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Q2059804 Direito Penal
João da Lua cometeu diversos delitos na cidade de Campo Grande, porém, após ser julgado criminalmente, o Juiz o considerou inimputável e determinou a sua internação. Nesse caso, João da Lua será recolhido a: 
Q2059803 Direito Penal Militar
Em seu primeiro dia na tropa, Carlos recebeu um trote e ficou completamente inconsciente após ingerir drogas que foram maliciosamente adicionadas na sua garrafa de água. Por conta de tal situação, Carlos tirou a roupa e praticou diversos crimes militares. Nesse caso, com base nas disposições do Código Penal Militar, é possível afirmar que Carlos é considerado:  
Q2059802 Português
Nas formações com prefixos, como na palavra anti-horário (linha 14), o hífen deve ser empregado quando  
Q2059801 Português
A oração que também atingiu os EUA com categoria 4 (linha 12) é classificada, quanto à sintaxe, como  
Q2059800 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que, no trecho, o QUE se classifica como pronome relativo. 
Q2059799 Português
Na oração uma vez que a água “desapareceu” (linha 5), o conectivo sublinhado estabelece, com a oração anterior, uma relação de 
Q2059798 Português
Analise as afirmativas que seguem.

I. As formas verbais mostravam (linha 5) e passavam (linha 6) estão no modo indicativo, no pretérito perfeito, e indicam uma descrição de ações. II. Em Não tente (linha 8) o verbo está no modo imperativo negativo. III. As formas verbais retornaria (linha 9) e voltaria (linha 9) estão no modo indicativo, no futuro do presente.

Q2059797 Português
Em Língua Portuguesa, o plural dos substantivos terminados em ão são formados de três maneiras. Assinale a alternativa em que as palavras elencadas seguem a mesma regra.  
Q2059796 Português
 No período Também acontece quando o furacão se afasta do local em que as águas recuaram, uma vez que estas podem retornar lentamente, à medida que o sistema tropical deixar a área (linhas 24 e 25), o pronome demonstrativo sublinhado exerce função  
Q2059795 Português
É correto afirmar que os termos próprio (linha 21) e ressurgência (linha 24) seguem a mesma regra de acentuação, pois 
Q2059794 Português
A sinonímia mais adequada para os termos Em contrapartida (linha 17) e ressurgência (linha 24) é, respectivamente,
Q2059793 Português
A justificativa para a ocorrência de acento grave em devido à força (linha 17) dá-se por esta ser 
Q2059792 Português
O pronome demonstrativo Isso (linha 3) refere-se 
Q2059791 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que TODAS as palavras contenham dígrafos. 
Q2059789 Português
Analise as afirmativas que seguem.

   I. No segmento antes de o ciclone (linha 4), não ocorre a contração de de e o porque a preposição aparece antes de um sujeito com verbo no infinitivo.  II. No segmento ventos de até 240 km/h (linha 4), a preposição empregada é classificada como essencial, pois deixa dúvidas a respeito da velocidade do vento. III. O termo durante (linha 11) é classificado como preposição acidental.

Q2059788 Português
Nas palavras também (linha 1) e haver (linha 20), é correto afirmar que há, respectivamente, 
Ano: 2014 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2014 - PM-PR - Bombeiro Militar |
Q2024826 Inglês
Why do we have blood types?

    In 1996 a naturopath named Peter D’Adamo published a book called Eat Right 4 Your Type. D’Adamo argued that we must eat according to our blood type, in order to harmonise with our evolutionary heritage. Blood types, he claimed, “appear to have arrived at critical junctures of human development.” According to D’Adamo, type O blood arose in our hunter-gatherer ancestors in Africa, type A at the dawn of agriculture, and type B developed between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago in the Himalayan highlands. Type AB, he argued, is a modern blending of A and B.
    From these suppositions, D’Adamo then claimed that our blood type determines what food we should eat. With my agriculture-based type A blood, for example, I should be a vegetarian. People with the ancient hunter type O should have a meat-rich diet and avoid grains and dairy. According to the book, foods that are not suited to our blood type contain antigens that can cause all sorts of illness. D’Adamo recommended his diet as a way to reduce infections, lose weight, fight cancer and diabetes, and slow the ageing process.
    D’Adamo’s book has sold seven million copies and has been translated into 60 languages. It has been followed by a string of other blood type diet books; D’Adamo also sells a line of blood-type-tailored diet supplements on his website. As a result, doctors often get asked by their patients if blood type diets actually work. 
    The best way to answer that question is to run an experiment. In Eat Right 4 Your Type D’Adamo wrote that he was in the eighth year of a decade-long trial of blood type diets on women with cancer. Eighteen years later, however, the data from this trial have not yet been published.
    Recently, researchers at the Red Cross in Belgium decided to see if there was any other evidence in the diet’s favor. They hunted through the scientific literature for experiments that measured the benefits of diets based on blood types. Although they examined over 1,000 studies, their efforts were fruitless. “There is no direct evidence supporting the health effects of the ABO blood type diet,” says Emmy De Buck of the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders.
    After De Buck and her colleagues published their review in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, D’Adamo responded on his blog. In spite of the lack of published evidence supporting his Blood Type Diet, he claimed that the science behind it is right. “There is good science behind the blood type diets, just like there was good science behind Einstein’s mathematical calculations that led to the Theory of Relativity,” he wrote.

Adapted from: ZIMMER, Carl. Why do we have blood types? Crash diet. Retrieved from: Access: August, 2014.
According to the text, what is correct to say about Peter D’Adamo?
Ano: 2014 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2014 - PM-PR - Bombeiro Militar |
Q2024825 Inglês
Why do we have blood types?

