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Q616985 Inglês
Children experience basic training and mock deployment

    The 460th Force Support Squadron (FSS) hosted the 6th Annual Operation Future Forces (OFF) Sept. 13, 2014, at Camp Rattlesnake. OFF allows children ages 8-18 to experience what military members endure from basic training to technical school to a mock deployment, ending with a homecoming party.
  “The youth mock deployment was developed to alleviate many of the stresses commonly experienced by young family members when one or both parents are deployed,” said Thomas Cox, 460th FSS youth program chief. “Everything from basic training, tech schools, camp activities and accomplishing their mission as a team made the event a one of a kind opportunity for military kids.”
   A few of the boys had their heads shaved before heading off to “Basic Military Training.” The training consisted of doing push-ups and sit-ups, jumping through hula-hoops and running through an inflatable castle. They were also taught how to stand at attention, salute and do an about-face.
    After basic training, each child attended “technical school” and was taught a specific Air Force Specialty Code to help them in their mock deployment. Some children were taught lifesaving self-aid and buddy care skills while others learned about the importance of radio communications while on a deployment.
   The tech-school graduates were then issued water pistols before heading out. During their deployment, the children encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a water-balloon fight and injured allies who needed help along the way.
   At the end of a long day, loved ones waited outside the youth center on base with homemade signs welcoming the “troops” back home.
   “This event was great,” said Senior Airman Jasmine Madison, 460th FSS Force Support Force Management technician. “It’s a way for kids to get a hands-on understanding of what their parents do when they are separated from them during deployments.”

Adapted from
According to the text, what is a mock deployment ?
Q616984 Inglês
Frequently Asked Questions – Instagram

   What is Instagram?
   It's an application for your mobile phone that enables you to edit pictures you have taken with your mobile phone camera using built-in filters and share them with others. If you have an Instagram account you can tag pictures, rate and comment on other people's pictures and follow other users.
   How much is your app?
   Where does the name come from?
   When we were kids we loved playing around with cameras. We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as “instant" - something we take for granted today. We also felt that the snapshots people were taking were like telegrams in that they got sent over the wire to others - so we figured why not combine the two?
   How did the idea come about?
  We love taking photos. We always assumed taking interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and better, we decided to challenge that assumption. We created Instagram to solve three simple problems:
  - Mobile photos always come out looking mediocre. Our awesome looking filters transform your photos into professional-looking snapshots.
  - Sharing on multiple platforms is a pain - we help you take a picture once, then share it (instantly) on multiple services.
  - Most uploading experiences are clumsy and take forever - we've optimized the experience to be fast and efficient.
   How does privacy work?
 We have adopted a follower model that means if you're “public" on Instagram, anyone can subscribe to follow your photos. We do, however, have a special private option. In this mode, a user can make sure he/she must approve all follow requests before they go through.
   Who can see my photos?
   All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone who has an account. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos.

Adapted from
Which words are synonyms for photos in the text?
Q616983 Inglês
Frequently Asked Questions – Instagram

   What is Instagram?
   It's an application for your mobile phone that enables you to edit pictures you have taken with your mobile phone camera using built-in filters and share them with others. If you have an Instagram account you can tag pictures, rate and comment on other people's pictures and follow other users.
   How much is your app?
   Where does the name come from?
   When we were kids we loved playing around with cameras. We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as “instant" - something we take for granted today. We also felt that the snapshots people were taking were like telegrams in that they got sent over the wire to others - so we figured why not combine the two?
   How did the idea come about?
  We love taking photos. We always assumed taking interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and better, we decided to challenge that assumption. We created Instagram to solve three simple problems:
  - Mobile photos always come out looking mediocre. Our awesome looking filters transform your photos into professional-looking snapshots.
  - Sharing on multiple platforms is a pain - we help you take a picture once, then share it (instantly) on multiple services.
  - Most uploading experiences are clumsy and take forever - we've optimized the experience to be fast and efficient.
   How does privacy work?
 We have adopted a follower model that means if you're “public" on Instagram, anyone can subscribe to follow your photos. We do, however, have a special private option. In this mode, a user can make sure he/she must approve all follow requests before they go through.
   Who can see my photos?
   All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone who has an account. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos.

