Questões Militares Para aspirante do corpo de bombeiro

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Q370268 Inglês

Derek Workman

These days it seems that there's always someone there to pick you up, help you out and give your life a new start.
You can find someone to choose your clothes for you, or sort out your wardrobe, if you already have enough; there's someone to arrange your dinner parties and someone else who will look after your diary, or if life just seems to be too much trouble to do anything at all, you can find a psychotherapist to help you deal with your problems.
Fine as it is to have all this help at hand, if we look closely at ourselves, we can begin to see that we don't actually need all these people to look after us. To help us do this is the role of the Life Coach - someone who won't judge us, who won't tell us what to do and is there to support us in those nervous life decisions that we all have to make.
Mike Lewis was a self-confessed computer geek in his hometown of Southampton, England, but rose high up the corporate ladder in California. He now lives in a small coastal town in Spain where he acts as a Life Coach to clients in Europe, America, India and Australia, chatting with them on a regular basis by telephone. But why should we need anybody to help us along?
A life coach is basically a support system for people who want to make some change in their life. The sig- nificant thing about personal development is this: there's relatively few people that I've ever met that don't want to get on in life, but it's hard to get on if you try and find all this stimulus from the outside. The difference between coaching and other forms of personal development is primarily this: with life coaching, nobody tells you what to do, nobody tells you who you should be, nobody tries to change you 'cause we're all perfect as we are! What a life coach does is encourage you to find the answers to all life's problems from within, not from without.

Fonte: Revista Speak UP, edição 201, fev. 2004.

In “[…] we don't actually need all these people to look after us.”, actually MEANS:
Q370267 Inglês

Derek Workman

These days it seems that there's always someone there to pick you up, help you out and give your life a new start.
You can find someone to choose your clothes for you, or sort out your wardrobe, if you already have enough; there's someone to arrange your dinner parties and someone else who will look after your diary, or if life just seems to be too much trouble to do anything at all, you can find a psychotherapist to help you deal with your problems.
Fine as it is to have all this help at hand, if we look closely at ourselves, we can begin to see that we don't actually need all these people to look after us. To help us do this is the role of the Life Coach - someone who won't judge us, who won't tell us what to do and is there to support us in those nervous life decisions that we all have to make.
Mike Lewis was a self-confessed computer geek in his hometown of Southampton, England, but rose high up the corporate ladder in California. He now lives in a small coastal town in Spain where he acts as a Life Coach to clients in Europe, America, India and Australia, chatting with them on a regular basis by telephone. But why should we need anybody to help us along?
A life coach is basically a support system for people who want to make some change in their life. The sig- nificant thing about personal development is this: there's relatively few people that I've ever met that don't want to get on in life, but it's hard to get on if you try and find all this stimulus from the outside. The difference between coaching and other forms of personal development is primarily this: with life coaching, nobody tells you what to do, nobody tells you who you should be, nobody tries to change you 'cause we're all perfect as we are! What a life coach does is encourage you to find the answers to all life's problems from within, not from without.

Fonte: Revista Speak UP, edição 201, fev. 2004.

The clients of Life Coach are people who want
Q370266 Inglês

Derek Workman

These days it seems that there's always someone there to pick you up, help you out and give your life a new start.
You can find someone to choose your clothes for you, or sort out your wardrobe, if you already have enough; there's someone to arrange your dinner parties and someone else who will look after your diary, or if life just seems to be too much trouble to do anything at all, you can find a psychotherapist to help you deal with your problems.
Fine as it is to have all this help at hand, if we look closely at ourselves, we can begin to see that we don't actually need all these people to look after us. To help us do this is the role of the Life Coach - someone who won't judge us, who won't tell us what to do and is there to support us in those nervous life decisions that we all have to make.
Mike Lewis was a self-confessed computer geek in his hometown of Southampton, England, but rose high up the corporate ladder in California. He now lives in a small coastal town in Spain where he acts as a Life Coach to clients in Europe, America, India and Australia, chatting with them on a regular basis by telephone. But why should we need anybody to help us along?
A life coach is basically a support system for people who want to make some change in their life. The sig- nificant thing about personal development is this: there's relatively few people that I've ever met that don't want to get on in life, but it's hard to get on if you try and find all this stimulus from the outside. The difference between coaching and other forms of personal development is primarily this: with life coaching, nobody tells you what to do, nobody tells you who you should be, nobody tries to change you 'cause we're all perfect as we are! What a life coach does is encourage you to find the answers to all life's problems from within, not from without.

