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Ano: 2023 Banca: IBFC Órgão: PM-PB Prova: IBFC - 2023 - PM-PB - Soldado PM - Combatente |
Q2289321 Português
Texto I
O incendiador de caminhos

       Uma das intervenções a que sou chamado a participar em Moçambique destina-se a combater as chamadas “queimadas descontroladas”. Este combate parece ter todo o fundamento: trata-se de proteger ecossistemas e de conservar espaços úteis e produtivos.
      Contudo, eu receio que seja mais uma das ingratas batalhas sem hipótese de sucesso imediato. Na realidade, nós não entendemos a complexa ecologia do fogo na savana africana. Não entendemos as razões que são anteriores ao fogo. De qualquer modo, não param de me pedir para que fale com os camponeses sobre os malefícios dos incêndios rurais. Devo confessar que nunca fui capaz de cumprir essa incumbência.
      Na realidade, o que tenho feito é tentar descortinar algumas das razões que levam os camponeses a converter os capinzais em chamas. Sabe-se que a agricultura de corte e queimada é uma das principais razões para estas práticas incendiárias. Mas fala-se pouco de um outro culpado que é uma personagem a que chamarei de “homem visitador”. É sobre este “homem visitador” que irei falar neste breve depoimento.
        Na família rural de Moçambique, a divisão de tarefas sugere uma sociedade que faz pesar sobre a mulher a maior parte do trabalho. Os que adoram quantificar as relações sociais publicaram já gráficos e tabelas que demonstram profusamente que, enquanto o homem repousa, a mulher se ocupa o dia inteiro. Mas esse mesmo camponês faz outras coisas que escapam aos contabilistas sociais. Entre as ocupações invisíveis do homem rural sobressai a visitação. Essa atividade é central nas sociedades rurais de Moçambique.
      O homem passa meses do ano prestando visitas aos vizinhos e familiares distantes. As visitas parecem não ter um propósito prático e definido. Quando se pergunta a um desses visitantes qual a finalidade da sua viagem ele responde: “Só venho visitar”. Na realidade, prestar visitas é uma forma de prevenir conflitos e construir bons laços de harmonia que são vitais numa sociedade dispersa e sem mecanismos estatais que garantam estabilidade.
       Os visitadores gastam a maior parte do tempo em rituais de boas-vindas e de despedida. Abrir as portas de um sítio requer entendimentos com os antepassados que são os únicos verdadeiros “donos” de cada um dos lugares. Pois os homens visitadores percorrem a pé distâncias inacreditáveis. À medida que progridem, vão ateando fogo ao capim. A não ser que seja em pleno Inverno, esse capim arde pouco. O fogo espalha-se e desfalece pelas imediações do atalho que os viajantes vão percorrendo. Esse incêndio tem serviços e vantagens diversas que se manifestam claramente no regresso: define um mapa de referências, afasta as cobras e os perigos de emboscadas, facilita o piso e torna o retorno mais fácil e seguro. [...]

(COUTO, Mia. E se Obama fosse africano?. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras. 2011)
Ao longo do texto, a expressão “Na realidade” cumpre papel coesivo e é empregada no 2º, no 3º e no 5º parágrafos. Essa expressão equivale, semanticamente, a: 
Q2280164 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão  

On the surface, there is little to distinguish the Woolf Social Club from any other hipster hangout in Seoul, South Korea. Customers perch on wooden stools at formica tables, tapping on laptops while they sip their coffee. Records and cds line the walls, soft jazz trickles from speakers. On the white wall above the bar, in big black letters, is the statement: “More dignity, less bullshit”.

It is only on closer inspection that you realise this is more than just another coffee shop. On the mugs are cartoon drawings of Virginia Woolf, an angry wolf roaring from her shirt. A bookshelf contains South Korean feminist novels and works of self-help (titles include “Lessons on Being Unmarried”) alongside “The Second Sex” by Simone de Beauvoir and “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood. On the wall is a poster for an exhibition of feminist art at a nearby gallery.

