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Q962713 Português


“Nesta vida, temos três professores importantes: o 'Momento Feliz’, o 'Momento Triste' e o 'Momento Difícil'. O 'Momento Feliz' mostra o que não precisamos mudar. O ‘Momento Triste’ mostra o que precisamos mudar. O Momento Difícil mostra o que somos capazes de superar.'

                                                                            Mário Quintana (1906-1994).

QUINTANA, Mário Mensagem. Disponível em:<http://certform66. blogspot.>. Acesso em: 27jul.2017.

Nos três últimos períodos que compõem o enunciado linguístico em análise, aparece a forma verbal “mostra" seguida de “o que’, ou seja, de
Q962712 Português


“Nesta vida, temos três professores importantes: o 'Momento Feliz’, o 'Momento Triste' e o 'Momento Difícil'. O 'Momento Feliz' mostra o que não precisamos mudar. O ‘Momento Triste’ mostra o que precisamos mudar. O Momento Difícil mostra o que somos capazes de superar.'

                                                                            Mário Quintana (1906-1994).

QUINTANA, Mário Mensagem. Disponível em:<http://certform66. blogspot.>. Acesso em: 27jul.2017.

O pronunciamento de Mário Quintana permite que se conclua corretamente que a vida
Q962711 Português

Quanto aos recursos linguísticos presentes na composição dessa mensagem, é correto afirmar que

I. o artigo indefinido “um” generaliza a ideia expressa pelo substantivo que ele modifica.

II. a interrogação no final da primeira frase traduz a incerteza do enunciador quanto à resposta a ser dada.

III. o pronome “Ele” retoma, anaforicamente, o termo "policial" para estabelecer com o interlocutor uma relação dialógica.

IV. a vírgula que isola o nome “cidadão” tem uso obrigatório, segundo a norma-padrão da lingua portuguesa, por destacar um aposto.

V o possessivo “sua" gera uma ambiguidade no discurso, uma vez que o leitor fica sem saber definir qual o referente a que esse signo remete.

A alternativa em que todas as afirmativas indicadas estão corretas é a

Q962710 Português
De acordo com o texto, o policial se distingue de um cidadão comum unicamente
Q962709 Português
Considerando-se as elocuções das duas personagens da tira, é correto afirmar:
Q962708 Português
Considerando-se o desabafo da personagem e a conclusão a que chega a sua interlocutora, é correto afirmar que o provérbio que sintetiza a situação retratada na tira é o indicado em
Q962707 Português
Sobre os sinais de pontuação usados no texto, está correto o que se afirma na alternativa
Q962706 Português

Quanto aos elementos linguísticos que estruturam as informações veiculadas no texto, está correto o que se afirma em

I. Os termos “uma busca incessante" (l. 2) e “a mercadoria" (l. 11) exercem a mesma função sintática, já que complementam o sentido de uma forma verbal.

II. O conector “e” (l. 12) estabelece com a oração a que se liga uma relação igual à que indica "mas também” (l. 45) no contexto em que está inserido.

III. A forma verbal "transformou-se” (l. 16) apresenta-se com regência diferente da revelada por "define-se” (l. 18), embora ambas estejam flexionadas na mesma voz.

IV. As expressões "por estratégias de marketing agressivas” (l. 24) e “pelos mais próximos e queridos” (l. 37) funcionam com agentes das ações expressas por “ somos [...] bombardeados" (l. 23-24) e por “ser cuidado" (l. 37).

V. A partícula “se”, em "paga-se" (l. 27) e em "pode se tornar” (l. 28), é um pronome apassivador, pois os verbos pagar e tomar se encontram na passiva analítica.

A alternativa em que todas as afirmativas indicadas estão corretas é a

Q962705 Português

“A busca de prazeres individuais articulada pelas mercadorias oferecidas hoje em dia, uma busca guiada e a todo tempo redirecionada e reorientada por campanhas publicitárias sucessivas, fornece o único substituto aceitável — na verdade, bastante necessitado e bem-vindo — para a edificante solidariedade dos colegas de trabalho e para o ardente calor humano de cuidar e ser cuidado pelos mais próximos e queridos, tanto no lar como na vizinhança". (l. 29-38)

Na composição do discurso de Zygmunt Bauman em destaque, inexiste

Q962704 Português

Segundo Baudrillard, o consumo, na qualidade de nova modalidade de vida, transformou-se na moral do mundo contemporâneo." (l. 15-17)

Apresenta-se com a mesma acepção da expressão destacada na frase acima o elemento coesivo “como", que aparece em itálico no fragmento transcrito em

I. “São pensadores, como Zygmunt Bauman (1925) e Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007), que definem as idéias' (l. 6-7).

