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Q1846865 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

    This extra long word (that approximately means “fantastic”) was popularized by the movie Mary Poppins and was eventually added to the dictionary. What you probably didn’t know is that there is a word that is longer — yes longer — than this one. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a type of lung disease caused by inhaling ash and dust. Go ahead and try pronouncing that!

According to the text we can affirm that
Q1846864 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

    This extra long word (that approximately means “fantastic”) was popularized by the movie Mary Poppins and was eventually added to the dictionary. What you probably didn’t know is that there is a word that is longer — yes longer — than this one. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a type of lung disease caused by inhaling ash and dust. Go ahead and try pronouncing that!

The word LONGEST, in the picture, and LONGER, in the text, are in the ____________ and ____________ forms, respectively.
Q1846863 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Fortnite’s Shopping Carts Disabled Yet Again By Epic
    Shopping carts are unavailable due to “ongoing issues.”
    Shopping carts have been a fun addition to Fortnite: Battle Royale, but they’ve also proven to be a problematic one. Epic Games has had to disable them a number of times due to problems that have arisen, and that’s the case once again.
    Epic confirmed the temporary removal of shopping carts in a tweet, stating, “Due to ongoing issues, we’ll be disabling Shopping Carts again. We’ll update you when this issue is resolved.” There’s no time table shared for when they might be added back in, but at this point players have become accustomed to seeing shopping carts--Fortnite’s first vehicle--yanked from the roster of active items.
    It’s not uncommon for Epic to disable items; some are rotated out to make way for new ones, while others--like the guided missile--have been removed to provide the studio with time to work on balancing them. But shopping carts have been temporarily pulled several times now in a relatively small window of time. Among other things, they’ve been utilized to glitch into areas of the map that players should not be able to access, which is extremely problematic in a competitive game. With Fortnite’s massive popularity continuing to rise, it’s no surprise Epic is fast to pull anything that might upset its competitive balance (and thereby impact its growing success).
    Since the launch of Battle Royale last year as a free-to-play mode in Fortnite, Epic has steadily and frequently rolled out new content. Some of that comes in the form of new weapons, as with the recently added Stink Bomb, while others serve different purposes, as with the shopping carts and Hop Rocks.
    During E3, Fortnite: Battle Royale was released on Switch, joining the existing PC, PS4, Xbox One, and iPhone versions. Fortnite Mobile is also on the way to Android, although a release date for that version has not yet been announced.
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According to the text, we can affirm that  
Q1846862 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Fortnite’s Shopping Carts Disabled Yet Again By Epic
    Shopping carts are unavailable due to “ongoing issues.”
    Shopping carts have been a fun addition to Fortnite: Battle Royale, but they’ve also proven to be a problematic one. Epic Games has had to disable them a number of times due to problems that have arisen, and that’s the case once again.
    Epic confirmed the temporary removal of shopping carts in a tweet, stating, “Due to ongoing issues, we’ll be disabling Shopping Carts again. We’ll update you when this issue is resolved.” There’s no time table shared for when they might be added back in, but at this point players have become accustomed to seeing shopping carts--Fortnite’s first vehicle--yanked from the roster of active items.
    It’s not uncommon for Epic to disable items; some are rotated out to make way for new ones, while others--like the guided missile--have been removed to provide the studio with time to work on balancing them. But shopping carts have been temporarily pulled several times now in a relatively small window of time. Among other things, they’ve been utilized to glitch into areas of the map that players should not be able to access, which is extremely problematic in a competitive game. With Fortnite’s massive popularity continuing to rise, it’s no surprise Epic is fast to pull anything that might upset its competitive balance (and thereby impact its growing success).
    Since the launch of Battle Royale last year as a free-to-play mode in Fortnite, Epic has steadily and frequently rolled out new content. Some of that comes in the form of new weapons, as with the recently added Stink Bomb, while others serve different purposes, as with the shopping carts and Hop Rocks.
    During E3, Fortnite: Battle Royale was released on Switch, joining the existing PC, PS4, Xbox One, and iPhone versions. Fortnite Mobile is also on the way to Android, although a release date for that version has not yet been announced.
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The pronoun “them” in the text refers to: 
Q1846861 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Fortnite’s Shopping Carts Disabled Yet Again By Epic
    Shopping carts are unavailable due to “ongoing issues.”
    Shopping carts have been a fun addition to Fortnite: Battle Royale, but they’ve also proven to be a problematic one. Epic Games has had to disable them a number of times due to problems that have arisen, and that’s the case once again.
    Epic confirmed the temporary removal of shopping carts in a tweet, stating, “Due to ongoing issues, we’ll be disabling Shopping Carts again. We’ll update you when this issue is resolved.” There’s no time table shared for when they might be added back in, but at this point players have become accustomed to seeing shopping carts--Fortnite’s first vehicle--yanked from the roster of active items.
