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Q1804044 Inglês

Based on the text, answer question.

What the Ever Given can tell us about mental health at sea

Captain Lee Clarke from Tapiit Live on one of the overlooked aspects stemming from last month's Suez blockage.

    Thirty days ago, a ship named Ever Given was sailing in relative anonymity. Twenty-nine days ago, that same ship found itself splashed across the front cover of every national newspaper from London to Lima.
    In a matter of hours, the ship and its 25 strong crew went from highly skilled seafarers to media targets. In the maelstrom of social media memes, newspaper cover stories and “special reports”, one major thing was forgotten, more likely ignored: the crew”'s mental well-being.
    In a world of social media, everyone is an expert, and never has that been felt more in the maritime industry than now. A frenzy of blame erupted almost instantly with little or no merit or fact-checking, as evidenced by the naming of a female officer as the Ever Given's Captain, regardless of the fact she was over 200 miles away on another vessel.
    Being a seafareris a stressful job, irrespective of a global incident, especially when you factor in being away from family for extended periods and working contract to contract with little job security. You also have to cope with fatigue, extreme weather conditions and intense time pressure placed upon the crew and its Master by multiple state and global agencies as well as the ship”s own charter. So, add to that taking the “blame” for halting $9.6 billion of trade a day, understandably, stress levels rise astronomically.
    As an industry, mental health appears still to be very much a taboo topic. Seafarers are more likely to be signed off and dismissed for being deemed “unfit to serve” than they are to receive any form of support. Whilst onboard, the mood will feel somewhat supportive with the crew banding together to keep the ship operating, internally, each and every seafarer, from deckhand to Master will be worrying about their reputation and thus, their employability.
    I-  __________ my experience as a Captain, your crew is your first line II-  ____________ defence III- ____________any major incident. As soon as something goes awry, they burst IV- _____________ action, they're trained to do so, it's instinctive. I have no doubt, everyone aboard the Ever Given did everything V- _________  their power to protect that ship and avoid a major incident, but some things are VI- __________your control. In reality, they will never be praised for saving the ship, only criticised for grounding it.
    This crew is acutely aware of the issues the incident has caused and they are reminded of it every time they open their phone or computer to read the news or speak to their families, and I feel for every single one ofthem.
    They”re now stuck in an Egyptian lake, further away from their families, without the ability to defend themselves with the threat of civil and criminal charges looming. This downward spiral will undoubtedly be taking its toll on their mental health and in the past, there hasn't been much of a support system in place to help.
    Based on my experience offshore, working for a company that provides mental well-being training, and from all of the feedback, Tapiit has garnered from its live-streamed mental health awareness courses, seafarers want and need this support. Yet, there's a deep-rooted fear that admitting they're struggling and asking for help will be the end of their careers.
    Of course, the conversation has advanced significantly, however, it's still not where it should be. The harsh reality is, the Ever Given and its crew will be forgotten about in a month or two”s time, but this crew is hurting and will continue to struggle with the mental health issues caused by the incident for years to come.
(Adapted from>what-the-ev...) 
According to Captain Lee Clarke, the seafarer”s occupation is
Q1804043 Inglês

Based on the text, answer question.

What the Ever Given can tell us about mental health at sea

Captain Lee Clarke from Tapiit Live on one of the overlooked aspects stemming from last month's Suez blockage.