II. “de um lado, há a mercadoria como centro das práticas cotidianas" (l. 11-12).

III. "Assim, a maneira como vivemos define-se pela forma como consumimos" (l. 17-18).

IV. “e para o ardente calor humano de cuidar e ser cuidado pelos mais próximos e queridos, tanto no lar como na vizinhança." (l. 36-38).

V. “O esforço do consumo permanece como uma utopia para alcançar o idealizado." (l. 42-44).

A alternativa em que todas as afirmativas indicadas estão corretas é a

Q962703 Português
Considerando-se o contexto em que se insere, está inadequada a explicação dada para a expressão destacada no fragmento transcrito na alternativa
Q962702 Português
A partir dos elementos discursivos presentes no contexto em análise, é correto afirmar que esse texto se caracteriza como
Q962701 Português
As informações veiculadas no texto permitem que se chegue à conclusão correta de que, no mundo contemporâneo, o ser humano
Q949372 Inglês
O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

Ancient dreams of intelligent machines: 3,000 years of robots

    The French philosopher René Descartes was reputedly fond of automata: they inspired his view that living things were biological machines that function like clockwork. Less known is a strange story that began to circulate after the philosopher’s death in 1650. This centred on Descartes’s daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever at the age of five.
    According to the tale, a distraught Descartes had a clockwork Francine made: a walking, talking simulacrum. When Queen Christina invited the philosopher to Sweden in 1649, he sailed with the automaton concealed in a casket. Suspicious sailors forced the trunk open; when the mechanical child sat up to greet them, the horrified crew threw it overboard.
    The story is probably apocryphal. But it sums up the hopes and fears that have been associated with human-like machines for nearly three millennia. Those who build such devices do so in the hope that they will overcome natural limits – in Descartes’s case, death itself. But this very unnaturalness terrifies and repulses others. In our era of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), those polarized responses persist, with pundits and the public applauding or warning against each advance. Digging into the deep history of intelligent machines, both real and imagined, we see how these attitudes evolved: from fantasies of trusty mechanical helpers to fears that runaway advances in technology might lead to creatures that supersede humanity itself.

(Disponível em: <>.)
According to the text, it is correct to say:
Q949371 Inglês
O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

Ancient dreams of intelligent machines: 3,000 years of robots

    The French philosopher René Descartes was reputedly fond of automata: they inspired his view that living things were biological machines that function like clockwork. Less known is a strange story that began to circulate after the philosopher’s death in 1650. This centred on Descartes’s daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever at the age of five.
    According to the tale, a distraught Descartes had a clockwork Francine made: a walking, talking simulacrum. When Queen Christina invited the philosopher to Sweden in 1649, he sailed with the automaton concealed in a casket. Suspicious sailors forced the trunk open; when the mechanical child sat up to greet them, the horrified crew threw it overboard.
    The story is probably apocryphal. But it sums up the hopes and fears that have been associated with human-like machines for nearly three millennia. Those who build such devices do so in the hope that they will overcome natural limits – in Descartes’s case, death itself. But this very unnaturalness terrifies and repulses others. In our era of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), those polarized responses persist, with pundits and the public applauding or warning against each advance. Digging into the deep history of intelligent machines, both real and imagined, we see how these attitudes evolved: from fantasies of trusty mechanical helpers to fears that runaway advances in technology might lead to creatures that supersede humanity itself.

(Disponível em: <>.)
In the sentence “Those who build such devices do so in the hope that they will overcome natural limits …”, the underlined word refers to:
Q949370 Inglês
O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

Ancient dreams of intelligent machines: 3,000 years of robots

    The French philosopher René Descartes was reputedly fond of automata: they inspired his view that living things were biological machines that function like clockwork. Less known is a strange story that began to circulate after the philosopher’s death in 1650. This centred on Descartes’s daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever at the age of five.
    According to the tale, a distraught Descartes had a clockwork Francine made: a walking, talking simulacrum. When Queen Christina invited the philosopher to Sweden in 1649, he sailed with the automaton concealed in a casket. Suspicious sailors forced the trunk open; when the mechanical child sat up to greet them, the horrified crew threw it overboard.
    The story is probably apocryphal. But it sums up the hopes and fears that have been associated with human-like machines for nearly three millennia. Those who build such devices do so in the hope that they will overcome natural limits – in Descartes’s case, death itself. But this very unnaturalness terrifies and repulses others. In our era of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), those polarized responses persist, with pundits and the public applauding or warning against each advance. Digging into the deep history of intelligent machines, both real and imagined, we see how these attitudes evolved: from fantasies of trusty mechanical helpers to fears that runaway advances in technology might lead to creatures that supersede humanity itself.

