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Q1780362 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto destacado a seguir.

It is the standing reproach of a democratic society that it is the purgatory of genius and the paradise of mediocrity. With ourselves it has become notorious that when a man is so unfortunate as to exhibit uncommon abilities, he usually renders himself ineligible for political honors or distinctions. It would seem that the community is possessed with that groveling quality of a sordid mind which hates superiority, and would ostracize genius, as the Athenians did Aristides. One might believe it would not be unpleasing to the popular taste if some enterprising person could invent a machine for stunting intellectual development, after the fashion of idiotic barbarians who flatten the heads of their children. The masses of the community certainly appear to believe that political equality implies not only social, but should also imply intellectual equality, under pain of being severely frowned down by an outraged public opinion. 

The prevalent sentiment manifests itself in many different ways. It finds expression in public conveyances and resorts and is not altogether unknown even to the pulpit. It is found to perfection in the speeches of demagogues, who feel certain they are never so successful as when their audience is satisfied that the intellect of the speaker is of no higher an order than that of the lowest intelligence among them. Worse than all, it is demonstrated in the election of public officers of nearly all grades up to the highest: of which latter it has now become quite the custom to assume that it is impossible for a man of first-rate powers to be made President of the United States. 

The causes which lend to so singular a state of affairs are of an intricate and complex character. At the outset, it is difficult to realize the possibility of a system, the logical deduction from which appears to be that, if a man would rise in life, he must assiduously belittle his understanding. Perhaps it would be fairer to modify the proposition so far as to concede that ability is as useful here as elsewhere, provided the owner has the tact not to affront the sensibilities of the people by showing too much of it. No doubt a vague apprehension exists in the popular mind that shining talents are dangerous when intrusted with executive power in a republic: yet, it were a poor commentary on our institutions to intimate that, under them, for a man to be clever he must also be vicious. Experience rather teaches the contrary. If the diffusion of education, having the general tendency to elevate the understanding, is to produce more bad men than good, we had better abandon than foster our Common School system. Manifestly, we must look further for the solution of our enigma[:] that minds of moderate calibre ordinarily condemn everything which is beyond their range. 

THE NEW YORK TIMES. The worship of mediocrity. 17/08/1862. Disponível em: Acesso 20/08/2020.

No trecho destacado, extraído do segundo parágrafo, “It is found to perfection in the speeches of demagogues, who feel certain they are never so successful as when their audience is satisfied that the intellect of the speaker is of no higher an order than that of the lowest intelligence among them.”, a ideia principal é a de que:
Q1780361 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto destacado a seguir.

It is the standing reproach of a democratic society that it is the purgatory of genius and the paradise of mediocrity. With ourselves it has become notorious that when a man is so unfortunate as to exhibit uncommon abilities, he usually renders himself ineligible for political honors or distinctions. It would seem that the community is possessed with that groveling quality of a sordid mind which hates superiority, and would ostracize genius, as the Athenians did Aristides. One might believe it would not be unpleasing to the popular taste if some enterprising person could invent a machine for stunting intellectual development, after the fashion of idiotic barbarians who flatten the heads of their children. The masses of the community certainly appear to believe that political equality implies not only social, but should also imply intellectual equality, under pain of being severely frowned down by an outraged public opinion. 

The prevalent sentiment manifests itself in many different ways. It finds expression in public conveyances and resorts and is not altogether unknown even to the pulpit. It is found to perfection in the speeches of demagogues, who feel certain they are never so successful as when their audience is satisfied that the intellect of the speaker is of no higher an order than that of the lowest intelligence among them. Worse than all, it is demonstrated in the election of public officers of nearly all grades up to the highest: of which latter it has now become quite the custom to assume that it is impossible for a man of first-rate powers to be made President of the United States. 

The causes which lend to so singular a state of affairs are of an intricate and complex character. At the outset, it is difficult to realize the possibility of a system, the logical deduction from which appears to be that, if a man would rise in life, he must assiduously belittle his understanding. Perhaps it would be fairer to modify the proposition so far as to concede that ability is as useful here as elsewhere, provided the owner has the tact not to affront the sensibilities of the people by showing too much of it. No doubt a vague apprehension exists in the popular mind that shining talents are dangerous when intrusted with executive power in a republic: yet, it were a poor commentary on our institutions to intimate that, under them, for a man to be clever he must also be vicious. Experience rather teaches the contrary. If the diffusion of education, having the general tendency to elevate the understanding, is to produce more bad men than good, we had better abandon than foster our Common School system. Manifestly, we must look further for the solution of our enigma[:] that minds of moderate calibre ordinarily condemn everything which is beyond their range. 

THE NEW YORK TIMES. The worship of mediocrity. 17/08/1862. Disponível em: Acesso 20/08/2020.

