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U.K. Cyclists to Deliver Bikes, Supplies to Calais Refugees
Sarah Morpurgo has no idea how many people will join her on a 65‐mile bike trip this weekend to deliver critical supplies to refugees and migrants living in a camp known as “the New Jungle” in Calais, France, but she’s feeling optimistic.
On Tuesday, the Facebook page for Critical Mass to Calais, an informal bike ride being led by Morpurgo and her friends, said 993 people planned to attend, although she acknowledged that many of those might be “solidarity clicks” in support of the journey.
“It’s going to be a bit of a surprise as to how many people will turn up,” Morpurgo, 25, told Newsweek. “Seven more people really need to hit ‘click.’”
Seven people had done just that a day after Newsweek spoke with Morpurgo, bringing the total number “attending” to 1,000. An Indiegogo campaign for the bike ride, which will take place August 29 to 31, had reached its 1,000‐pound ($1,547) fundraising goal.
Once they get to Calais, the cyclists plan to give refugees and migrants their bikes, a much‐needed form of transportation that will make it easier for the camp’s residents to get to shops and health care clinics. Supplies such as hygiene products, tents, sleeping bags and clothing will be taken to Calais in support vehicles and donated through the Secours Catholique – Caritas France charity.
The port city of Calais has come under intense focus in recent months, becoming a symbol of a staggering global crisis of displacement: 1 out of every 122 people on Earth is either a refugee, an asylum seeker or displaced, the highest such number since World War II, according to the office of the United Nations high commissioner for refugees... (...)
(Available:‐mass‐uk‐cyclists‐deliver‐bikes‐and‐supplies‐calais‐refugees‐366284. Adapted.)
U.K. Cyclists to Deliver Bikes, Supplies to Calais Refugees
Sarah Morpurgo has no idea how many people will join her on a 65‐mile bike trip this weekend to deliver critical supplies to refugees and migrants living in a camp known as “the New Jungle” in Calais, France, but she’s feeling optimistic.
On Tuesday, the Facebook page for Critical Mass to Calais, an informal bike ride being led by Morpurgo and her friends, said 993 people planned to attend, although she acknowledged that many of those might be “solidarity clicks” in support of the journey.
“It’s going to be a bit of a surprise as to how many people will turn up,” Morpurgo, 25, told Newsweek. “Seven more people really need to hit ‘click.’”
Seven people had done just that a day after Newsweek spoke with Morpurgo, bringing the total number “attending” to 1,000. An Indiegogo campaign for the bike ride, which will take place August 29 to 31, had reached its 1,000‐pound ($1,547) fundraising goal.
Once they get to Calais, the cyclists plan to give refugees and migrants their bikes, a much‐needed form of transportation that will make it easier for the camp’s residents to get to shops and health care clinics. Supplies such as hygiene products, tents, sleeping bags and clothing will be taken to Calais in support vehicles and donated through the Secours Catholique – Caritas France charity.
The port city of Calais has come under intense focus in recent months, becoming a symbol of a staggering global crisis of displacement: 1 out of every 122 people on Earth is either a refugee, an asylum seeker or displaced, the highest such number since World War II, according to the office of the United Nations high commissioner for refugees... (...)
(Available:‐mass‐uk‐cyclists‐deliver‐bikes‐and‐supplies‐calais‐refugees‐366284. Adapted.)
Com relação aos servidores públicos, analise e as afirmativas a seguir.
I. O servidor público estável somente perderá o cargo em virtude de sentença judicial transitada em julgado.
II. Os servidores nomeados para cargo de provimento efetivo em virtude de concurso público são estáveis somente após três anos de efetivo exercício.
III. Os cargos, empregos e funções públicas são acessíveis aos brasileiros que preencham os requisitos estabelecidos em lei, assim como aos estrangeiros, na forma da lei.
Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s)
O posto de tenente‐coronel foi introduzido nos exércitos europeus no século XVII. “Tenente‐coronel” resulta da contração do termo “tenente do coronel”, ou seja, o oficial que coadjuva ou substitui o coronel. Nos exércitos da época, os coronéis comandantes dos regimentos eram, muitas vezes, aristocratas nomeados para o cargo, com pouca ou nenhuma experiência militar. O cargo de coronel era, assim, quase honorário e os seus titulares encontravam‐se, muitas vezes, ausentes dos seus regimentos. Foi necessária a criação de um posto de oficial profissional, com experiência militar, que auxiliasse o coronel nas suas funções de comando. Os tenentes‐coronéis acabaram por assumir o comando e a administração efetiva dos regimentos. Tal como aos coronéis, aos tenentes‐coronéis, além do comando regimental, estava atribuído o comando de uma das companhias da unidade. (Disponível em:‐posto‐de‐tenente‐coronel.html.)
A alternativa que apresenta a mesma regra que norteia a composição do plural do substantivo composto, tenente‐coronel é
Michael Jackson died while preparing to set a world record for the most successful concert run ever, but he unknowingly set another record that led to his death.
