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Q1834892 História
[...] o governo do czar desmoronou quando uma manifestação de operárias (no habitual “Dia das Mulheres” do movimento socialista – 8 de março) se combinou com um lock-out industrial na notoriamente militante metalúrgica Putilov e produziu uma greve geral e a invasão do centro da capital [...] basicamente para exigir pão. A fragilidade do regime se revelou quando as tropas do czar, mesmo os leais cossacos de sempre, hesitaram e depois se recusaram a atacar a multidão, e passaram a confraternizar com ela. [...]
HOBSBAWM, Eric. A era dos extremos. O breve século XX, 1914-1991. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1995. p. 67.

De acordo com o texto, o czarismo russo perdeu sustentação
Q1834891 História

O sistema acabou tarde e de maneira conservadora. Apenas depois de uma série de leis graduais, como a Lei do Ventre Livre (que libertava os filhos mas não as mães, e ainda garantia ao senhor o direito de optar entre ficar com os libertos até 21 anos e entregá-los ao governo), a Lei dos Sexagenários, de 1885 (que manumitia escravos precocemente envelhecidos e muitas vezes impossibilitados de trabalhar, representando despesas em vez de lucros para o proprietário), e finalmente a Lei Áurea de 13 de maio de 1888. [...]

SCHWARCZ, Lila Moritz. Sobre o autoritarismo brasileiro. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2019. p. 29-30.

As leis abolicionistas, Lei do Ventre Livre, Lei dos Sexagenários e Lei Áurea tiveram caráter conservador porque

Q1834889 Geografia

Um tremor de magnitude 7,1 com epicentro próximo ao sul das Filipinas ocorreu nesta quarta-feira (11/08/2021), informou a USGS, a agência dos Estados Unidos que monitora terremotos em todo o mundo. Por causa do abalo, um alerta de tsunami foi emitido para a região, mas acabou retirado horas depois.

Disponível em: terremoto-atinge-as-filipinas-e-gera-alerta-de-tsunami.ghtml. Acesso em: 11 ago. 2021 (adaptado).

A notícia aponta para um evento natural bastante comum na região em destaque na notícia. Esse evento é resultado da

Q1834888 Geografia

Bombeiros socorrem e apoiam moradores de Imperatriz e outras cidades prejudicadas pelas chuvas

Equipes do Corpo de Bombeiros e da Defesa Civil estão com equipes espalhadas em diversos pontos do Maranhão para fazer o trabalho de prevenção e o de emergência por causa das mais fortes chuvas das últimas décadas no Estado. Entre as cidades atendidas, está Imperatriz, que teve vários pontos de alagamentos. Alguns dos bairros mais prejudicados são o Parque Alvorada 1 e 2.

Disponível em: agenciadenoticias/?p=245822. Acesso em: 21 ago. 2021.

As chuvas intensas possuem forte relação com os alagamentos porque mesmo sendo rápidas, sua intensidade não permite que o volume precipitado escoe a tempo de não represar as águas nos pontos de estrangulamento. A enxurrada, por outro lado, carrega consigo o lixo jogado em ruas e encostas, reduzindo ou obstruindo os canos da drenagem pluvial, quando existem.

Esse problema afeta muitas áreas urbanas ao redor do globo em função do processo de urbanização, uma vez que este é responsável por 

Q1834887 Geografia

A Turquia é um dos mais antigos candidatos à adesão e é vista por alguns países do Ocidente como um modelo de democracia islâmica a ser seguido pelos países autoritários do Oriente Médio. No entanto, o país possui vários problemas que entravam sua entrada na União Europeia.

Nesse contexto, pode ser considerada uma barreira para a entrada do referido país no bloco europeu a(o)

Q1834886 Geografia

Afluentes do Rio São Francisco secam pela primeira vez

Situação do Rio Jequitaí, que deixou de correr pela primeira vez na história, é o ponto alto da estiagem, agravada pela superexploração, que avança sobre tributários do São Francisco.

Como feridas abertas no mapa de Minas, a seca avança por importantes bacias hidrográficas do estado. Assolados pela estiagem, afluentes da Bacia do São Francisco, no Norte do estado, estão vendo suas águas sumirem devido a longos períodos sem chuva, mas também por intensa exploração humana.

Disponível em: gerais/2015/10/07/interna_gerais,695561/afluentes-do-rio-sao-francisco-secam-pela-primeira-vez.shtml. Acesso em: 3 ago. 2021.

