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Q2469267 Português
Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao que se afirma sobre formação de palavras.  
Q2469266 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que o termo em destaque não poderá ser transformado em agente da passiva, considerando-se a possibilidade de a frase ser escrita em voz passiva. 
Q2469265 Português
Marque a alternativa cujos vocábulos apresentam a seguinte ordem de classificação quanto à tonicidade: oxítona, paroxítona e proparoxítona. 
Q2469264 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que se verifica a mesma figura de linguagem presente em O primeiro efeito dessa lei antifumo radical e cheia de furos, não foi apagar os cigarros, mas acender uma grande polêmica. (Ventura) 
Q2469262 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que o adjetivo em destaque não possui uma locução adjetiva correspondente.  
Q2469261 Português

(…) eu vinha a pé, ela veio galopando a cavalo (…). E saltou, me chamando pelo nome, conversou comigo. Séria, como se eu fosse um rapaz mais velho do que ela, um homem como os de sua roda, com calças de palm-beach, relógio de pulso. Perguntou coisas sobre peixes; fiquei com vergonha de não saber quase nada, não sabia os nomes dos peixes que ela dizia, deviam ser peixes de outros lugares mais importantes, com certeza mais bonitos. Perguntou se a gente comia aqueles cocos dos coqueirinhos junto da praia – e falou de minha irmã, que conhecera, quis saber se era verdade que eu nadara desde a ponta do Boi até perto da lagoa. (…) De repente me fulminou: “Por que você não gosta de mim? Você me trata sempre de um modo esquisito…” (Rubem Braga)

      Assinale a alternativa que traz a correta informação sobre os tipos de discurso presentes ao texto. 
Q2469259 Português
Assinale a alternativa que não contém oração subordinada adjetiva.  
Q2469258 Português
Relacione as colunas quanto aos termos em destaque nas orações. Em seguida, assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta. 

1 – Aposto

2 – Objeto direto 
3 – Objeto indireto 
4 – Complemento Nominal 

( ) Manteve uma vontade saudosa, por dias e dias, de sua presença

( ) Amigos ou parentes, ninguém soube dele.

( ) De ti o homem falou qualidades infindáveis. 

( ) Os olhos tristes da fotografia não desculpavam a ti, que fingias não saber. 

Q2469256 Português

I- “Ele tem ao pé da porta/ Uma rasgada janela,/ É da sala aonde assiste/ A minha Marília bela” (Tomás Antônio Gonzaga)

II- “É a vaidade, Fábio, nesta vida,/ Rosa que da manhã lisonjeada/ (...)/ Airosa rompe, arrasta presumida” (Gregório de Matos)

III- “Vem, ó Marília, vem lograr comigo/ Destes alegres campos a beleza,/ Destas copadas árvores o abrigo.” (Bocage)

IV- “Eis Bocage, em quem luz algum talento/ saíram dele mesmo estas verdades/ num dia em que se achou mais pachorrento.” (Bocage)

Há predicado verbo-nominal em  
Q2469253 Português
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta outra forma de se fazer a oração de voz passiva contida no período que segue, sem se alterar os termos sintáticos nela presentes: A civilização pós-moderna culminou em um progresso inegável, que não foi percebido antecipadamente, em sua inteireza.
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463490 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Equity in the
Forest Management and Fire Prevention Program in Brazil

     Women make up more than half of Brazil’s population and account for 47 million (~50%) of the labor market. Despite these numbers, women are still underrepresented in many sectors: they occupy 37% of leadership positions in private companies; only 15% and 13%, respectively, are federal Representatives and Senators; and only 12% of cities have women as mayors. The fewer women there are in leadership positions and in politics, the lower the representation and scope of their interests and needs.
    Coupled with that, men’s wages are, on average, 24% higher than women’s who hold the same position. Furthermore, Brazilian women dedicate, on average, 10.4 hours/week more than men to household chores and caring for family members (for example, children and the elderly), a type of work characterized as “domestic” and unpaid. As a result, women dedicate less time to professional improvement relative to men. The fewer women in mixed gender work teams, the less likely women are to excel in their roles and positions.
     In Integrated Fire Management (IFM), women face similar challenges, whether in coordination roles or technical and operational ones. In Brazil, specifically, Solis and colleagues1 identified that there are no regulations or guidelines that promote multiculturalism and gender equity in the processes of hiring forest fire brigades. Although gender equity in IFM is recognized, in Brazil this debate is still informal and poorly documented.