Adapted from
In the sentence “We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as “instant" - something we take for granted today." (question 3), the expression something we take for granted means
Q616982 Inglês
Frequently Asked Questions – Instagram

   What is Instagram?
   It's an application for your mobile phone that enables you to edit pictures you have taken with your mobile phone camera using built-in filters and share them with others. If you have an Instagram account you can tag pictures, rate and comment on other people's pictures and follow other users.
   How much is your app?
   Where does the name come from?
   When we were kids we loved playing around with cameras. We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as “instant" - something we take for granted today. We also felt that the snapshots people were taking were like telegrams in that they got sent over the wire to others - so we figured why not combine the two?
   How did the idea come about?
  We love taking photos. We always assumed taking interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and better, we decided to challenge that assumption. We created Instagram to solve three simple problems:
  - Mobile photos always come out looking mediocre. Our awesome looking filters transform your photos into professional-looking snapshots.
  - Sharing on multiple platforms is a pain - we help you take a picture once, then share it (instantly) on multiple services.
  - Most uploading experiences are clumsy and take forever - we've optimized the experience to be fast and efficient.
   How does privacy work?
 We have adopted a follower model that means if you're “public" on Instagram, anyone can subscribe to follow your photos. We do, however, have a special private option. In this mode, a user can make sure he/she must approve all follow requests before they go through.
   Who can see my photos?
   All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone who has an account. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos.

Adapted from

According to the text, read the statements and choose the correct alternative.

I - The user is able to control who is going to be a follower. II - Anyone can see your pictures when you use the private mode.

III - The name Instagram comes from instant + telegram.

IV - Creators of Instagram think that all mobile pictures look good.

V - The application software is available for free.

VI - You can post your Instagram photos directly to other social platforms.

Q616981 Inglês
Chapter 1 - Madras 1986

   “He knows too much. I must ask you to do nothing.”
  “But this time I caught him in the act. I have proof, witnesses, everything. There is no possible doubt.”
   “I said he knows too much! The company can’t afford to have any problems. Our position is very sensitive in this country. We can’t afford to take risks. I am telling you once again – you will do nothing. And if there is any trouble, I’m afraid I shall have to hold you personally responsible. So be sensible for once in your life.”
   “I see. So you are telling me to close my eyes to corruption and behave as if nothing has happened. Is that right?”
    “I didn’t put it quite like that. But, if you insist, yes. What Vish does or doesn’t do is a minor matter compared with the company’s global strategy. Just try to get things in perspective. After all, you won’t be stuck in Madras for ever – I’ll make sure that you are not. So just go with the flow for a bit longer. When you’re in your next post this will all seem a very long way away, I can assure you. But meantime, no trouble. I hope I’ve made myself clear. Oh, and, by the way, I advise you to forget that we have had this conversation. Goodbye.”
    Dick Sterling put the phone down. His hands were trembling. He was furious with himself for failing to persuade his boss in Delhi, Keith Lennox, to support him, and was disgusted at the mixture of veiled threats and vague promises Lennox had made.

Adapted from MALEY, Alan. He knows too much. Cambridge University Press, 1999. p.6
According to the text, Keith Lennox and Dick Sterling are
Q616980 Inglês
Chapter 1 - Madras 1986

   “He knows too much. I must ask you to do nothing.”
  “But this time I caught him in the act. I have proof, witnesses, everything. There is no possible doubt.”
   “I said he knows too much! The company can’t afford to have any problems. Our position is very sensitive in this country. We can’t afford to take risks. I am telling you once again – you will do nothing. And if there is any trouble, I’m afraid I shall have to hold you personally responsible. So be sensible for once in your life.”
   “I see. So you are telling me to close my eyes to corruption and behave as if nothing has happened. Is that right?”
    “I didn’t put it quite like that. But, if you insist, yes. What Vish does or doesn’t do is a minor matter compared with the company’s global strategy. Just try to get things in perspective. After all, you won’t be stuck in Madras for ever – I’ll make sure that you are not. So just go with the flow for a bit longer. When you’re in your next post this will all seem a very long way away, I can assure you. But meantime, no trouble. I hope I’ve made myself clear. Oh, and, by the way, I advise you to forget that we have had this conversation. Goodbye.”
    Dick Sterling put the phone down. His hands were trembling. He was furious with himself for failing to persuade his boss in Delhi, Keith Lennox, to support him, and was disgusted at the mixture of veiled threats and vague promises Lennox had made.

Adapted from MALEY, Alan. He knows too much. Cambridge University Press, 1999. p.6
The sentence “So just go with the flow for a bit longer." (paragraph 5), the expression go with the flow means
Q616979 Inglês
Chapter 1 - Madras 1986

   “He knows too much. I must ask you to do nothing.”
  “But this time I caught him in the act. I have proof, witnesses, everything. There is no possible doubt.”
   “I said he knows too much! The company can’t afford to have any problems. Our position is very sensitive in this country. We can’t afford to take risks. I am telling you once again – you will do nothing. And if there is any trouble, I’m afraid I shall have to hold you personally responsible. So be sensible for once in your life.”
   “I see. So you are telling me to close my eyes to corruption and behave as if nothing has happened. Is that right?”
    “I didn’t put it quite like that. But, if you insist, yes. What Vish does or doesn’t do is a minor matter compared with the company’s global strategy. Just try to get things in perspective. After all, you won’t be stuck in Madras for ever – I’ll make sure that you are not. So just go with the flow for a bit longer. When you’re in your next post this will all seem a very long way away, I can assure you. But meantime, no trouble. I hope I’ve made myself clear. Oh, and, by the way, I advise you to forget that we have had this conversation. Goodbye.”
    Dick Sterling put the phone down. His hands were trembling. He was furious with himself for failing to persuade his boss in Delhi, Keith Lennox, to support him, and was disgusted at the mixture of veiled threats and vague promises Lennox had made.

