Questões Militares Para oficial da marinha mercante

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Q691546 Português
Analise as afirmativas abaixo e assinale a opção INCORRETA.
Q691545 Inglês

Which option is correct?

She was afflicted ______ severe asthma.

Q691544 Inglês

Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence.

I am not worried about the test. I ______ enough to pass.

Q691543 Inglês

Mark the correct alternative.

When I saw a diamond necklace in a local jewelry store, I knew it was exactly what I ______ for.

Q691542 Inglês

Mark the correct option to complete the sentence below.

I've just finished reading a short story called “Dangerous”. It's about a woman who ______ her husband because she doesn't want to lose him.

Q691541 Inglês

Choose the option that correctly completes the two sentences below, respectively.

I- I ______ his insults patiently.

II- She ______ three children in six years.

III- The king’s body was ______ away to the cathedral.

IV- Hundreds of children are ______ deaf each year.

Q691540 Inglês

Choose the option that correctly completes the text below, respectively.

“______ half-past twelve next day Lord Henry Wotton strolled from Curzon Street over to the Albany to call on his uncle, Lord Fermor, a genial if somewhat rough-mannered old bachelor, ______ the outside world called selfish, ______ it derived no particular benefit from him, but ______ was considered generous by Society as he fed the people who amused him.”

(WILDE, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Collins Classics.)

Q691539 Inglês
Choose the correct option.
Q691538 Inglês

Choose the option that correctly completes the two sentences below, respectively.

I- When he started borrowing my books without asking, I had to put my ______ down.

II- I didn’t want to go to the party but Jessy twisted my ______.

Q691537 Inglês
Choose the correct option.
Q691536 Inglês
Choose the correct option.
Q691535 Inglês

Choose the option that correctly completes the sentences below, respectively.

I- Factories are warning that they may have to ______ workers.

II- He wore a dark grey suit that would not ______ in a workplace.

III- This plan might ______ costing us more money.

Q691534 Inglês
Choose the correct option.
Q691533 Inglês
Mark the correct alternative.
Q691532 Inglês

Which sequence completes the text below?

I- My wallet has been ______.

II- The painting later proved to be a forgery and virtually ______.

III- Never walk into the road from behind a ______ vehicle.

IV- A ______ at the contents shows that it covers much familiar ground.

V- Having found a property we liked, we had to ______ money quickly.

Q691531 Inglês

Which sequence completes the text below?

“The profile of the global maritime industry encompasses a significant variation ____ cultural diversity. More pointedly, a culturally diverse milieu ____ officers and ratings is becoming more of the norm ____ contemporary maritime shipping ventures. Unlike the planned cohabitation of mixed cultures that were known to be tolerant and compatible ____ each other, the current mixing of diverse nationalities on board merchant cargo vessels appears to be occurring at an unprecedented rate. This recent trend is partially explained ____ the larger percentage of mixed crew ____ foreign flagged ships. Regardless of the causes, however, there can be no doubt that the maritime environment has become multi-cultured, dynamic, fast paced and laden with liability.”

(PROGOULAKI, Maria; POTOKER, Elaine; PARSONS, James. An international survey on crosscultural competency for maritime professionals through education and training . IAME 2013 Conference, July 3-5 - Marseille, France Paper ID 248, p.2)

Q691530 Inglês

Which sequence of verbs completes the sentences below?

I- The house ______ much more attractive by the new owners.

II- John ______ as a sort of clown.

III- Politics ______ the art of the possible.

IV- Nobody understood why she ______ their engagement.

V- She’s worried about ______ careful enough with her translation.

Q691529 Inglês
All the sentences below are correct, EXCEPT:
Q691528 Inglês
In line 57, “Lingua Franca” is:
Q691527 Inglês
In line 65, “(...) they have added extra forms to cope with the needs of their users (...)”, the phrasal verb in bold is closest in meaning to:
441: A
442: D
443: B
444: D
445: E
446: C
447: D
448: A
449: D
450: B
451: A
452: C
453: D
454: C
455: C
456: B
457: B
458: D
459: A
460: E