    It’s not uncommon for Epic to disable items; some are rotated out to make way for new ones, while others--like the guided missile--have been removed to provide the studio with time to work on balancing them. But shopping carts have been temporarily pulled several times now in a relatively small window of time. Among other things, they’ve been utilized to glitch into areas of the map that players should not be able to access, which is extremely problematic in a competitive game. With Fortnite’s massive popularity continuing to rise, it’s no surprise Epic is fast to pull anything that might upset its competitive balance (and thereby impact its growing success).
    Since the launch of Battle Royale last year as a free-to-play mode in Fortnite, Epic has steadily and frequently rolled out new content. Some of that comes in the form of new weapons, as with the recently added Stink Bomb, while others serve different purposes, as with the shopping carts and Hop Rocks.
    During E3, Fortnite: Battle Royale was released on Switch, joining the existing PC, PS4, Xbox One, and iPhone versions. Fortnite Mobile is also on the way to Android, although a release date for that version has not yet been announced.
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Choose the best Question Tag for the sentence below:     Epic confirmed the temporary removal of shopping carts in a tweet,______________? 
Q1846860 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Human-induced global heating ‘causes over a third of heat deaths’
    More than a third of all heat-related deaths around the world between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to human-induced global heating, research has found.
    Climate breakdown has a range of effects ranging from wildfires to extreme weather. As the temperatures rise, more intense and frequent heatwaves disproportionately affect elderly people and those with underlying chronic conditions such as asthma, making them more vulnerable to disease and premature death.
    A study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, used data from 732 locations in 43 countries to calculate the number of deaths attributed to heat levels higher than the ideal temperature for human health, which varies across locations.
    The researchers examined past weather conditions simulated under scenarios with and without emissions triggered by human activity – allowing them to separate the warming and related health impact linked with human activity from natural trends.
    Overall, they found 37% of all heat-related deaths in the locations studied were attributable to human activity – but the largest climate change-induced contributions (more than 50%) were in southern and western Asia (Iran and Kuwait), south-east Asia (the Philippines and Thailand) and Central and South America.
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According to the first paragraph, we can infer that 
Q1846859 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Human-induced global heating ‘causes over a third of heat deaths’
    More than a third of all heat-related deaths around the world between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to human-induced global heating, research has found.
    Climate breakdown has a range of effects ranging from wildfires to extreme weather. As the temperatures rise, more intense and frequent heatwaves disproportionately affect elderly people and those with underlying chronic conditions such as asthma, making them more vulnerable to disease and premature death.
    A study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, used data from 732 locations in 43 countries to calculate the number of deaths attributed to heat levels higher than the ideal temperature for human health, which varies across locations.
    The researchers examined past weather conditions simulated under scenarios with and without emissions triggered by human activity – allowing them to separate the warming and related health impact linked with human activity from natural trends.
    Overall, they found 37% of all heat-related deaths in the locations studied were attributable to human activity – but the largest climate change-induced contributions (more than 50%) were in southern and western Asia (Iran and Kuwait), south-east Asia (the Philippines and Thailand) and Central and South America.
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The adjective “largest” in bold is in the: 
Q1846858 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Human-induced global heating ‘causes over a third of heat deaths’
    More than a third of all heat-related deaths around the world between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to human-induced global heating, research has found.
    Climate breakdown has a range of effects ranging from wildfires to extreme weather. As the temperatures rise, more intense and frequent heatwaves disproportionately affect elderly people and those with underlying chronic conditions such as asthma, making them more vulnerable to disease and premature death.
    A study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, used data from 732 locations in 43 countries to calculate the number of deaths attributed to heat levels higher than the ideal temperature for human health, which varies across locations.
    The researchers examined past weather conditions simulated under scenarios with and without emissions triggered by human activity – allowing them to separate the warming and related health impact linked with human activity from natural trends.
    Overall, they found 37% of all heat-related deaths in the locations studied were attributable to human activity – but the largest climate change-induced contributions (more than 50%) were in southern and western Asia (Iran and Kuwait), south-east Asia (the Philippines and Thailand) and Central and South America.
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The opposite of “higher” in bold in the text is: 
Q1846857 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