1 Solis I, Vera J, Aguado RC, et al. Diagnóstico de Manejo do Fogo no Brasil. Brasília, Brasil, 2021.

Adapted from
The structure of the sentence “whether in coordination roles or technical and operational ones” (3rd paragraph) signals a(n):
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463489 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Equity in the
Forest Management and Fire Prevention Program in Brazil

     Women make up more than half of Brazil’s population and account for 47 million (~50%) of the labor market. Despite these numbers, women are still underrepresented in many sectors: they occupy 37% of leadership positions in private companies; only 15% and 13%, respectively, are federal Representatives and Senators; and only 12% of cities have women as mayors. The fewer women there are in leadership positions and in politics, the lower the representation and scope of their interests and needs.
    Coupled with that, men’s wages are, on average, 24% higher than women’s who hold the same position. Furthermore, Brazilian women dedicate, on average, 10.4 hours/week more than men to household chores and caring for family members (for example, children and the elderly), a type of work characterized as “domestic” and unpaid. As a result, women dedicate less time to professional improvement relative to men. The fewer women in mixed gender work teams, the less likely women are to excel in their roles and positions.
     In Integrated Fire Management (IFM), women face similar challenges, whether in coordination roles or technical and operational ones. In Brazil, specifically, Solis and colleagues1 identified that there are no regulations or guidelines that promote multiculturalism and gender equity in the processes of hiring forest fire brigades. Although gender equity in IFM is recognized, in Brazil this debate is still informal and poorly documented.

1 Solis I, Vera J, Aguado RC, et al. Diagnóstico de Manejo do Fogo no Brasil. Brasília, Brasil, 2021.

Adapted from
“Furthermore” in “Furthermore, Brazilian women dedicate, on average, 10.4 hours/week” (2nd paragraph) can be replaced without significant change in meaning by
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463487 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Equity in the
Forest Management and Fire Prevention Program in Brazil

     Women make up more than half of Brazil’s population and account for 47 million (~50%) of the labor market. Despite these numbers, women are still underrepresented in many sectors: they occupy 37% of leadership positions in private companies; only 15% and 13%, respectively, are federal Representatives and Senators; and only 12% of cities have women as mayors. The fewer women there are in leadership positions and in politics, the lower the representation and scope of their interests and needs.
    Coupled with that, men’s wages are, on average, 24% higher than women’s who hold the same position. Furthermore, Brazilian women dedicate, on average, 10.4 hours/week more than men to household chores and caring for family members (for example, children and the elderly), a type of work characterized as “domestic” and unpaid. As a result, women dedicate less time to professional improvement relative to men. The fewer women in mixed gender work teams, the less likely women are to excel in their roles and positions.
     In Integrated Fire Management (IFM), women face similar challenges, whether in coordination roles or technical and operational ones. In Brazil, specifically, Solis and colleagues1 identified that there are no regulations or guidelines that promote multiculturalism and gender equity in the processes of hiring forest fire brigades. Although gender equity in IFM is recognized, in Brazil this debate is still informal and poorly documented.

1 Solis I, Vera J, Aguado RC, et al. Diagnóstico de Manejo do Fogo no Brasil. Brasília, Brasil, 2021.

Adapted from
Analyse the assertions below based on Text II:

I. Most political positions in Brazil are today taken up by women.
II. Housework is one of the factors that may prevent women from getting better qualification.
III. Brazil has contributed with extensive evidence for the debate on gender equity in fire management.