Leia atentamente as declarações destacadas. Em seguida, assinale a alternativa correta.
I. Quanto menos inteligente for um homem, mais chances ele terá de ser presidente dos Estados Unidos. II. Quando um homem é infeliz a ponto de exibir habilidades incomuns, ele se torna inelegível para distinções políticas. III. A declaração de que o sistema educacional deve ser abandonado se produz mais pessoas ruins que boas é irônica.
De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que:
Q1780359 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto destacado a seguir. 

Since from August 1914 to November 1918 Great Britain and her Allies were fighting for civilization it cannot, I suppose, be impertinent to inquire what precisely civilization may be. “Liberty” and “Justice” have always been reckoned expensive words, but that “Civilization” could cost as much as I forget how many millions a day came as a surprise to many thoughtful taxpayers. The story of this word’s rise to the highest place amongst British war aims is so curious that, even were it less relevant, I should be tempted to tell it […].

“You are fighting for civilization”, cried the wisest and best of those leaders who led us into war, and the very soldiers took up the cry, “Join up, for civilization’s sake”. Startled by this sudden enthusiasm for an abstraction in which till then politicians and recruiting-sergeants had manifested little or no interest, I, in my turn, began to cry: “And what is civilization?” I did not cry aloud, be sure: at that time, for crying things of that sort aloud, one was sent to prison. But now that it is no longer criminal, nor unpatriotic even, to ask questions, I intend to inquire what this thing is for which we fought and for which we pay. I propose to investigate the nature of our leading war-aim. Whether my search will end in discovery and – if it does – whether what is discovered will bear any likeliness to the Treaty of Versailles remains to be seen.

BELL, Clive. Civilization: An Essay. 1ª ed. 1928. Harmondsworth,

Middlesex, UK: Penguin Books, 1938, p. 13. 

O termo startled, destacado no trecho do segundo parágrafo, “Startled by this sudden enthusiasm [...]”, pode ser entendido como:
Q1780358 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto destacado a seguir. 

Since from August 1914 to November 1918 Great Britain and her Allies were fighting for civilization it cannot, I suppose, be impertinent to inquire what precisely civilization may be. “Liberty” and “Justice” have always been reckoned expensive words, but that “Civilization” could cost as much as I forget how many millions a day came as a surprise to many thoughtful taxpayers. The story of this word’s rise to the highest place amongst British war aims is so curious that, even were it less relevant, I should be tempted to tell it […].

“You are fighting for civilization”, cried the wisest and best of those leaders who led us into war, and the very soldiers took up the cry, “Join up, for civilization’s sake”. Startled by this sudden enthusiasm for an abstraction in which till then politicians and recruiting-sergeants had manifested little or no interest, I, in my turn, began to cry: “And what is civilization?” I did not cry aloud, be sure: at that time, for crying things of that sort aloud, one was sent to prison. But now that it is no longer criminal, nor unpatriotic even, to ask questions, I intend to inquire what this thing is for which we fought and for which we pay. I propose to investigate the nature of our leading war-aim. Whether my search will end in discovery and – if it does – whether what is discovered will bear any likeliness to the Treaty of Versailles remains to be seen.

BELL, Clive. Civilization: An Essay. 1ª ed. 1928. Harmondsworth,

Middlesex, UK: Penguin Books, 1938, p. 13. 

