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Q2545215 Engenharia Mecânica
Se um paquímetro tem sua escala fixa em milímetros e possui 20 divisões na escala móvel (Nônio ou Vernier), sua resolução será de?

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Q2545214 Engenharia Mecânica
Durante a conferência do diâmetro de um tarugo de aço carbono, o Soldado Armeiro do Centro de Material Bélico (CMB), encontrou a leitura dada pela figura abaixo. Para a leitura da medida no paquímetro foi considerado o traço do Vernier coincidente com a escala fixa indicada pela seta.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Marque a alternativa que contém a leitura CORRETA do paquímetro.
Q2545210 Matemática
Para fins de programação de um sistema de leitura e identificação de placas veiculares para a Polícia Militar, foi necessário que o Soldado Gauss desenvolvesse alguns testes e cálculos. Um dos testes realizados foi o seguinte: Quantos números inteiros existem de 999 (novecentos e noventa e nove) a 9.999 (nove mil novecentos e noventa e nove) que não são divisíveis nem por 5 e nem por 7?
A resposta CORRETA encontrada pelo Soldado Gauss é:
Ano: 2023 Banca: IBFC Órgão: CBM-PB Prova: IBFC - 2023 - CBM-PB - Soldado BM - Combatente |
Q2544118 Inglês

Why Climate Change Could Mean More Delayed Flights 

    No one enjoys a delayed flight, but as our weather gets warmer, we can expect more of them.

    That's according to experts, who say that the heat of the summer might cause more delays.

    Bloomberg looked at US data for flight delays at airports in Chicago and New York from June to August in 2022 and from January to March in 2023. It found that there were more delayed flights in the summer months at both airports. 

    When the temperature rises above 39 degrees Celsius, things get very difficult for airlines, Bijan Vasigh, a professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the US, told Bloomberg.

    The air is thinner when it gets hot and that makes it harder for planes to take off. In thinner air there is not as much lift, so more power is needed.

    When they need more power, it helps to have a lighter airplane.

    That might mean pilots have to make last-minute decisions to reduce the weight on board by dumping fuel, passengers or baggage — meaning the plane will probably be delayed.

    The problem gets worse at airports that are at a higher altitude where the air is already thinner, and at airports with short runways, since planes need more space to get up to a high speed.

    But thin air is not the only problem. Smoke from wildfires — that have been happening all around the world in the summer of 2023 — can also cause flights to be delayed and canceled.    

    Of course, the summer is also a busy time when millions of people fly, and weather is not the only cause of delays — but our hotter climate doesn't seem to be helping.

Internet: Engoo

 O último parágrafo começa com a expressão "Of course". Assinale a alternativa que apresenta qual das seguintes expressões não é um sinônimo. 
Ano: 2023 Banca: IBFC Órgão: CBM-PB Prova: IBFC - 2023 - CBM-PB - Soldado BM - Combatente |
Q2544117 Inglês

Why Climate Change Could Mean More Delayed Flights 

    No one enjoys a delayed flight, but as our weather gets warmer, we can expect more of them.

    That's according to experts, who say that the heat of the summer might cause more delays.

    Bloomberg looked at US data for flight delays at airports in Chicago and New York from June to August in 2022 and from January to March in 2023. It found that there were more delayed flights in the summer months at both airports. 

    When the temperature rises above 39 degrees Celsius, things get very difficult for airlines, Bijan Vasigh, a professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the US, told Bloomberg.

    The air is thinner when it gets hot and that makes it harder for planes to take off. In thinner air there is not as much lift, so more power is needed.

    When they need more power, it helps to have a lighter airplane.

    That might mean pilots have to make last-minute decisions to reduce the weight on board by dumping fuel, passengers or baggage — meaning the plane will probably be delayed.

    The problem gets worse at airports that are at a higher altitude where the air is already thinner, and at airports with short runways, since planes need more space to get up to a high speed.

    But thin air is not the only problem. Smoke from wildfires — that have been happening all around the world in the summer of 2023 — can also cause flights to be delayed and canceled.    

    Of course, the summer is also a busy time when millions of people fly, and weather is not the only cause of delays — but our hotter climate doesn't seem to be helping.

Internet: Engoo

What can cause flight delays according to the text:
1221: B
1222: B
1223: D
1224: E
1225: B