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Q661261 Português
Assinale a opção que aponta corretamente a figura de linguagem presente no trecho abaixo.
Q661260 Português
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma análise correta.
Q661259 Português
Analisando os versos do poema “Retrato”, assinale a opção correta.
Q661258 Português
Sobre os versos acima, é correto afirmar que
Q659479 Física

Uma partícula de massa m e carga elétrica +q é lançada obliquamente com velocidade Imagem associada para resolução da questão numa região R onde existe um campo elétrico uniforme Imagem associada para resolução da questão, vertical, conforme ilustrado na figura abaixo.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Devido à ação deste campo elétrico Imagem associada para resolução da questão e do gravitacional Imagem associada para resolução da questão , enquanto a partícula estiver nessa região R, sua aceleração vetorial

Q659476 Física

Um objeto luminoso é colocado em frente ao orifício de uma câmara escura como mostra a figura abaixo.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Do lado oposto ao orifício é colocado um espelho plano com sua face espelhada voltada para o anteparo translúcido da câmara e paralela a este, de forma que um observador em A possa visualizar a imagem do objeto estabelecida no anteparo pelo espelho. Nessas condições, a configuração que melhor representa a imagem vista pelo observador através do espelho é

Q659472 Física

O diagrama abaixo representa um ciclo realizado por um sistema termodinâmico constituído por n mols de um gás ideal.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Sabendo-se que em cada segundo o sistema realiza 40 ciclos iguais a este, é correto afirmar que a(o)

Q659466 Física

Considere que dois vetores Imagem associada para resolução da questão fazem entre si um ângulo de 60°, quando têm suas origens sobre um ponto em comum. Além disso, considere também, que o módulo de Imagem associada para resolução da questão é duas vezes maior que o de Imagem associada para resolução da questão , ou seja, B = 2A. Sendo o vetor soma Imagem associada para resolução da questão e o vetor diferença Imagem associada para resolução da questão , a razão entre os módulos S/D vale

Q659441 Inglês

                                         Did you know?

                ... some interesting facts about African Wildlife

Four of the five fastest land animals live in Africa – the cheetah (70mph), wildebeest, lion and Thomson’s gazelle (all about 50 mph).


Having a wingspan of only 1/2”, the smallest butterfly in the world is found in South Africa. It is known as the Dwarf Blue Butterfly.


Madagascar is the home of the world’s _________ as well as the _______ chameleons!


The African elephant is the largest living land mammal.

An elephant can weigh up to 6-7 tons and has no natural enemies for he is not a predator and there is no other animal large enough to challenge him.

Did you know elephants drink up to 160 liters of water per day?

An African elephant possesses such “manual” dexterity in his/her trunk tip that he/she can actually turn the pages of a book with it.


The only place are found is in Lake Tanganyika.


Did you know that the tongue of a giraffe can be ______________ 45 cm? Giraffes are 6 ft tall when they are born.


South Africa has a penguin colony, which thrives thanks to the cold Antarctic currents on the west coast near the Cape.

Adapted from Google/ The African Guide


Dexterity – the ability to perform a difficult action quickly with the hands.

Trunk – an elephant’s nose.  

The sentence “…he/she can actually turn the pages of a book with it.” means that an African elephant
Q659440 Inglês

                                         Did you know?

                ... some interesting facts about African Wildlife

Four of the five fastest land animals live in Africa – the cheetah (70mph), wildebeest, lion and Thomson’s gazelle (all about 50 mph).


Having a wingspan of only 1/2”, the smallest butterfly in the world is found in South Africa. It is known as the Dwarf Blue Butterfly.


Madagascar is the home of the world’s _________ as well as the _______ chameleons!


The African elephant is the largest living land mammal.

An elephant can weigh up to 6-7 tons and has no natural enemies for he is not a predator and there is no other animal large enough to challenge him.

Did you know elephants drink up to 160 liters of water per day?

An African elephant possesses such “manual” dexterity in his/her trunk tip that he/she can actually turn the pages of a book with it.


The only place are found is in Lake Tanganyika.


Did you know that the tongue of a giraffe can be ______________ 45 cm? Giraffes are 6 ft tall when they are born.


South Africa has a penguin colony, which thrives thanks to the cold Antarctic currents on the west coast near the Cape.

Adapted from Google/ The African Guide


Dexterity – the ability to perform a difficult action quickly with the hands.

Trunk – an elephant’s nose.  

The sentence “the smallest butterfly in the world is found in South Africa. ” in the Active Voice becomes
Q659439 Inglês

                                         Did you know?

                ... some interesting facts about African Wildlife

Four of the five fastest land animals live in Africa – the cheetah (70mph), wildebeest, lion and Thomson’s gazelle (all about 50 mph).


Having a wingspan of only 1/2”, the smallest butterfly in the world is found in South Africa. It is known as the Dwarf Blue Butterfly.


Madagascar is the home of the world’s _________ as well as the _______ chameleons!