Fonte: Revista Speak UP, edição 201, fev. 2004.

In “[…] chatting with them on a regular basis by telephone.”, THEM refers to
Q370265 Inglês

Derek Workman

These days it seems that there's always someone there to pick you up, help you out and give your life a new start.
You can find someone to choose your clothes for you, or sort out your wardrobe, if you already have enough; there's someone to arrange your dinner parties and someone else who will look after your diary, or if life just seems to be too much trouble to do anything at all, you can find a psychotherapist to help you deal with your problems.
Fine as it is to have all this help at hand, if we look closely at ourselves, we can begin to see that we don't actually need all these people to look after us. To help us do this is the role of the Life Coach - someone who won't judge us, who won't tell us what to do and is there to support us in those nervous life decisions that we all have to make.
Mike Lewis was a self-confessed computer geek in his hometown of Southampton, England, but rose high up the corporate ladder in California. He now lives in a small coastal town in Spain where he acts as a Life Coach to clients in Europe, America, India and Australia, chatting with them on a regular basis by telephone. But why should we need anybody to help us along?
A life coach is basically a support system for people who want to make some change in their life. The sig- nificant thing about personal development is this: there's relatively few people that I've ever met that don't want to get on in life, but it's hard to get on if you try and find all this stimulus from the outside. The difference between coaching and other forms of personal development is primarily this: with life coaching, nobody tells you what to do, nobody tells you who you should be, nobody tries to change you 'cause we're all perfect as we are! What a life coach does is encourage you to find the answers to all life's problems from within, not from without.

Fonte: Revista Speak UP, edição 201, fev. 2004.

All the statements below are characteristics of Life Coach, EXCEPT:
Q370264 Inglês

Derek Workman

These days it seems that there's always someone there to pick you up, help you out and give your life a new start.
You can find someone to choose your clothes for you, or sort out your wardrobe, if you already have enough; there's someone to arrange your dinner parties and someone else who will look after your diary, or if life just seems to be too much trouble to do anything at all, you can find a psychotherapist to help you deal with your problems.
Fine as it is to have all this help at hand, if we look closely at ourselves, we can begin to see that we don't actually need all these people to look after us. To help us do this is the role of the Life Coach - someone who won't judge us, who won't tell us what to do and is there to support us in those nervous life decisions that we all have to make.
Mike Lewis was a self-confessed computer geek in his hometown of Southampton, England, but rose high up the corporate ladder in California. He now lives in a small coastal town in Spain where he acts as a Life Coach to clients in Europe, America, India and Australia, chatting with them on a regular basis by telephone. But why should we need anybody to help us along?
A life coach is basically a support system for people who want to make some change in their life. The sig- nificant thing about personal development is this: there's relatively few people that I've ever met that don't want to get on in life, but it's hard to get on if you try and find all this stimulus from the outside. The difference between coaching and other forms of personal development is primarily this: with life coaching, nobody tells you what to do, nobody tells you who you should be, nobody tries to change you 'cause we're all perfect as we are! What a life coach does is encourage you to find the answers to all life's problems from within, not from without.

Fonte: Revista Speak UP, edição 201, fev. 2004.

The main purpose of Life Coach is to
Q370263 Física
É comum as pessoas tomarem café quente aos golinhos, para não queimarem a boca. Uma quantidade maior de café pode levar a pessoa a ter queimaduras que podem levar dias para deixarem de ser sentidas. Comparando grandes e pequenas quantidades de café, podemos chegar à conclusão que ambas têm

Q370262 Física
Antes de realizar um experimento usando uma vela acesa, lentes e espelhos, Gabriel imaginou as imagens da chama que poderia obter usando um pedaço de papel. Ele imaginou que poderia obter:

I - uma imagem maior e invertida (de cabeça para baixo) da chama, se usasse um espelho côncavo.