(Disponível em: <>.)
A partir das informações apresentadas no texto, considere as seguintes afirmativas:
1. Descartes viajou para a Suécia com um robô escondido. 2. Os marinheiros abriram à força um baú que continha o simulacro de uma criança. 3. A tripulação fez uma apresentação do robô para os passageiros do navio. 4. Chocados com o que viram, os marinheiros jogaram o humanoide ao mar.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
Q949369 Inglês
O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

Ancient dreams of intelligent machines: 3,000 years of robots

    The French philosopher René Descartes was reputedly fond of automata: they inspired his view that living things were biological machines that function like clockwork. Less known is a strange story that began to circulate after the philosopher’s death in 1650. This centred on Descartes’s daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever at the age of five.
    According to the tale, a distraught Descartes had a clockwork Francine made: a walking, talking simulacrum. When Queen Christina invited the philosopher to Sweden in 1649, he sailed with the automaton concealed in a casket. Suspicious sailors forced the trunk open; when the mechanical child sat up to greet them, the horrified crew threw it overboard.
    The story is probably apocryphal. But it sums up the hopes and fears that have been associated with human-like machines for nearly three millennia. Those who build such devices do so in the hope that they will overcome natural limits – in Descartes’s case, death itself. But this very unnaturalness terrifies and repulses others. In our era of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), those polarized responses persist, with pundits and the public applauding or warning against each advance. Digging into the deep history of intelligent machines, both real and imagined, we see how these attitudes evolved: from fantasies of trusty mechanical helpers to fears that runaway advances in technology might lead to creatures that supersede humanity itself.

(Disponível em: <>.)
In the sentence “This centred on Descartes’s daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever …”, the underlined word refers to the:
Q949368 Inglês
O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

Ancient dreams of intelligent machines: 3,000 years of robots

    The French philosopher René Descartes was reputedly fond of automata: they inspired his view that living things were biological machines that function like clockwork. Less known is a strange story that began to circulate after the philosopher’s death in 1650. This centred on Descartes’s daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever at the age of five.
    According to the tale, a distraught Descartes had a clockwork Francine made: a walking, talking simulacrum. When Queen Christina invited the philosopher to Sweden in 1649, he sailed with the automaton concealed in a casket. Suspicious sailors forced the trunk open; when the mechanical child sat up to greet them, the horrified crew threw it overboard.
    The story is probably apocryphal. But it sums up the hopes and fears that have been associated with human-like machines for nearly three millennia. Those who build such devices do so in the hope that they will overcome natural limits – in Descartes’s case, death itself. But this very unnaturalness terrifies and repulses others. In our era of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), those polarized responses persist, with pundits and the public applauding or warning against each advance. Digging into the deep history of intelligent machines, both real and imagined, we see how these attitudes evolved: from fantasies of trusty mechanical helpers to fears that runaway advances in technology might lead to creatures that supersede humanity itself.

(Disponível em: <>.)
According to the text, it is correct to say that René Descartes:
Q949367 Inglês
O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

More than 100 South African gold miners treated for smoke inhalation

    JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – Hundreds of South African gold mine workers were rescued and over 100 treated for smoke inhalation after an underground fire, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) said on Thursday.
    Safety is a huge issue in South Africa’s dangerous deep-level mines and a focus for investors. A spate of deaths at SibanyeStillwater’s gold operations, including a seismic event that killed seven miners in early May, has highlighted the risks.
    In the latest incident, more than 600 miners were initially trapped after a fire broke out at a mine east of Johannesburg operated by unlisted Gold One, NUM said.
    This comes almost two weeks after five miners died in an underground fire at a South African copper mine operated by unlisted Palabora Mining Company in Limpopo.
    Company officials could not immediately be reached for comment.
    “As the NUM, we vehemently condemn this kind of incident as it is becoming a trend”, the union said in a statement.

(Disponível em: < KBN1KG294>.)
De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar:
Q949366 Inglês
O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

More than 100 South African gold miners treated for smoke inhalation

    JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – Hundreds of South African gold mine workers were rescued and over 100 treated for smoke inhalation after an underground fire, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) said on Thursday.
    Safety is a huge issue in South Africa’s dangerous deep-level mines and a focus for investors. A spate of deaths at SibanyeStillwater’s gold operations, including a seismic event that killed seven miners in early May, has highlighted the risks.
    In the latest incident, more than 600 miners were initially trapped after a fire broke out at a mine east of Johannesburg operated by unlisted Gold One, NUM said.
    This comes almost two weeks after five miners died in an underground fire at a South African copper mine operated by unlisted Palabora Mining Company in Limpopo.
    Company officials could not immediately be reached for comment.
    “As the NUM, we vehemently condemn this kind of incident as it is becoming a trend”, the union said in a statement.

(Disponível em: < KBN1KG294>.)
Gold One and Palabora Mining Company operate South African mines. Both companies have one aspect in common: they are unlisted. This means that these companies:
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