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Os pontos A, B, C e D estão alinhados entre si, assim como
os pontos A, E e F também estão. Considerando G o ponto de
interseção de , o valor de tg α é

Se e det A = 4√3 , então x2 y2
é igual a
Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.
“An archeologist is a man_____ work is the study of ancient things.”
Write (T) for true and (F) for false according to the explanation of the tenses in parenthesis.
( ) When you are looking back from a point in past time, and you are concerned with the effects of something which happened at an earlier time in the past. (Past perfect )
( ) When you are concerned with the present effects of something which happened at an indefinite time in the past. (past perfect continuous)
( ) When you are talking about something which continued to happen before and after a particular time. (past continuous)
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the right order.
Complete the sentence with the correct response.
Frida Kahlo, a master ____the art of surrealism, is _____ icon of Mexican popular culture.
Some situation call for a lot of patience. We were going to call on some friends. But I had traveled to São Paulo and it was raining hard.
Because of the weather all flights to Rio were call off. So I couldn’t come. I called her up to explain, and then she called me down!
Choose the correct alternative to replace the phrasal verb,
underlined in the text.
Some situation call for a lot of patience. We were going to call on some friends. But I had traveled to São Paulo and it was raining hard.
Because of the weather all flights to Rio were call off. So I couldn’t come. I called her up to explain, and then she called me down!
“call for”, in bold type in the text, means