“I wanted a space for like-minded women to meet and talk,” says Kim Jina, a 47-year-old former advertising executive and politician who founded the café six years ago. Kim was inspired by Woolf’s dictum that in order to write fiction, a woman needed “five hundred [pounds] a year and a room with a lock on the door”. That is, financial independence and a place to think. The café’s casual vibe is deliberate: she wanted to avoid creating barriers to entry for women who were merely curious, rather than fully committed to the movement. Besides, she adds, “If I limited myself to feminist customers, I could never make a living.” 

South Korea, even its trendy capital, is a difficult place to be a woman. The wage gap between the sexes is the highest in the rich world. Traditional expectations about gender roles, beauty standards and the way women should conduct themselves remain pervasive. “Misogyny surrounds you so naturally that you barely even notice it,” says Kim. “I had no role models, so my idea of how a successful woman should be came straight from ‘Sex and the City’.” For much of her 20s and 30s, she spent most of her money on make-up and expensive handbags, partying every weekend and dreaming about meeting her version of Mr Big, the rich, smooth-talking love interest of the show’s main character, Carrie.

“I never worried about misogyny because I thought being sexually attractive was a form of power,” says Kim. “But eventually I realised that men with real power don’t wear make-up and expensive dresses.” Her epiphany came when she was passed over for promotion in favour of a male colleague. “My boss said, ‘He needs it more than you because he has a wife and a child to take care of,’ and I realised that I had been wrong to think that all I needed to do was work hard and be good at my job.” 

Kim’s burgeoning feminism crystallised in the summer of 2016, after a woman was murdered in a public toilet in an upmarket part of Seoul. The killer initially claimed that he had done it because he had been ignored by women. “I lived right around the corner, and I thought: that could have been me,” says Kim. Like many other women, she was upset by media coverage that ignored the misogynist motives for his crime and blamed it entirely on his mental-health problems.

The murder prompted South Korean women to come together, initially in online communities, and discuss how to fight back against sexism. Then they took to the streets. In 2018 there was a series of protests against the widespread practice of recording illegal footage of women by hiding small cameras in public toilets or changing rooms.

Kim founded the Woolf Social Club in 2017. “I thought, we talk to each other on the internet, but it would be good to have a physical space in which to do that,” she says. “If you walk around Seoul, you see all these cafés aimed at couples, where women look pretty and lower their voices. I wanted a space where they could raise them.”

[Fonte: Lena Schipper. “Virginia Woolf is inspiring South Korean feminists”. In: The Economist, 09/05/2022,<>. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 27/08/2023.]

Dentre as razões expostas no texto sobre as dificuldades encontradas pelas mulheres coreanas, são corretas as afirmações, EXCETO: 
Q2280163 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão  

On the surface, there is little to distinguish the Woolf Social Club from any other hipster hangout in Seoul, South Korea. Customers perch on wooden stools at formica tables, tapping on laptops while they sip their coffee. Records and cds line the walls, soft jazz trickles from speakers. On the white wall above the bar, in big black letters, is the statement: “More dignity, less bullshit”.

It is only on closer inspection that you realise this is more than just another coffee shop. On the mugs are cartoon drawings of Virginia Woolf, an angry wolf roaring from her shirt. A bookshelf contains South Korean feminist novels and works of self-help (titles include “Lessons on Being Unmarried”) alongside “The Second Sex” by Simone de Beauvoir and “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood. On the wall is a poster for an exhibition of feminist art at a nearby gallery.

“I wanted a space for like-minded women to meet and talk,” says Kim Jina, a 47-year-old former advertising executive and politician who founded the café six years ago. Kim was inspired by Woolf’s dictum that in order to write fiction, a woman needed “five hundred [pounds] a year and a room with a lock on the door”. That is, financial independence and a place to think. The café’s casual vibe is deliberate: she wanted to avoid creating barriers to entry for women who were merely curious, rather than fully committed to the movement. Besides, she adds, “If I limited myself to feminist customers, I could never make a living.” 