    Thirty days ago, a ship named Ever Given was sailing in relative anonymity. Twenty-nine days ago, that same ship found itself splashed across the front cover of every national newspaper from London to Lima.
    In a matter of hours, the ship and its 25 strong crew went from highly skilled seafarers to media targets. In the maelstrom of social media memes, newspaper cover stories and “special reports”, one major thing was forgotten, more likely ignored: the crew”'s mental well-being.
    In a world of social media, everyone is an expert, and never has that been felt more in the maritime industry than now. A frenzy of blame erupted almost instantly with little or no merit or fact-checking, as evidenced by the naming of a female officer as the Ever Given's Captain, regardless of the fact she was over 200 miles away on another vessel.
    Being a seafareris a stressful job, irrespective of a global incident, especially when you factor in being away from family for extended periods and working contract to contract with little job security. You also have to cope with fatigue, extreme weather conditions and intense time pressure placed upon the crew and its Master by multiple state and global agencies as well as the ship”s own charter. So, add to that taking the “blame” for halting $9.6 billion of trade a day, understandably, stress levels rise astronomically.
    As an industry, mental health appears still to be very much a taboo topic. Seafarers are more likely to be signed off and dismissed for being deemed “unfit to serve” than they are to receive any form of support. Whilst onboard, the mood will feel somewhat supportive with the crew banding together to keep the ship operating, internally, each and every seafarer, from deckhand to Master will be worrying about their reputation and thus, their employability.
    I-  __________ my experience as a Captain, your crew is your first line II-  ____________ defence III- ____________any major incident. As soon as something goes awry, they burst IV- _____________ action, they're trained to do so, it's instinctive. I have no doubt, everyone aboard the Ever Given did everything V- _________  their power to protect that ship and avoid a major incident, but some things are VI- __________your control. In reality, they will never be praised for saving the ship, only criticised for grounding it.
    This crew is acutely aware of the issues the incident has caused and they are reminded of it every time they open their phone or computer to read the news or speak to their families, and I feel for every single one ofthem.
    They”re now stuck in an Egyptian lake, further away from their families, without the ability to defend themselves with the threat of civil and criminal charges looming. This downward spiral will undoubtedly be taking its toll on their mental health and in the past, there hasn't been much of a support system in place to help.
    Based on my experience offshore, working for a company that provides mental well-being training, and from all of the feedback, Tapiit has garnered from its live-streamed mental health awareness courses, seafarers want and need this support. Yet, there's a deep-rooted fear that admitting they're struggling and asking for help will be the end of their careers.
    Of course, the conversation has advanced significantly, however, it's still not where it should be. The harsh reality is, the Ever Given and its crew will be forgotten about in a month or two”s time, but this crew is hurting and will continue to struggle with the mental health issues caused by the incident for years to come.
(Adapted from>what-the-ev...) 

Read the sentences and mark the correct option aboutthe text.

1) Captain Lee Clarke reckons that the crew of the Ever Given busted a gut to steer clear ofjeopardies.

Il) The crew”s mental well-being was slighted.

III) Seafarers are usually given the sack for being unwary.

IV) The crew of the Ever Given stood out for being clumsy.

V) It was settled that there was a female skipper who rode herd on the Ever Given.

Q1804042 Inglês

Which option corresponds to the sentences that are grammatically correct?

I) Sue kissed them each on the forehead.

II) My niece has lost nearly each friend she had.

III) I can write with any hand.

IV) They each said what they thought.

V) Paul didn't get on with either parent.

Q1804041 Inglês

Based on the text, answer question.

First ship tunnel to be constructed in Norway

    Norway plans for a pioneering construction project that will facilitate ship transportation. The plan includes the construction of a tumnel from which ships will pass by in order to avoid the Stad peninsula. The endeavor has been underway since 2017 and was approved by Norway”s Ministry of Transport and Communications in late February 2021.
    The waters in the Stad peninsula are dangerous since it is an exposed area where navigation is challenging. Except for the water currents, the underwater topography creates additional issues including unpredictable waves which may persist for a significant amount of time after a storm has passed.
    The Norwegian Coastal Administration stated that plans for alternatives such as the one currently underway have been suggested for years. Even the Vikings used to drag their ships over the land in order to avoid the dangerous conditions around the peninsula. During World War II, the Germans also made plans to construct a similar project, however, according to Terje Andreassen, head of the Norwegian Coastal Administration, “the war didn”t last long enough to build it”.
    The tunnel will create an alternative, faster route for ships around the peninsula. It will stretch for 1700 meters and will be 37 and 36 meters in height and width, respectively. The construction will begin from the two sides of the tunnel (probably using the drilling and blasting technique). The tunnel face will be excavated in multiple phases. The top of the tunnel will be supported by a layer of shotcrete. Routes from which the excavated material will be transported outside ofthe tunnel will also be established.
    The two entrances of the tunnel will feature walls made from the excavated rocks. The interior of the facility will have led lights that will function both as an aesthetic and a navigation tool. The design aims at making the tunnel fit with the surrounding nature and not interrupt the natural environment.
    The total cost of the project is expected to reach $325MM with officials mentioning that funding has been secured. The construction process is planned to begin in early 2022 after signing a contract in 2021. Officials suggest that the construction phase will last for 3-4 years, hence, the tunnel will be completed by 2026.
    Norway is a pioneering country for tunnel engineering and has more than 1,100 facilities. The rough terrain and the rockmass conditions (which are generally good) have favored the establishment of such projects.
    Despite the excitement for the project, not everyone is in favor of it. According to Knut Samset, Professor of project management at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the project is not going to be financially prosperous due to its high cost, the fact that it will not always be thefaster route and that modem ships will not be obliged to use it. “It's a very expensive thing. Weather permitting, it's as fast to sail around the cape as it is to sail into the fjord and through the tunnel. Plus, today”s boats are big enough and safe enough to handle the choppy waters, which makes traveling through the tunnel a moot point.”, Prof. Samset stated.