É(são) considerada(s) ação(ões) antrópica(s) responsável(is) pelo problema a(s)

Q1834885 Geografia

A superfície terrestre apresenta um caráter dinâmico em razão da atuação das forças internas e externas que atuam na construção e no modelamento das paisagens. As forças internas são as principais responsáveis por criar o relevo, sendo, portanto, forças construtoras, tais como o tectonismo, o vulcanismo e os abalos sísmicos. As forças externas, por sua vez, são responsáveis pela erosão e pela modelagem do relevo.

Sobre a dinâmica das formas de relevo, assinale a alternativa correta. 

Q1834884 Matemática

Desde 2020, as placas de veículos automotores no Brasil passam por uma mudança de formato, e têm sido chamadas de placas Mercosul, devido ao fato de se adequarem a padrões utilizados em outros países do bloco. A versão anterior das placas trazia uma formação de 7 caracteres, sendo os 3 primeiros ocupados por letras do alfabeto (dentre as 26 de A a Z), e os 4 últimos são algarismos (de 0 a 9). Nas placas Mercosul, a quantidade de caracteres (7) é mantida, entretanto a distribuição é diferente do modelo anterior: são 3 letras, seguidas de 1 algarismo, 1 letra e finalmente 2 algarismos.

Disponível em: placa-mercosul-quanto-custa-e-quando-sera-obrigatoria-veja-precos-prazos-e-validade/. Acesso em: 15 ago. 2021.


Qual é a razão entre o total de formações dos caracteres das placas Mercosul e do modelo anterior, nessa ordem?

Q1834879 Matemática

O administrador de um restaurante percebeu que, desde a inauguração, obteve prejuízo em todos os meses de operação. No terceiro mês, ele observou um prejuízo de R$ 3 500,00 apenas dentro daquele mês. Com a consolidação do restaurante no mercado, o prejuízo mensal diminuiu, sendo que no nono mês de funcionamento, tal prejuízo foi de R$ 1 400,00.

Considerando que os resultados mensais seguem uma progressão aritmética, em que mês de funcionamento o restaurante apresentará lucro mensal pela primeira vez?

Q1834874 Português

Leia este texto.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 jul. 2021.

Com base na linguagem verbal e não verbal presentes na construção desse texto, constata-se que as aspas foram usadas para 

Q1834871 Português

O verbo haver apresenta os sentidos de existir, ocorrer, decorrer, fazer (tempo).

Assinale a alternativa em que esse verbo está corretamente empregado. 

Q1675706 Inglês


The most decorated firefighter in FDNY history

By Xavier Jackson 

From the 1970s through the 1990s, there were thousands of fires raging across New York City. And all those fires had one thing in common: they were likely to have faced the likes of Jack Pritchard, the most decorated firefighter in New York City history.

From the beginning, Pritchard had proven himself a worthy member of the team, although his commanding officer was reportedly getting worried about his “near suicidal” tendencies when battling fires. For example, he found himself at the fire of a three-story building with a mentally-challenged child trapped on the third floor. He quickly charged in without oxygen and found the child, before he realized he was trapped. Left with no other exit — and by this point actually on fire himself — Pritchard smothered the child, and leaped to the first floor where he was doused with water and shipped off to the burn ward with the boy.

Pritchard’s next large inferno would be several years later, when he found himself rescuing fellow firefighters from a fire at Waldbaum’s Supermarket in Brooklyn. It was a fire he didn’t even have to go to, since his shift had actually already ended. But that wasn’t going to stop him.

It didn’t take long for him to distinguish himself again. On March 27, 1992, Engine 255 arrived at a fire to find an injured firefighter being pulled from the building after unsuccessfully attempting to rescue a 70-year-old man. Impatient and realizing he didn’t have to wait for orders as he was already in charge, Pritchard charged into the inferno, safety equipment be damned. He found the man, on fire, in his bed. Not hesitating, Pritchard extinguished the flames himself and dragged him out of the building.

He spent the next two months recovering from his burns in the hospital.

Then in July of 1998, Engine 255 pulled up to a fire where Jack Pritchard would perform the most famous heroics of his career. After learning there was an infant trapped in a crib on the fourth floor, Pritchard entered his Supermanmode and fearlessly leaped into the building to locate the baby. 

After taking flames directly to his unprotected face, Pritchard located the baby, still alive. Unfortunately, flames were leaping above the crib, preventing him from lifting the baby to safety. Using his un-gloved hands — because safety was a word that still didn’t exist in his vocabulary — Pritchard grabbed the melting crib and began dragging it out of the room. Breathing carbon monoxide and severely burning his hand the whole way, Pritchard dragged the crib to his fellow firefighters where they assisted in rescuing the infant. For this he was awarded his second Bennett medal — the first was for the Walbaum’s fire — the highest award possible in the FDNY. 