Jackson may be the only human ever to go two months without REM - Rapid Eye Movement - sleep, which is vital to keep the brain and body alive. The 60 nights of propofol infusions Dr. Conrad Murray said he gave Jackson to treat his insomnia is something a sleep expert says no one had ever undergone.
“The symptoms that Mr. Jackson was exhibiting were consistent with what someone might expect to see of someone suffering from total sleep deprivation over a chronic period,” Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert, testified Friday at the wrongful-death trial of concert promoter AEG Live, company that hired Dr. Conrad Murray as Jackson's personal physician.
Propofol disrupts the normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient feeling refreshed as if they had experienced genuine sleep, according to Czeisler.
If the singer had not died on June 25, 2009, of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the lack of REM sleep may have soon taken his life anyway, according Czeisler's testimony Friday.
Michael Jackson died while preparing to set a world record for the most successful concert run ever, but he unknowingly set another record that led to his death.
Jackson may be the only human ever to go two months without REM - Rapid Eye Movement - sleep, which is vital to keep the brain and body alive. The 60 nights of propofol infusions Dr. Conrad Murray said he gave Jackson to treat his insomnia is something a sleep expert says no one had ever undergone.
“The symptoms that Mr. Jackson was exhibiting were consistent with what someone might expect to see of someone suffering from total sleep deprivation over a chronic period,” Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert, testified Friday at the wrongful-death trial of concert promoter AEG Live, company that hired Dr. Conrad Murray as Jackson's personal physician.
Propofol disrupts the normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient feeling refreshed as if they had experienced genuine sleep, according to Czeisler.
If the singer had not died on June 25, 2009, of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the lack of REM sleep may have soon taken his life anyway, according Czeisler's testimony Friday.
Michael Jackson died while preparing to set a world record for the most successful concert run ever, but he unknowingly set another record that led to his death.
Jackson may be the only human ever to go two months without REM - Rapid Eye Movement - sleep, which is vital to keep the brain and body alive. The 60 nights of propofol infusions Dr. Conrad Murray said he gave Jackson to treat his insomnia is something a sleep expert says no one had ever undergone.
“The symptoms that Mr. Jackson was exhibiting were consistent with what someone might expect to see of someone suffering from total sleep deprivation over a chronic period,” Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert, testified Friday at the wrongful-death trial of concert promoter AEG Live, company that hired Dr. Conrad Murray as Jackson's personal physician.
Propofol disrupts the normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient feeling refreshed as if they had experienced genuine sleep, according to Czeisler.
If the singer had not died on June 25, 2009, of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the lack of REM sleep may have soon taken his life anyway, according Czeisler's testimony Friday.
Michael Jackson died while preparing to set a world record for the most successful concert run ever, but he unknowingly set another record that led to his death.
Jackson may be the only human ever to go two months without REM - Rapid Eye Movement - sleep, which is vital to keep the brain and body alive. The 60 nights of propofol infusions Dr. Conrad Murray said he gave Jackson to treat his insomnia is something a sleep expert says no one had ever undergone.
“The symptoms that Mr. Jackson was exhibiting were consistent with what someone might expect to see of someone suffering from total sleep deprivation over a chronic period,” Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert, testified Friday at the wrongful-death trial of concert promoter AEG Live, company that hired Dr. Conrad Murray as Jackson's personal physician.
Propofol disrupts the normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient feeling refreshed as if they had experienced genuine sleep, according to Czeisler.
If the singer had not died on June 25, 2009, of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the lack of REM sleep may have soon taken his life anyway, according Czeisler's testimony Friday.
Jackson morreria certamente devido à falta de sono REM (1ª parte). De acordo com o Dr. Conrad Murray, o tratamento com injeções de propofol já havia sido usado/administrado em humanos e, por isso, foi recomendado a Michael Jackson (2ª parte).
A sentença está:
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I - Software é toda parte lógica do computador. Existem softwares básicos (do fabricante), softwares utilitários (de apoio) e softwares aplicativos (do usuário). O software básico é orientado para a máquina e torna possível a operação e a própria programação do computador. Seus programas destinam-se a realizar tarefas básicas, como: acionar periféricos, gerenciar buffers, mapear memória, manter o relógio e a data etc. Um exemplo de software básico é o sistema operacional.
II - Os circuitos de memória ROM somente permitem leitura, mas perdem o conteúdo quando são desligados. Além disso, as memórias ROM são mais rápidas do que as memórias RAM. A memória RAM é lenta, permite a leitura e a escrita, mas, em compensação, o seu conteúdo não é perdido sempre que é desligada.
III - É na memória RAM que o processador carrega o sistema operacional, os programas e os documentos que estejam abertos para serem processados. Dessa forma, o processador acessa a memória RAM praticamente o tempo todo.
IV - O processador é um dos componentes mais importantes de um computador. É o responsável por executar as instruções que formam os programas. A velocidade de processamento das instruções que formam os programas é inversamente proporcional à execução dos programas.
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