Choose the correct answer:
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463486 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it

Text I
Impact of Climate Change on Firefighting Extends Beyond Wildfires

     Global warming is often mentioned as a factor in the accelerating frequency and intensity of wildfires. However, there are other consequences of global warming that impact the fire service, including new hazards and medical emergencies, emerging training challenges, population migration, and technology developments.
    Climate change is often discussed as a future event. However, the impact of wildfires is just the most obvious example of how climate change is already impacting the world, and fire and emergency personnel will be called on to mitigate the effects.
    The most obvious and extreme impact of global warming can be seen in the increase of frequency and intensity of wildfires. Hotter and drier weather is extending the wildfire season (maybe to become year-round?). Higher temperatures, low humidity, less rainfall, and high wind increase the likelihood of wildfires.

Adapted from:
To “increase the likelihood” (3rd paragraph) means to raise the
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463482 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it

Text I
Impact of Climate Change on Firefighting Extends Beyond Wildfires

     Global warming is often mentioned as a factor in the accelerating frequency and intensity of wildfires. However, there are other consequences of global warming that impact the fire service, including new hazards and medical emergencies, emerging training challenges, population migration, and technology developments.
    Climate change is often discussed as a future event. However, the impact of wildfires is just the most obvious example of how climate change is already impacting the world, and fire and emergency personnel will be called on to mitigate the effects.
    The most obvious and extreme impact of global warming can be seen in the increase of frequency and intensity of wildfires. Hotter and drier weather is extending the wildfire season (maybe to become year-round?). Higher temperatures, low humidity, less rainfall, and high wind increase the likelihood of wildfires.

Adapted from:
Based on Text I, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

I. The effects of climate change exclude wildfires.
II. Global warming is not a current problem.
III. The number of wildfires has been on the rise.

The statements are, respectively,
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463481 Literatura
Observe o seguinte texto:

Lembrou-lhe de repente a notícia do jornal, a chegada do primo Basílio... Um sorriso vagaroso dilatou-lhe os beicinhos vermelhos e cheios. — Fora o seu primeiro namoro, o primo Basílio! Tinha ela então dezoito anos! Ninguém o sabia, nem Jorge, nem Sebastião... De resto fora uma criancice; ela mesma, às vezes, ria, recordando as pieguices ternas de então, certas lágrimas exageradas! Devia estar mudado o primo Basílio. Lembrava-se bem dele — alto, delgado, um ar fidalgo, o pequenino bigode preto levantado, o olhar atrevido, e um jeito de meter as mãos nos bolsos das calças fazendo tilintar o dinheiro e as chaves! Aquilo começara em Sintra, por grandes partidas de bilhar muito alegres, na quinta do tio João de Brito, em Colares. Basílio tinha chegado então da Inglaterra: vinha muito bife, usava gravatas escarlates passadas num anel de ouro, fatos de flanela branca, espantava Sintra!
O trecho acima é retirado do romance de Eça de Queiroz, intitulado O Primo Basílio.

Sobre esse romance, assinale a afirmativa verdadeira. 
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463480 Literatura
Os Lusíadas são a grande obra do Classicismo português.
Assinale a afirmação correta sobre essa obra.
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463479 Literatura
“Minha terra tem palmeiras / Onde canta o sabiá / As aves que aqui gorjeiam / Não gorjeiam como lá”
Assinale a afirmação inadequada em relação a esses conhecidíssimos versos. 
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463477 Português
Assinale a frase que mostra o acento grave indicativo da crase em um contexto em que seu uso é optativo.
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463476 Português
Os adjetivos podem representar estados, qualidades, características e relações; assinale a frase abaixo que mostra um tipo de adjetivo diferente dos demais.
101: B
102: B
103: C
104: D
105: B
106: C
107: B
108: C
109: C
110: D
111: B
112: A
113: B
114: E
115: E
116: B
117: A
118: E
119: C
120: B