He finally retired from the department in 1999 with the rank of Battalion Chief, ending his career by simply stating “It’s been a real honor to be a firefighter.”

Available at: <


jed6X9Qw0PqRnEbF/>. Accessed on: August 13, 2020


Pritchard stayed as a firefighter in New York
Q1675705 Inglês


The most decorated firefighter in FDNY history

By Xavier Jackson 

From the 1970s through the 1990s, there were thousands of fires raging across New York City. And all those fires had one thing in common: they were likely to have faced the likes of Jack Pritchard, the most decorated firefighter in New York City history.

From the beginning, Pritchard had proven himself a worthy member of the team, although his commanding officer was reportedly getting worried about his “near suicidal” tendencies when battling fires. For example, he found himself at the fire of a three-story building with a mentally-challenged child trapped on the third floor. He quickly charged in without oxygen and found the child, before he realized he was trapped. Left with no other exit — and by this point actually on fire himself — Pritchard smothered the child, and leaped to the first floor where he was doused with water and shipped off to the burn ward with the boy.

Pritchard’s next large inferno would be several years later, when he found himself rescuing fellow firefighters from a fire at Waldbaum’s Supermarket in Brooklyn. It was a fire he didn’t even have to go to, since his shift had actually already ended. But that wasn’t going to stop him.

It didn’t take long for him to distinguish himself again. On March 27, 1992, Engine 255 arrived at a fire to find an injured firefighter being pulled from the building after unsuccessfully attempting to rescue a 70-year-old man. Impatient and realizing he didn’t have to wait for orders as he was already in charge, Pritchard charged into the inferno, safety equipment be damned. He found the man, on fire, in his bed. Not hesitating, Pritchard extinguished the flames himself and dragged him out of the building.

He spent the next two months recovering from his burns in the hospital.

Then in July of 1998, Engine 255 pulled up to a fire where Jack Pritchard would perform the most famous heroics of his career. After learning there was an infant trapped in a crib on the fourth floor, Pritchard entered his Supermanmode and fearlessly leaped into the building to locate the baby. 

After taking flames directly to his unprotected face, Pritchard located the baby, still alive. Unfortunately, flames were leaping above the crib, preventing him from lifting the baby to safety. Using his un-gloved hands — because safety was a word that still didn’t exist in his vocabulary — Pritchard grabbed the melting crib and began dragging it out of the room. Breathing carbon monoxide and severely burning his hand the whole way, Pritchard dragged the crib to his fellow firefighters where they assisted in rescuing the infant. For this he was awarded his second Bennett medal — the first was for the Walbaum’s fire — the highest award possible in the FDNY. 

He finally retired from the department in 1999 with the rank of Battalion Chief, ending his career by simply stating “It’s been a real honor to be a firefighter.”

Available at: <


jed6X9Qw0PqRnEbF/>. Accessed on: August 13, 2020


Jack Pritchard is said to be the best firefighter in FDNY because
Q1675704 Inglês


Top stories of 2019 | No. 1: Hero firefighter mourned

BERWICK, Maine — Firefighters and residents in Berwick and surrounding communities felt a deep sense of loss after the death of Fire Capt. Joel Barnes, who died shielding a fellow firefighter from flames during threestory apartment building fire March 1.

Barnes, 32, was hailed as a hero at his funeral for giving up his life to save his comrade.

The fire also displaced eight tenants in six apartment units. No tenants were injured. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness, ruled the building needed to be demolished. The institute inspects buildings whenever a firefighter is killed in the line of duty, according to Berwick Town Manager Stephen Eldridge. 

Barnes had no chance to escape from the third floor of the 10 Bell St. apartment building fire, leading to his death from “probable hyperthermia and/or hypoxia,” according to a report released April 5. Dr. Christine James of the New Hampshire chief medical examiner’s office determined the cause of death and ruled the manner of death was accidental. Hyperthermia is defined as the condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal, while hypoxia is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level.

Available at: <


Accessed on: August 11, 2020 (Adapted). 

A report announced that the cause of the Captain’s death was
Q1675703 Inglês


Top stories of 2019 | No. 1: Hero firefighter mourned

BERWICK, Maine — Firefighters and residents in Berwick and surrounding communities felt a deep sense of loss after the death of Fire Capt. Joel Barnes, who died shielding a fellow firefighter from flames during threestory apartment building fire March 1.

Barnes, 32, was hailed as a hero at his funeral for giving up his life to save his comrade.