Adapted from MALEY, Alan. He knows too much. Cambridge University Press, 1999. p.6
In the sentences “Our position is very sensitive in this country." and “So be sensible for once in your life." (paragraph 3), sensitive and sensible mean respectively
Q616978 História
  No fim do Século XVIII, era grande a insatisfação com a carestia e a opressão colonial. A isso se somava a simpatia que muitas pessoas demonstravam em relação às lutas pela emancipação do Haiti (1791-1804) e à Revolução Francesa (1789). Para difundir esta ideia fundou-se a loja maçônica Cavaleiros da Luz.
  Em agosto de 1798, alguns conspiradores afixaram em muros e postes da cidade manifestos exortando a população à revolução. Os panfletos pregavam a proclamação da República, a abolição da escravidão, melhores soldos para os militares, promoção de oficiais, liberdade de comércio, etc.
  Denunciado por um traidor, o movimento foi esfacelado. Alguns participantes foram presos, outros fugiram e quatro foram condenados à morte: Luís Gonzaga das Virgens, Lucas Dantas de Amorim Torres, João de Deus do Nascimento e Manuel Faustino dos Santos. (adaptado de ARRUDA & PILETTI, p.351)
O texto acima descreve, em parte, a
Q616977 História
Em 1985, toma posse na Presidência da República o Sr. José Sarney. Com o objetivo de ganhar apoio popular e se firmar no poder, implantou, no início de seu mandato, o Plano Cruzado, que, entre outras medidas, estabelecia
Q616976 História
Acreditando que somente através da renúncia aos desejos e às necessidades mundiais ele iria ao encontro da verdade espiritual, limitou suas posses ao essencial. Dentre os seus poucos pertences pessoais, conservava um exemplar do Bhagavad Gita, texto sagrado para os hindus. Violência e excessos eram igualmente repugnantes para ele. (Adaptado de A Sombra dos Ditadores. São Paulo, Abril Livros, 1992. p. 113. Coleção Time-Life, In COTRIM, 2007)
O texto acima descreve parte do temperamento de
Q616975 História
    No período compreendido entre o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial e o início da década de 1980, a União Soviética se consolidou como uma superpotência, polarizando com os Estados Unidos da América a disputa pela hegemonia mundial. (AZEVEDO e SERIACOPI, 2013).    Dentro do bloco comunista a insatisfação aumentava cada vez mais, sobretudo nos países do Leste Europeu. Na Polônia , operários do estaleiro de Gdansk organizaram o sindicato Solidariedade, liderados por Lech Walesa.
Sobre o sindicato Solidariedade, no período assinalado, podemos afirmar que
Q616974 História
Os fragmentos de texto abaixo foram extraídos de VICENTINO e DORIGO (2011) e se referem à Igreja Medieval.

I - Pouco a pouco, a Igreja foi “se transformando na maior proprietária de terras da Idade Média e construindo fortes vínculos com a estrutura feudal" .

II - Viviam afastados das tentações do mundo por meio do isolamento em abadias e de votos de castidade, pobreza e silêncio. Com o tempo, num mundo em que uma restrita minoria era alfabetizada, as igrejas, os mosteiros e as abadias converteram-se nos principais centros da cultura letrada.

III - Viviam apegados aos bens materiais e em contacto com a sociedade, a terra, a administração e a exploração das riquezas.