(From https://>news) 

It is true about the text that
Q1804040 Inglês

Based on the text, answer question.

First ship tunnel to be constructed in Norway

    Norway plans for a pioneering construction project that will facilitate ship transportation. The plan includes the construction of a tumnel from which ships will pass by in order to avoid the Stad peninsula. The endeavor has been underway since 2017 and was approved by Norway”s Ministry of Transport and Communications in late February 2021.
    The waters in the Stad peninsula are dangerous since it is an exposed area where navigation is challenging. Except for the water currents, the underwater topography creates additional issues including unpredictable waves which may persist for a significant amount of time after a storm has passed.
    The Norwegian Coastal Administration stated that plans for alternatives such as the one currently underway have been suggested for years. Even the Vikings used to drag their ships over the land in order to avoid the dangerous conditions around the peninsula. During World War II, the Germans also made plans to construct a similar project, however, according to Terje Andreassen, head of the Norwegian Coastal Administration, “the war didn”t last long enough to build it”.
    The tunnel will create an alternative, faster route for ships around the peninsula. It will stretch for 1700 meters and will be 37 and 36 meters in height and width, respectively. The construction will begin from the two sides of the tunnel (probably using the drilling and blasting technique). The tunnel face will be excavated in multiple phases. The top of the tunnel will be supported by a layer of shotcrete. Routes from which the excavated material will be transported outside ofthe tunnel will also be established.
    The two entrances of the tunnel will feature walls made from the excavated rocks. The interior of the facility will have led lights that will function both as an aesthetic and a navigation tool. The design aims at making the tunnel fit with the surrounding nature and not interrupt the natural environment.
    The total cost of the project is expected to reach $325MM with officials mentioning that funding has been secured. The construction process is planned to begin in early 2022 after signing a contract in 2021. Officials suggest that the construction phase will last for 3-4 years, hence, the tunnel will be completed by 2026.
    Norway is a pioneering country for tunnel engineering and has more than 1,100 facilities. The rough terrain and the rockmass conditions (which are generally good) have favored the establishment of such projects.
    Despite the excitement for the project, not everyone is in favor of it. According to Knut Samset, Professor of project management at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the project is not going to be financially prosperous due to its high cost, the fact that it will not always be thefaster route and that modem ships will not be obliged to use it. “It's a very expensive thing. Weather permitting, it's as fast to sail around the cape as it is to sail into the fjord and through the tunnel. Plus, today”s boats are big enough and safe enough to handle the choppy waters, which makes traveling through the tunnel a moot point.”, Prof. Samset stated.

(From https://>news) 

According to the text, which option is correct?
Q1804039 Inglês

Readthe text below and mark the correct option.

Inland cargo ship ran aground, damaged, may break in two, Western Scheldt

Inland cargo ship MVS SOWNENT loaded with soil ran aground at around 1750 UTC April 14 on Western Scheldt near Baalhoek, Netherlands, while sailing downstream. The ship suffered serious damages, hull is breached, understood to get cracks, but there's no immediate danger of breaking. She was refloated and taken below grounding site, to be offloaded and after that, towed to Hansweert.