The fire also displaced eight tenants in six apartment units. No tenants were injured. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness, ruled the building needed to be demolished. The institute inspects buildings whenever a firefighter is killed in the line of duty, according to Berwick Town Manager Stephen Eldridge. 

Barnes had no chance to escape from the third floor of the 10 Bell St. apartment building fire, leading to his death from “probable hyperthermia and/or hypoxia,” according to a report released April 5. Dr. Christine James of the New Hampshire chief medical examiner’s office determined the cause of death and ruled the manner of death was accidental. Hyperthermia is defined as the condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal, while hypoxia is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level.

Available at: <


Accessed on: August 11, 2020 (Adapted). 

A specific federal agency was requested to inspect the building
Q1675702 Inglês


Top stories of 2019 | No. 1: Hero firefighter mourned

BERWICK, Maine — Firefighters and residents in Berwick and surrounding communities felt a deep sense of loss after the death of Fire Capt. Joel Barnes, who died shielding a fellow firefighter from flames during threestory apartment building fire March 1.

Barnes, 32, was hailed as a hero at his funeral for giving up his life to save his comrade.

The fire also displaced eight tenants in six apartment units. No tenants were injured. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness, ruled the building needed to be demolished. The institute inspects buildings whenever a firefighter is killed in the line of duty, according to Berwick Town Manager Stephen Eldridge. 

Barnes had no chance to escape from the third floor of the 10 Bell St. apartment building fire, leading to his death from “probable hyperthermia and/or hypoxia,” according to a report released April 5. Dr. Christine James of the New Hampshire chief medical examiner’s office determined the cause of death and ruled the manner of death was accidental. Hyperthermia is defined as the condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal, while hypoxia is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level.

Available at: <


Accessed on: August 11, 2020 (Adapted). 

Fire Capt. Joel Barnes is considered a hero
Q1675701 Física

Durante um resgate em um edifício, bombeiros descem com um objeto na vertical pressionando-o contra a parede. Nessa descida, o objeto escorrega com velocidade constante.

Se a força F, que pressiona o objeto que desce contra a parede, forma um ângulo de 90º com ela, é correto afirmar que a força peso é

Q1675700 Física
Uma pessoa aplica uma força constante F, durante um determinado tempo t, sobre um bloco de massa m inicialmente em repouso, de tal forma que o bloco passa a se mover sob ação exclusiva dessa força resultante. Ao final do tempo t, o bloco adquiriu uma energia cinética E.
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as mesmas condições anteriores, agora três pessoas farão a mesma força F, em um mesmo intervalo de tempo t, sob o mesmo bloco de massa m inicialmente em repouso.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Se na situação inicial a pessoa foi responsável por “entregar” ao bloco uma energia cinética E ao fazer uma força F sobre ele, na segunda situação em que três pessoas empurram o mesmo bloco fazendo a mesma força F, ao distribuir a energia cinética adquirida pelo bloco para as três pessoas, pode-se concluir que cada pessoa “entrega” ao bloco uma energia cinética de
Q1675699 Física

“O compact disc (CD) é um disco de policarbonato transparente de 12 cm de diâmetro. Em uma de suas faces, existe uma fina camada de uma liga metálica na qual podem ser estampadas microscópicas depressões. As regiões com depressões e as regiões sem depressões representam em conjunto as informações por meio de um sistema binário. Esses dados são gravados a partir de 2 cm do centro do disco em uma trilha espiralada que se afasta com passo constante.

A leitura das informações é realizada utilizando-se um laser de baixa potência, que “lê” as depressões e as ausências de depressões do centro para a extremidade do disco. [...] Uma sequência de tais informações é decodificada pelo sistema e enviada para um alto-falante (no caso de sons) ou para uma tela de computador (no caso de imagens).”.

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BÔAS, Newton Villas; DOCA, Ricardo Helou; BISCUOLA, Gualter José. Tópicos de Física 2. 19ª edição. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2012, p. 246.

O principal fenômeno ondulatório que permite o funcionamento da tecnologia citada é a

Q1675698 Física

Gabriel comprou um dispositivo eletrônico que constava em sua descrição a seguinte especificação: “5V – 10W”. Porém, para fazer a ligação desse dispositivo, ele contava apenas com uma bateria de 9,0 V e alguns pedaços de fios.

Como não contava com um resistor, Gabriel resolveu improvisar utilizando um pedaço de um condutor de ferro, cuja área da secção reta é de 1,0 mm2 e resistividade elétrica de 1,0 x 10–7 Ω.m.

(Considere os demais fios do circuito e a bateria ideais.)

Para que o dispositivo seja ligado segundo suas especificações, o condutor de ferro deverá ter 

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