IV - A proibição de casamento rigorosamente aplicada a partir do Século XI liberava os padres dos compromissos conjugais e contribuía, além disso, para a mautenção do patrimônio eclesiástico feudal, ao evitar a divisão entre possíveis herdeiros dos membros do clero.
Os fragmentos I, II, III e IV referem-se, respectivamente, ao
Q616973 História
  As viagens mercantis e os descobrimentos de rotas marítimas e de terras além-mar ocorridas no que conhecemos por expansão europeia, mudou o mundo conhecido até então.  Foram etapas na conquista dos novos caminhos, rotas e descobrimentos os seguintes eventos: 1. Bartolomeu Dias atingiu a extremidade sul do continente africano, nomeando-a de Cabo das Tormentas. 2. Fernão de Magalhães, português, deu início à primeira viagem ao redor da Terra. 3. Pedro Álvares Cabral descobriu o Brasil. 4. Conquista de Ceuta pelos portugueses. 5. Cristóvão Colombo descobriu o que julgou ser o caminho para as Índias, mas na verdade havia aportado em terras desconhecidas.
A sequência cronológica correta dos fatos listados é
Q616972 História
Os últimos anos do século X foram marcados, na Europa Ocidental, pela diminuição das invasões bárbaras e pela queda da mortandade por epidemias. Tais fatos geraram estabilidade e crescimento demográfico. A partir do século XI, o continente experimentaria profundas transformações que levariam ao que se conhece como Renascimento Comercial.
Com relação ao acima exposto, é correto afirmar que
Q616971 História
Com relação às Reformas Religiosas ocorridas na Europa no século XVI, podemos afirmar que
Q616970 História
O movimento intelectual conhecido como Iluminismo ocorreu no século XVIII. Leia as informações abaixo.
I- O pensamento político e econômico dos iluministas correspondia aos anseios da burguesia e ambos se opunham ao Positivismo. II- O período ficou conhecido como o Século das Luzes. III- O Iluminismo combateu o absolutismo monárquico, o mercantilismo e o poder da Igreja. IV- O Iluminismo encontrou forte resistência entre os adeptos do liberalismo.
Estão corretas
Q616969 História
Pedro I abdicou do trono, em 1831, em favor de seu filho Pedro de Alcântara, iniciando-se no Brasil o Período Regencial. A partir de 1840 e durante todo o período imperial, a vida política do País passou a ser dominada pelos
Q616968 História
Observe as ideias de três pensadores da Idade Moderna.

Adam Smith (escocês), em sua obra A riqueza das nações, afirmava que a única fonte de riqueza era o trabalho, e não a terra.

– A ideia central da doutrina de Karl Marx (alemão) é que a “história das sociedades humanas é a história da luta de classes".

Thomas Malthus (inglês), em sua obra Ensaio sobre o princípio da população, escreveu que a natureza impõe limites ao progresso material, já que a população cresce em progressão geométrica, enquanto a produção de alimentos aumenta em progressão aritmética.
Pode-se afirmar que
Q616967 História
Leia as afirmações abaixo referentes à colonização das Américas e assinale a única alternativa correta.

I – Os primeiros colonos tinham diversas origens e condições sociais: degredados, mulheres para serem leiloadas como esposas, órfãos, camponeses sem terra, grupos religiosos fugidos da perseguição de que eram vítimas na Europa.
II – O modelo de colonização consistia em conceder a um colono o direito de escravizar certo número de indígenas para fazê-los trabalhar na exploração de ouro, na agricultura ou em serviços domésticos.
III – Houve preferência, desde cedo, à produção agrícola de larga aceitação na Europa, como o fumo, o algodão e o anil, em grandes propriedades monocultoras e com utilização de mão de obra escrava.
IV – Era ideia entre boa parte dos colonos a visão de Calvino, para quem o ócio é pecado e enriquecer trabalhando é indício de que o indivíduo seria salvo.
V – Nos primeiros contatos, os astecas pensaram que os colonizadores eram deuses e os presentearam com ouro.
VI – Os colonos viam o trabalho como coisa para etnias consideradas inferiores.
Pode-se afirmar que
Q616966 Geografia
O relevo é o resultado da atuação de forças de origem interna e externa, as quais determinam as reentrâncias e as saliências da crosta terrestre. Sobre esse assunto, podemos afirmar que

I - o surgimento das grandes cadeias montanhosas, como os Andes, os Alpes e o Himalaia, resulta dos movimentos orogenéticos, caracterizados pelos choques entre placas tectônicas.
II - o intemperismo químico é um agente esculpidor do relevo muito característico das regiões desérticas, em virtude da intensa variação de temperatura nessas áreas.
III - extensas planícies, como as dos rios Ganges, na Índia, e Mekong, no Vietnã, são resultantes do trabalho de deposição de sedimentos feito pelos rios, formando as planícies aluviais.
IV - os planaltos brasileiros caracterizam-se como relevos residuais, pois permaneceram mais altos que o relevo circundante, por apresentarem estrutura rochosa mais resistente ao trabalho erosivo.
V - por situar-se em área de estabilidade tectônica, o Brasil não possui formas de relevo resultantes da ação do vulcanismo.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as afirmativas corretas.
2241: B
2242: B
2243: E
2244: A
2245: D
2246: E
2247: C
2248: A
2249: C
2250: B
2251: B
2252: D
2253: E
2254: C
2255: E
2256: E
2257: A
2258: D
2259: D
2260: B