The African elephant is the largest living land mammal.

An elephant can weigh up to 6-7 tons and has no natural enemies for he is not a predator and there is no other animal large enough to challenge him.

Did you know elephants drink up to 160 liters of water per day?

An African elephant possesses such “manual” dexterity in his/her trunk tip that he/she can actually turn the pages of a book with it.


The only place are found is in Lake Tanganyika.


Did you know that the tongue of a giraffe can be ______________ 45 cm? Giraffes are 6 ft tall when they are born.


South Africa has a penguin colony, which thrives thanks to the cold Antarctic currents on the west coast near the Cape.

Adapted from Google/ The African Guide


Dexterity – the ability to perform a difficult action quickly with the hands.

Trunk – an elephant’s nose.  

The statement below shows another information about African wildlife. Read it and then choose the alternative to complete the gap.


The only place _______ are found is in Lake Tanganyika.

Q659437 Inglês

Religion ________ central to people's lives in Africa. Although the majority of Africans are now Muslim or Christian, traditional religions have endured and still play a big role. Religion runs like a thread through daily life, marked by prayers of gratitude in times of plenty and prayers of supplication in times of need. Religion confirms identity on the individual and the group.



Endure – to continue to exist for a long time

Thread – one part connecting with another  

After reading the text, mark the INCORRECT statement about religion in Africa.
Q659436 Inglês

Religion ________ central to people's lives in Africa. Although the majority of Africans are now Muslim or Christian, traditional religions have endured and still play a big role. Religion runs like a thread through daily life, marked by prayers of gratitude in times of plenty and prayers of supplication in times of need. Religion confirms identity on the individual and the group.



Endure – to continue to exist for a long time

Thread – one part connecting with another  

Mark the correct option to complete the passage.

The last sentence of the paragraph means that identity on the individual and the group _______ by religion.

Q659435 Inglês

Religion ________ central to people's lives in Africa. Although the majority of Africans are now Muslim or Christian, traditional religions have endured and still play a big role. Religion runs like a thread through daily life, marked by prayers of gratitude in times of plenty and prayers of supplication in times of need. Religion confirms identity on the individual and the group.



Endure – to continue to exist for a long time

Thread – one part connecting with another  

Mark the alternative that best replaces the word “although” from the second line of the text.
Q659434 Inglês

Religion ________ central to people's lives in Africa. Although the majority of Africans are now Muslim or Christian, traditional religions have endured and still play a big role. Religion runs like a thread through daily life, marked by prayers of gratitude in times of plenty and prayers of supplication in times of need. Religion confirms identity on the individual and the group.



Endure – to continue to exist for a long time

Thread – one part connecting with another  

Mark the alternative that completes the gap from the text correctly.
Q659429 Inglês

South Africa has the second-highest number of HIV/Aids patients in the world. Around one in seven of its citizens is infected with HIV. Free anti-retroviral drugs are available under a state-funded scheme.


The free anti-retroviral drugs
Q659428 Inglês

South Africa has the second-highest number of HIV/Aids patients in the world. Around one in seven of its citizens is infected with HIV. Free anti-retroviral drugs are available under a state-funded scheme.


It’s correct to say that
Q659427 Inglês

Many South Africans remain poor and unemployment is high − a factor blamed for a wave of violent attacks against migrant workers from other African countries in 2008 and protests by township residents over poor living conditions during the summer of 2009.

Land redistribution is a crucial problem that continues existing. Most farmland is still white-owned. ________ land acquisition on a "willing buyer, willing seller" basis, officials have signaled that large-scale expropriations are on the cards. The government aims to transfer 30% of farmland to black South Africans by 2014.


Mark the correct question to the answer below.

“The government aims to transfer 30% of farmland to black South Africans by 2014.”

Q659426 Inglês

Many South Africans remain poor and unemployment is high − a factor blamed for a wave of violent attacks against migrant workers from other African countries in 2008 and protests by township residents over poor living conditions during the summer of 2009.

Land redistribution is a crucial problem that continues existing. Most farmland is still white-owned. ________ land acquisition on a "willing buyer, willing seller" basis, officials have signaled that large-scale expropriations are on the cards. The government aims to transfer 30% of farmland to black South Africans by 2014.


According to the text,
Q659425 Inglês

Many South Africans remain poor and unemployment is high − a factor blamed for a wave of violent attacks against migrant workers from other African countries in 2008 and protests by township residents over poor living conditions during the summer of 2009.

Land redistribution is a crucial problem that continues existing. Most farmland is still white-owned. ________ land acquisition on a "willing buyer, willing seller" basis, officials have signaled that large-scale expropriations are on the cards. The government aims to transfer 30% of farmland to black South Africans by 2014.


Mark the alternative that completes the gap with the correct verbal tense.
301: C
302: B
303: A
304: D
305: C
306: D
307: A
308: A
309: A
310: C
311: B
312: D
313: C
314: D
315: A
316: D
317: B
318: C
319: A
320: D