The modal verb “can’t” represents the idea of: 
Q1846856 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

The negative form of the sentence “I’ve been inside forever!” is: 
Q1846855 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

The boy in the comic strip is disappointed because
Q1846854 Português


E olho para as flores e sorrio...

Não sei se elas me compreendem

Nem se eu as compreendo a elas,

Mas sei que a verdade está nelas e em mim. (Alberto Caeiro)

    Em relação à classificação do sujeito das orações do texto acima, marque V para verdadeiro e F para falso. Em seguida, assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta.

( ) Os termos “flores” (1º verso) e “elas” (2º verso) são sujeitos simples do verbo “compreender”.

( ) Os termos “eu” e “as” (3º verso) são sujeitos simples do verbo “compreender”.

( ) Em três versos, há sujeito oculto.

( ) O termo “verdade”, além de ser parte de um objeto direto, é também sujeito simples do verbo “estar”.

Q1846853 Português
Relacione as colunas, de forma que correspondam à correta classificação sintática dos termos em destaque nas frases abaixo. A seguir, assinale a alternativa que corresponde à sequência correta. 1 – Aposto 2 – Agente da Passiva  3 – Adjunto Adverbial  4 – Predicativo do Objeto  5 – Complemento Nominal  ( ) Não compreendia por que tomavam-no por doido. ( ) A melodia era involuntariamente apreciada por quantos passassem pela calçada.  ( ) Quer dizer que viajas por obrigação? ( ) Vagava a esmo, alcançado por um torpor que invadia sua alma.  ( ) Por isto vibrava o seu coração: por criar sonhos em forma de histórias.  
Q1846852 Português
Relacione as colunas observando os pronomes em destaque nas frases abaixo e as determinações de seu emprego. Em seguida, assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta.   1 – Esse mesmo é o perfume que desejo comprar.  2 – Aquilo é que é demonstração de coragem.  3 – Era impressionante que a bela mulher fosse agora transformada naquilo.  4 – O senhor quer que eu pague uma fortuna por isto?   5 – Chegaram noiva, noivo, padrinhos... E o padre? Essa agora!  ( ) Indica apreço.  ( ) Indica desprezo.  ( ) Indica ênfase. ( ) Indica comiseração. ( ) Indica surpresa. 
Q1846851 Português
Quanto à concordância verbal, assinale a alternativa incorreta. 
Q1846850 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que a palavra destacada sofreu alteração ortográfica a partir do Novo Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa. 
Q1846849 Português
Assinale a alternativa que contém vocativo.  
Q1846848 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que o sufixo em destaque indica forma de proceder. 
Q1846847 Português
Leia: O romance sempre engendra surpresas. Que podem me seduzir ou me deixar indiferente. (Marisa Lajolo)     Considerando que, do ponto de vista da gramática normativa, as orações subordinadas não devem permanecer isoladas em períodos, como acontece com a oração em destaque no enunciado, a pontuação da frase acima deve ser refeita. Assinale a alternativa que traz a correta justificativa para a pontuação adotada.  
Q1846846 Português
Complete as lacunas das sentenças abaixo com preposições que mantêm a regência nominal das palavras de acordo com a norma padrão. A seguir, assinale a alternativa que traz a sequência correta das preposições. I- Cansara-se das notícias e das dificuldades de grande parte da população ____ ter acesso ____ certos bens de consumo, por motivos como salário baixo, desemprego, juros altos, etc. II- “Os anjos da morte estão exaustos ____ pegar restos de vidas botadas fora. (...) estão fartos ____ corpos mutilados e almas atônitas. (...) suspiram por todo esse desperdício.” (Lya Luft) III- “Este corpo tem quarenta cabeças, todas entulhadas ____ figuras, metáforas e antíteses.” (Márcio Barreto)
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