South Korea, even its trendy capital, is a difficult place to be a woman. The wage gap between the sexes is the highest in the rich world. Traditional expectations about gender roles, beauty standards and the way women should conduct themselves remain pervasive. “Misogyny surrounds you so naturally that you barely even notice it,” says Kim. “I had no role models, so my idea of how a successful woman should be came straight from ‘Sex and the City’.” For much of her 20s and 30s, she spent most of her money on make-up and expensive handbags, partying every weekend and dreaming about meeting her version of Mr Big, the rich, smooth-talking love interest of the show’s main character, Carrie.

“I never worried about misogyny because I thought being sexually attractive was a form of power,” says Kim. “But eventually I realised that men with real power don’t wear make-up and expensive dresses.” Her epiphany came when she was passed over for promotion in favour of a male colleague. “My boss said, ‘He needs it more than you because he has a wife and a child to take care of,’ and I realised that I had been wrong to think that all I needed to do was work hard and be good at my job.” 

Kim’s burgeoning feminism crystallised in the summer of 2016, after a woman was murdered in a public toilet in an upmarket part of Seoul. The killer initially claimed that he had done it because he had been ignored by women. “I lived right around the corner, and I thought: that could have been me,” says Kim. Like many other women, she was upset by media coverage that ignored the misogynist motives for his crime and blamed it entirely on his mental-health problems.

The murder prompted South Korean women to come together, initially in online communities, and discuss how to fight back against sexism. Then they took to the streets. In 2018 there was a series of protests against the widespread practice of recording illegal footage of women by hiding small cameras in public toilets or changing rooms.

Kim founded the Woolf Social Club in 2017. “I thought, we talk to each other on the internet, but it would be good to have a physical space in which to do that,” she says. “If you walk around Seoul, you see all these cafés aimed at couples, where women look pretty and lower their voices. I wanted a space where they could raise them.”

[Fonte: Lena Schipper. “Virginia Woolf is inspiring South Korean feminists”. In: The Economist, 09/05/2022,<>. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 27/08/2023.]

In the excerpt from the third paragraph “I wanted a space for like-minded women to meet and talk,” the underlined term expresses an idea of:
Ano: 2023 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: EsFCEx Prova: VUNESP - 2023 - EsFCEx - Oficial - Direito |
Q2263464 Português
ChatGPT ajuda a criar roteiro criativo de viagem

         Planejar uma viagem pode ser uma tarefa desafiadora. Os guias, por sua natureza, mandam todos os leitores para os mesmos destinos. E as pesquisas na web podem ter como resultado dados confusos e inúteis. Mas, alguns viajantes que são fãs de tecnologia estão tendo sucesso recorrendo aos chatbots de inteligência artificial, como o ChatGPT e o Bard, para se inspirar e planejar as férias, tratando esses serviços como agentes de viagens gratuitos e sob demanda.
       Alpa Patel, uma viajante ávida que vive na cidade de Nova Iorque, gostou da ideia de usar o ChatGPT porque ele oferece uma lista muito clara às pessoas. Ela está planejando uma viagem com a família para Edimburgo, na Escócia, no verão. Depois de ficar frustrada com a mesmice de sempre dos sites de viagens que aparecem no Google, Alpa teve uma ideia: que tal pedir alguns conselhos ao ChatGPT?
      Ela perguntou de forma bem específica pelos passeios de um dia, adequados quando se tem um filho que enjoa ao andar de carro. Portanto, ela achava que não seria viável passar horas dentro de um carro para chegar a seu destino. Em resposta, o ChatGPT sugeriu a ela algumas opções nas quais ela poderia deslocar-se de trem.

(Disponível em: estadã Acesso em: 26.06.2023. Adaptado)
O elemento de sequenciação e coesão textual – Portanto –, em destaque no terceiro parágrafo, está em coordenação com o enunciado anterior expressando relação de sentido de
Q2262352 Português
Interpretando-se a tira, é correto concluir que o efeito de sentido nela produzido revela-se
26: C
27: A
28: C
29: E
30: E