A diferença existente entre os anos de 1914 a 1918 e o momento em que o texto foi escrito é que:
Q1780357 Português
Sobre “WM”, é correto afirmar que:
Q1780356 Português
Leia as asserções destacadas e, em seguida, assinale a alternativa correta:
I. Em “Senhor Diretor”, Maria Emília é uma mulher marcada por uma rígida repressão sexual. II. Em “A Sauna”, após repassar sua vida a limpo, o narrador protagonista se arrepende de seus atos egoístas e mesquinhos. III. Em “WM”, os fatos da vida de Wlado não são revelados ao leitor. IV. Em “Seminário dos ratos”, a invasão dos ratos simboliza uma aterrorizante ameaça ao poder representado pelo Secretário do Bem-Estar Público e Privado e pelo Chefe de Relações Públicas.
Q1780355 Português
Leia atentamente o trecho destacado de “Presença”: “Ele pousou a mala no chão e pediu um apartamento. Por quanto tempo? Não estava bem certo, talvez uns vinte dias. Ou mais. O porteiro examinou-o da cabeça aos pés. Forçou o sorriso paternal, disfarçando o espanto com uma cordialidade exagerada, Mas o jovem queria um apartamento? Ali, naquele hotel?!”
Assinale a alternativa correta relativamente ao grifo do pronome demonstrativo e o uso da pontuação.
Q1780354 Português
Leia o trecho destacado de “Teoria do medalhão”: “Melhor do que tudo isso, porém, que afinal não passa de mero adorno, são as frases feitas, as locuções convencionais, as fórmulas consagradas pelos anos, incrustadas na memória individual e pública. Essas fórmulas têm a vantagem de não obrigar a outros a um esforço inútil.”
Assinale a alternativa que explicita corretamente o significado de “esforço inútil” no contexto.
Q1780353 Português
Leia as asserções destacadas acerca de “As Formigas” e, em seguida, assinale a alternativa correta.
I. A descrição da pensão, a caracterização da sua dona, o cheiro, a janela quebrada, os pesadelos e o desaparecimento das formigas são elementos que contribuem para a construção de uma atmosfera de suspense. II. O trecho a seguir exemplifica a dubiedade da narrativa: “– Um anão. Raríssimo, entende? E acho que não falta nenhum ossinho, vou trazer as ligaduras, quero ver se no fim da semana começo a montar ele.” III. A vulnerabilidade das protagonistas pode ser constatada em seus atos corriqueiros, como ter um ursinho de pelúcia e o cuidado recíproco que têm uma pela outra.
Q1780352 Português
Em “A Sauna”, os diferentes epítetos de Rosa usados pelo narrador protagonista revelam:
Q1780351 Português
No capítulo “Caldo entornado”, de Memórias de um sargento de milícias, lê-se: “Entretanto o zelo da comadre pôs-se em atividade, e poucos dias depois entrou ela muito contente, e veio participar ao Leonardo que lhe tinha achado um excelente arranjo que o habilitava, segundo pensava, a um grande futuro, e o punha perfeitamente a coberto das iras do Vidigal; era o arranjo de servidor na ucharia* real. Deixando de parte o substantivo ucharia, e atendendo só ao adjetivo real, todos os interessados e o próprio Leonardo regalaram os olhos com o achado da comadre.”
Sobre essa passagem, é correto afirmar:
Q1780350 Português
Assinale a alternativa que não contribui para a compreensão do desfecho do conto “Tigrela”.
Q1780349 Português

Em “Teoria do medalhão”, por que o pai recomenda ao filho que use a chalaça e despreze a ironia?

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Q1780348 Português
Assinale a alternativa que não apresenta um trecho que contribui para o entendimento do desfecho de “As Formigas”.
Q1780347 Português
Assinale a alternativa que caracteriza corretamente a narradora protagonista de “Senhor Diretor”.
Q1780346 Português
Acerca da vida social brasileira no período joanino, é possível afirmar que o livro de Manuel Antônio de Almeida:
Q1780345 Português

No capítulo “Caldo entornado”, de Memórias de um sargento de milícias, lê-se: “Entretanto o zelo da comadre pôs-se em atividade, e poucos dias depois entrou ela muito contente, e veio participar ao Leonardo que lhe tinha achado um excelente arranjo que o habilitava, segundo pensava, a um grande futuro, e o punha perfeitamente a coberto das iras do Vidigal; era o arranjo de servidor na ucharia* real. Deixando de parte o substantivo ucharia, e atendendo só ao adjetivo real, todos os interessados e o próprio Leonardo regalaram os olhos com o achado da comadre.”

Acerca de Memórias de um sargento de milícias, é correto afirmar que: 

Q1780344 Português
Embora declare que “qualquer que seja a profissão da tua escolha, o meu desejo é que te faças grande e ilustre, ou pelo menos notável, que te levantes acima da obscuridade comum”, o pai de Janjão também ordena ao filho: “proíbo-te que chegues a outras conclusões que não sejam as já achadas por outros.” Por que o pai não considera essas orientações como mutuamente contraditórias? Assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1780343 Português
Em relação ao narrador de Memórias de um sargento de milícias, é possível afirmar que:
Q1780342 Física

Quando precisar use os seguintes valores para as constantes:

Aceleração local da gravidade = 10 m/s2 .

Constante gravitacional universal G = 6,67×10−11 m3 .kg−1.s−2 .

Velocidade da luz no vácuo c = 3,0×108 m/s.

Constante de Planck reduzida h = 1,05×10−34 J.s.

Permeabilidade magnética do vácuo µ0 = 4π×10−7 N.A−2 .

Carga elétrica elementar e = 1,6×10−19C.

Massa do elétron m0 = 9,1×10−31 kg.

Constante eletrostática do vácuo K0 = 9,0×109 N.m2.C-2.

Considere uma bobina circular de 200 voltas e 5,0 cm de raio, localizada em uma região onde existe um campo magnético uniforme de 1,25 T. A espira encontra-se inicialmente paralela ao campo magnético e é girada em um quarto de volta em 15 ms. Assinale a alternativa que contém o valor que melhor representa a força eletromotriz média induzida na espira durante o movimento de giro descrito.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
161: E
162: E
163: C
164: B
165: B
166: D
167: C
168: B
169: C
170: A
171: D
172: E
173: A
174: C
175: E
176: C
177: D
178: B
179: D
180: E