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Q2169324 Português

Texto 02

Por mais nobre que seja a causa, nunca use a violência como justificativa. Se queremos conquistar um futuro melhor, não podemos usar as mesmas armas que nossos inimigos usam para nos ferir.

Disponível em: Acesso em 23/02/2023

Sobre o texto 02, é CORRETO afirmar que
Q2169320 Português
Texto 01 

Cultivar a amizade

         No Brasil, o ideal da família como fonte de segurança de felicidade permanece forte. Apesar de estar aumentando consideravelmente o número de brasileiros que vivem sozinhos por opção, o valor da vida em família ainda é dominante.

         A escolha de não ter filhos, apesar de cada vez mais frequente, não é totalmente legítima em nossa cultura. As brasileiras que fazem essa escolha ainda são percebidas como desviantes e são muito questionadas sobre as razões de optarem por algo fora do modelo tradicional.

            Uma das principais razões apontadas para a decisão de ter filhos é a necessidade de ter segurança, amparo, apoio e companhia na velhice. As mulheres perguntam para aquelas que optam por não terem filhos: “Mas como vai ser a velhice? Como vai enfrentar uma velhice solitária? Por que não adota ?”

            A imagem do velho sozinho é associada ao abandono, desamparo, fracasso, insegurança. Os filhos são vistos como uma possível proteção contra a velhice solitária e infeliz, uma espécie de seguro contra a velhice desamparada.

GOLDENBERG, Mirian. A Invenção de uma Bela Velhice. Ed. Record. p.85-86. 2021 
Em relação à Pontuação, assinale a alternativa CORRETA. 
Ano: 2023 Banca: PM-MG Órgão: PM-MG Prova: PM-MG - 2023 - PM-MG - Soldado |
Q2156497 Inglês
Em 24 de outubro de 2019, o site httos://www amnesty ora/en/ latest/news/2019/10/qunviolence-report/ publicou depoimentos de mulheres reais, do estado de Louisiana, nos Estados Unidos, que
sofreram violência doméstica.
Do depoimento transcrito a seguir, foram extraídas frases as quais estão apresentadas isoladamente na sequência.
Preencha as lacunas do texto com as frases destacadas e, a seguir, assinale a alternativa que contém a sequência CORRETA na ordem de cima para baixo:

“Angela's story:
In my case, it started as verbal abuse. I'd known my pariner for 20 years and he was a good person. ________________________. After his mum died, he bought several guns including a machete and a shotgun. He became more combative, not only with me but with others and through his social media. I couldn't do anything right.
One evening in early November it turned physical. We were having a conversation and at some point it escalated and I asked him to leave. I walked over to the door, opened it and said we could have the Conversation another day. - ___________________ I managed to yell for our oldest son and he got off of me and left.
We'd broken up, but we were starting to work thin
9S Out again, when one morning we had a disagreement.________________________ I can only remember the last two gunshots. _____________________ - He retumed with my cel! phone and | told him to dial 911. I felt as though I was dying. My legs felt prickly. I didn't realize he'd shot me in the back and I was already paralyzed. (...)
Fonte: httos!/AMww.amnesty.ora/en/latestnews/201 9/10/aun-violence-report/
l. He grabbed me by the hood of my Sweatshirt, threw me out my door and got on top of me and started choking me.
II. was in the bathtub, when he came in and shot me.
lIl. He started changing in 2015.
IV. I look upathim and he Says “Look what you made me do Angie", “You made me shoot you.
Ano: 2023 Banca: PM-MG Órgão: PM-MG Prova: PM-MG - 2023 - PM-MG - Soldado |
Q2156496 Inglês

Leia o trecho da reportagem a seguir e responda o que se pede:


Peru: Parents arrested for sexually abusing baby, selling images

19 May 2021 - Specialized officers across four continents raced to remove the child from harm.


Authorities in Peru have arrested a couple accused of producing sexual abuse material of their two-month old baby, following an international effort to save the child from harm. In early April, specialized investigators in Canada and Australia contacted INTERPOL after identifying a user who was not only sharing abusive images, but also offering to produce additional material in exchange for payment. Investigators worked to gather data on the suspect, who had been active on Darknet forums since 2014. Further analysis showed that the same user had recently sought advice on child and organ trafficking. [...]



Considerando as informações contidas no texto, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

Ano: 2023 Banca: PM-MG Órgão: PM-MG Prova: PM-MG - 2023 - PM-MG - Soldado |
Q2156495 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir e responda o que se pede:


A Serbian volleyball player suspended after making anti-Asian racist gesture during match against Thailan  

A Serbian volleyball player has been suspended for two matches after she was caught on camera stretching her eyelids - a racist gesture used to mock people with Asian heritage -- during an international competition between Serbia and Thailand.

Sanja Djurdjevic violated the sport's disciplinary rules on June 1 while competing in the match in Italy. according to a statement given Tuesday from the FIVB Disciplinary Panel Sub-Committee.

In addition to the suspension, the independent body, which is responsible for imposing disciplinary sanctions within FIVB competitions, fined Serbia's volleyball federation the equivalent of $22,000. According to the panel, the FIVB will donate the money to a cause dedicated to tackling discriminatory behavior and/or to fund educational programs on cultural sensitivity.


Fonte: httos:/

Considerando as informações contidas no texto, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:

191: C
192: C
193: D
194: A
195: B