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Q950711 Matemática

Analisando a figura, pode-se afirmar corretamente que o valor de x é

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Q950709 Inglês
The word “pristine” in bold type in the text means
Q950708 Inglês
Read the text and choose the best alternative.
Q950707 Inglês

Read the text and answer questions

Ursula! I whispered

Yes, my darling, she said, without __________ her eyes.

What have you got in your basket? I asked. She opened her eyes, startled, and looked at me.

What do you mean? she said defensively.

There is something moving in your basket, I said.

Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just a present for somebody. She said.

Adapted from, FERGUSON, Kenneth. Read for Meaning, Comprehension tests for First Certificate. Ed. Evans Brothers, first Published 1975.

Read the text and choose the best response.

The verbs “whispered” and “said” underlined in the text refer to

1061: D
1062: B
1063: C
1064: C
1065: D