II - uma imagem maior e não invertida da chama, se usasse uma lente divergente.

III - uma imagem menor e invertida (de cabeça para baixo) da chama, se usasse uma lente convergente.

IV - uma imagem menor e invertida (de cabeça para baixo) da chama, se usasse um espelho côncavo.

Estão CORRETAS apenas as imagens descritas em:

Q370261 Física
Fábio e Vitória conversam. A frequência da voz de Fábio é a metade do valor da frequência da voz de Vitória. Em relação a essa situação, é CORRETO afirmar que as duas vozes têm
Q370260 Física
Dois jovens estudantes decidem comparar um circuito em série com um circuito em paralelo. Para isso, eles pegaram 4 lâmpadas idênticas. Elas foram ligadas da maneira mostrada na figura.


Em relação aos dois circuitos montados, eles fizeram as seguintes afirmações:

I - A corrente total no circuito 1 é duas vezes maior que a corrente total no circuito 2.
II - A potência desenvolvida no circuito 2 é quatro vezes maior que a potência desenvolvida no circuito 1.
III - Todas as 4 lâmpadas estão submetidas à mesma tensão: 127 V.

Está CORRETO apenas o que se afirma em:

Q370259 Física
Quando uma pessoa pula de certa altura, ao atingir o chão, ela dobra os joelhos e rola pelo chão, até parar. Fisicamente, o procedimento é CORRETO porque:
Q370258 Biologia
Analise o cartum:


A resposta CORRETA à pergunta feita é:

Q370257 Biologia
Analise o cariótipo a seguir:


Pela análise, conclui-se que se trata de
Q370256 Biologia
A ‘lagartixa-satânica-cauda-de-folha’ é originária de Madagascar. Usa as folhas secas para se camuflar… Consegue percebê-la?


A ÚNICA alternativa que considera uma explicação Lamarckista para esse evento é:
Q370255 Biologia
Considere o cladograma a seguir:


A presença de epiderme queratinizada se dá a partir do grupo
Q370254 Biologia
A figura a seguir evidencia um órgão do corpo humano:


Fonte: Acesso em: 06/06/2013

Das funções a seguir, a única NÃO desempenhada por esse órgão é

Q370253 Química
A Aramida é o nome de uma fibra sintética com alta resistência. É comercializada com o nome comercial de “Kevlar”. É usada na fabricação de cintos de segurança, cordas, coletes à prova de balas, raquetes de tênis, entre outros. A fórmula estrutural da Aramida é


Sobre essa substância e sua estrutura, é CORRETO afirmar que
Q370252 Química
Têm-se duas soluções aquosas:

I – solução cuja [H+ ] = 10-7 mol/L

II – solução de HCl cuja concentração é 10-7 mol/L

São valores do pH das soluções, respectivamente:
Q370251 Química
Em relação ao estudo de equilíbrio químico, é CORRETO afirmar:
Q370250 Química
Energia de Ionização é a energia mínima necessária para se arrancar um elétron de um átomo que se encontra no estado fundamental, gasoso e isolado. As tabelas abaixo apresentam o raio atômico e a primeira energia de ionização de alguns elementos da Tabela Periódica.


A explicação para o fato de a primeira energia de ionização do elemento sódio ser menor do que a do elemento fósforo é:

Q370249 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
É chamada de ponto de ignição a temperatura necessária para inflamar os vapores que estejam se desprendendo de um combustível. Esse é um método básico de extinção de incêndios, e é conhecido como resfriamento. Dos processos utilizados para apagar um incêndio, qual NÃO está diretamente relacionado ao ponto de ignição?
1321: A
1322: D
1323: C
1324: B
1325: C
1326: A
1327: C
1328: C
1329: B
1330: D
1331: D
1332: A
1333: B
1334: C
1335: B
1336: C
1337: D
1338: A
1339: B
1340: A