(Adapted from

It is possible to infer from the excerpt that

Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696235 Química
Considere os átomos, no estado fundamental! dos elementos químicos: 19X, 26Y e 36Z. Nesse sentido, analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I- X pertence ao grupo dos metais alcalinos;
II- Y pertence ao grupo dos metais alcalinos terrosos;
III- Z pertence ao grupo dos gases nobres;
IV- X, Y e Z não pertencem ao mesmo período da tabela periódica.
Marque a opção correta.
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696234 Química
O tipo de ligação química existente entre os átomos de hidrogénio e cloro em uma molécula de ácido clorídrico (HCI) é:
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696233 Química
Correlacione os nomes dos cientistas às suas descobertas, com base nos conceitos, assinalando, a seguir, a opção que apresenta a sequência correta:
I- Dalton II- Thomson III Rutherford IV- Chadwick
( ) Descobriu os nêutrons em 1932, durante experiências com material radioativo. ( )Foi o primeiro modelo científico para o átomo e era semelhante a uma bola de bilhar. ( )Propôs um modelo atómico semelhante a pudim de passas. ( )Criou um modelo atomico semelhante à disposição dos planetas no sistema solar
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696232 Química
O esquema a seguir mostra o tradicional alambique usado para preparar bebidas alcoólicas provenientes da fermentação de açúcares ou cereais.
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O processo de separação no qual se baseia o funcionamento do alambique é chamado de:
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696231 Química
O leite de magnésia é um produto muito utilizado para tratar azia, acidez estomacal e constipação (prisão de ventre). Sabendo-se que a fórmula do leite de magnésia é composta, em sua maior parte, por Mg(OH)2, a nomenclatura correta para esse composto e a função inorgânica à qual ele pertence são, respectivamente
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696230 Física
Os ímãs são corpos que geram campo magnético e as observações de fenômenos relacionados ao magnetismo ocorrem desde a Antiga Grécia. Sobre as propriedades dos ímãs, analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I- Quando há dois ímãs, é correto afirmar que seus polos magnéticos de mesmo nome (norte e norte ou sul e sul) se repelem.
lI- Quando um ímã é dividido ao meio, obtêm-se dois outros ímãs, cada um com seus próprios polos norte e sul.
lII- Em um ímã, existem cargas magnéticas positivas e negativas, separadas por uma distância igual ao comprimento do ímã.
Marque a opção correta.
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696229 Física
Navios e outras embarcações marítimas costumam usar uma unidade de medida de velocidade chamada "nó". Um nó equivale a uma velocidade de aproximadamente 1,85 km/h. Uma embarcação navegando a uma velocidade constante de 20 nós durante um tempo de 8h percorrerá uma distância aproximada de:
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696228 Física
Um carro-tanque, cujo volume é de 24 m31 transporta um certo gás, mantendo a temperatura constante de 20 ºC, a uma pressão de 2 atm. Chegando ao seu destino, o gás foi transferido para um reservatório de 60 m3, mantido a uma temperatura de 293 K. Assim, é correto afirmar que:
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696227 Física
Diante de um espelho esférico côncavo em seu eixo principal, é colocado e fixado perpendicularmente um objeto luminoso conforme figura abaixo.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
A respeito da imagem formada desse objeto, é correto afirmar que:
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696226 Física
Em um parque de diversões um carrinho de montanharussa, conforme añçura abaixo, com massa m=500kg, passa pelo ponto A, a uma altura de 35m, com velocidade de 12m/s. Considerando que a energia mecânica se conserva, pode-se afirmar que a velocidade do carrinho a passar pelo ponto B, a uma altura de 18m, será (use g = 10m/s2) de:
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696225 Física
Sonares säo instrumentos geralmente utilizados por navios para detecçäo e localização de objetos no fundo do mar. Os sonares funcionam a partir da emissão de pulsos sonoros (ultrassom) que, ao atingirem os obstáculos, refletem e retornam à fonte (como um eco). Um navio analisa o fundo do mar utilizando um sonar com frequência próxima de 25 000 Hz. Sabendo que o fundo do mar está a uma profundidade de 120m e que o intervalo de tempo entre a emissão do pulso e a recepçäo de seu "eco" é de 0, 16s, o comprimento de onda dos pulsos emitido pelo sonar é de:
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Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696224 Física
Em um laboratório de eletricidade é construído um circuito utilizando-se uma bateria de 12V (considerado como um gerador ideal), um amperímetro e vários resistores conforme mostrado na figura a seguir.
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Considerando o amperímetro ideal, o valor da corrente elétrica indicada no amperímetro é:
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696223 Física
Em certo compartimento três aparelhos elétricos funcionam diariamente: o aparelho A de 1200W permanece ligado por 1 h 45min, o aparelho B de 1500W permanece ligado por 1 h 20min e o aparelho C de 2000W permanece ligado por 1 h. A respeito do consumo dos aparelhos elétricos, é correto afirmar que o aparelho:
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2020 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q1696222 Física
Um forno capaz de fornecer 3000 cal/min é utilizado para derreter metal. Deseja-se utilizar esse forno para derreter uma peça de alumínio de massa m= 300 g cuja temperatura de fusão é 660 ºC. A peça de alumínio é colocada no forno com uma temperatura inicial de 30 ºC. O tempo mínimo necessário para o derretimento completo da peça de alumínio, desprezando quaisquer perdas de enerçla, será de:
Dados: calor específico do alumínio = 0,2 cal/g ºC ; calor latente de fusão do aluminio= 94 cal/g
121: E
122: A
123: D
124: A
125: B
126: D
127: C
128: A
129: D
130: E
131: D
132: D
133: B
134: A
135: E
136: D
137: B
138: B
139: A
140: C