    In 1996 a naturopath named Peter D’Adamo published a book called Eat Right 4 Your Type. D’Adamo argued that we must eat according to our blood type, in order to harmonise with our evolutionary heritage. Blood types, he claimed, “appear to have arrived at critical junctures of human development.” According to D’Adamo, type O blood arose in our hunter-gatherer ancestors in Africa, type A at the dawn of agriculture, and type B developed between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago in the Himalayan highlands. Type AB, he argued, is a modern blending of A and B.
    From these suppositions, D’Adamo then claimed that our blood type determines what food we should eat. With my agriculture-based type A blood, for example, I should be a vegetarian. People with the ancient hunter type O should have a meat-rich diet and avoid grains and dairy. According to the book, foods that are not suited to our blood type contain antigens that can cause all sorts of illness. D’Adamo recommended his diet as a way to reduce infections, lose weight, fight cancer and diabetes, and slow the ageing process.
    D’Adamo’s book has sold seven million copies and has been translated into 60 languages. It has been followed by a string of other blood type diet books; D’Adamo also sells a line of blood-type-tailored diet supplements on his website. As a result, doctors often get asked by their patients if blood type diets actually work. 
    The best way to answer that question is to run an experiment. In Eat Right 4 Your Type D’Adamo wrote that he was in the eighth year of a decade-long trial of blood type diets on women with cancer. Eighteen years later, however, the data from this trial have not yet been published.
    Recently, researchers at the Red Cross in Belgium decided to see if there was any other evidence in the diet’s favor. They hunted through the scientific literature for experiments that measured the benefits of diets based on blood types. Although they examined over 1,000 studies, their efforts were fruitless. “There is no direct evidence supporting the health effects of the ABO blood type diet,” says Emmy De Buck of the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders.
    After De Buck and her colleagues published their review in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, D’Adamo responded on his blog. In spite of the lack of published evidence supporting his Blood Type Diet, he claimed that the science behind it is right. “There is good science behind the blood type diets, just like there was good science behind Einstein’s mathematical calculations that led to the Theory of Relativity,” he wrote.

Adapted from: ZIMMER, Carl. Why do we have blood types? Crash diet. Retrieved from: Access: August, 2014.
Consider the sentence: “There is good science behind the blood type diets, just like there was good science behind Einstein’s mathematical calculations that led to the Theory of Relativity,” Peter D’Adamo says this with the purpose of
Ano: 2014 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2014 - PM-PR - Bombeiro Militar |
Q2024824 Inglês
Why do we have blood types?

    In 1996 a naturopath named Peter D’Adamo published a book called Eat Right 4 Your Type. D’Adamo argued that we must eat according to our blood type, in order to harmonise with our evolutionary heritage. Blood types, he claimed, “appear to have arrived at critical junctures of human development.” According to D’Adamo, type O blood arose in our hunter-gatherer ancestors in Africa, type A at the dawn of agriculture, and type B developed between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago in the Himalayan highlands. Type AB, he argued, is a modern blending of A and B.
    From these suppositions, D’Adamo then claimed that our blood type determines what food we should eat. With my agriculture-based type A blood, for example, I should be a vegetarian. People with the ancient hunter type O should have a meat-rich diet and avoid grains and dairy. According to the book, foods that are not suited to our blood type contain antigens that can cause all sorts of illness. D’Adamo recommended his diet as a way to reduce infections, lose weight, fight cancer and diabetes, and slow the ageing process.
    D’Adamo’s book has sold seven million copies and has been translated into 60 languages. It has been followed by a string of other blood type diet books; D’Adamo also sells a line of blood-type-tailored diet supplements on his website. As a result, doctors often get asked by their patients if blood type diets actually work. 
    The best way to answer that question is to run an experiment. In Eat Right 4 Your Type D’Adamo wrote that he was in the eighth year of a decade-long trial of blood type diets on women with cancer. Eighteen years later, however, the data from this trial have not yet been published.
    Recently, researchers at the Red Cross in Belgium decided to see if there was any other evidence in the diet’s favor. They hunted through the scientific literature for experiments that measured the benefits of diets based on blood types. Although they examined over 1,000 studies, their efforts were fruitless. “There is no direct evidence supporting the health effects of the ABO blood type diet,” says Emmy De Buck of the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders.
    After De Buck and her colleagues published their review in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, D’Adamo responded on his blog. In spite of the lack of published evidence supporting his Blood Type Diet, he claimed that the science behind it is right. “There is good science behind the blood type diets, just like there was good science behind Einstein’s mathematical calculations that led to the Theory of Relativity,” he wrote.

Adapted from: ZIMMER, Carl. Why do we have blood types? Crash diet. Retrieved from: Access: August, 2014.
Consider the following statements concerning blood types and their specific diets defended by Peter D’Adamo:
1. Type O blood people must eat a lot of meat and avoid milk, yogurt and cheese, for example. 2. Type O blood appeared before the other blood types. 3. Type B diet, which is rich in yogurt, milk, cheese and meat, can cause diabetes. 4. People who want to slow the ageing process or fight cancer and diabetes should follow the blood type diet. 5. Type A blood people should eat many vegetables because this blood type is related to agriculture.
Which of the statements above are TRUE, according to Peter D’Adamo’s ideas? 
381: B
382: A
383: B
384: E
385: C
386: A
387: D
388: C
389: B
390: E
391: A
392: D
393: C
394: E
395: A
396: D
397: B
398: D
399: A
400: D