Strategy


In 2018, building on the United Nations Secretary-General's System-Wide Gender Parity Strategy, the Department of Peace Operations developed a Uniformed Personnel Gender Parity Strategy with clear objectives, targets and benchmarks, along with reporting and monitoring mechanisms to achieve appropriate gender balance.

Under this strategy, by the year 2028, the UN Police Division is committed to recruiting at least 30% women police officers in professional positions in the field (20% in Formed Police Units and 30% as Individual Police Officers) and 35% at UN Headquarters. To achieve these goals, the UN Police Division will continue to engage Member States and seek the support of gender champion countries.

The UN Police Division will also continue to identify opportunities for women police officers in missions while ensuring that gender perspectives are mainstreamed in all policing activities and equal opportunities are afforded to women in police at all levels.




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Ano: 2023 Banca: PM-MG Órgão: PM-MG Prova: PM-MG - 2023 - PM-MG - Soldado |
Q2156492 Literatura

                           Livro 1 “Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas” (Autor: Machado de Assis);

                              Livro 2 “Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma” (Autor: Lima Barreto).

Considerando o contexto do romance do autor Lima Barreto, Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma,  classifique as afirmativas abaixo como “V”, para as verdadeiras, ou “F”, para as falsas, e, depois, responda o que se pede.

(  ) De acordo com o narrador onisciente do romance, Policarpo Quaresma era meticuloso, doce, modesto, honesto, pequeno, magro. Usava pince-nez e fraque, e por isso, tinha um “quê” de pedante e pretensioso.
(     ) No trecho da narrativa “[...] o major conhecia bem sofrivelmente francês, inglês e alemão; e se não falava tais idiomas, lia-os e traduzia-os corretamente.”, a palavra em destaque significa, semanticamente, razoavelmente.
(   ) Um diálogo entre a Olga, afilhada do major Quaresma, e Anastácio, caseiro do major Quaresma, no interior do sítio “Sossego”, revela uma realidade marcada pela injustiça social, pois os programas de governo visam favorecer a mão de obra de origem europeia.
(   ) O major Quaresma foi levado à prisão, na Ilha das Cobras, por ter escrito um requerimento ao presidente da Câmara dos Deputados propondo uma mudança do idioma nacional, do português para o tupi-guarani, de forma clara, franca, nitidamente; até mesmo com paixão, indignado. Lá, deu-se conta de que podia esperar pela morte e seu sentimento foi de desilusão, de arrependimento, por ter passado toda sua vida atrás da miragem de estudar a Pátria.
A sequência CORRETA de afirmativas de cima para baixo é:
76: A
77: B
78: A
79: C
80: A