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Sobre legislação de engenharia de agrimensura em engenharia de agrimensura
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A Lei Complementar nº 156, de 22 de setembro de 2008 – Município de Lavras-MG, dispõe sobre o zoneamento e regulamenta o uso e a ocupação do solo urbano do município de Lavras e dá outras providências. Em seu capítulo II – do Zoneamento Urbano, define algumas zonas com base em parâmetros da infraestrutura, capacidade de adensamento e outros; e ainda estipula o Coeficiente de Aproveitamento (CA) máximo a ser aplicado.
Um “CA” igual a 3,0 significa que
Segundo a Organização de Aviação Civil Internacional (OACI), as aeronaves não tripuladas, em inglês Unmanned Aircraft (UA), são subdivididas em três categorias: Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), aeromodelos e autônomas.
Com base na ICA-100-40 (ICA – Instrução do Comando da Aeronáutica), que regulamenta os procedimentos e responsabilidades necessários para o acesso seguro ao Espaço Aéreo Brasileiro por aeronaves não tripuladas, assinale com V as afirmativas verdadeiras e com F as falsas.
( ) As aeronaves autônomas também serão objeto de regulamentação e seus usos e voos poderão ser autorizados.
( ) As operações utilizando o “Princípio da Sombra” deverão ser preferencialmente realizadas em área distante, no mínimo 1 km, de aeródromos e helipontos cadastrados.
( ) A altura de voo é a resultante da soma entre a altitude do ponto de decolagem declarado na solicitação de acesso ao espaço aéreo e a distância vertical de um nível, ponto ou objeto, considerado como origem e uma determinada referência para o voo.
( ) A porção de espaço aéreo em torno de uma estrutura ou obstáculo, artificial ou natural, limitada verticalmente a 20 m acima da altura da estrutura ou do obstáculo e afastado horizontalmente até 100 m deste é conhecida como “Princípio da Sombra”.
( ) As aeronaves não tripuladas com peso máximo de decolagem (PMD) acima de 250 g e até 25 kg, operando em linha de visada visual e até 400 ft acima do nível do solo (aproximadamente 120 metros de altura), independentemente da classe do espaço aéreo sobrevoado, deverão obrigatoriamente ter uso de transponder.
Assinale a sequência correta.
A tabela a seguir corresponde ao Anexo III, com redação dada pela Lei Complementar nº 178/10, de 03/11/10, que faz parte da Lei Complementar nº 156, de 22 de setembro de 2008, que dispõe sobre o zoneamento e regulamenta o uso e a ocupação do solo urbano do município de Lavras-MG e dá outras providências.
Fonte: Prefeitura Municipal de Lavras, 2022.
TO - Taxa de Ocupação; CA - Coeficiente de Aproveitamento; GAB - Gabarito e TP - Taxa de Permeabilidade.
Considere o lote da figura a seguir, com suas coordenadas cartesianas X e Y, localizado numa zona residencial multifamiliar vertical de alta densidade.
Fonte: Banca examinadora (2022).
De forma a respeitar a legislação citada, a área máxima da projeção horizontal de uma edificação a ser implantada nesse
lote, em m2
, é de
O imóvel alodial é aquele cujas características são representativas dos imóveis da região.
Em um processo de avaliação, a planta de valores indica os locais dotados de atributos positivos na região, que resultam na valorização dos imóveis das imediações.
Chris Watts to be sentenced for killing pregnant wife, 2 daughters
Chris Watts is scheduled to be in a Colorado court at 10 a.m. MST.
Shanann was reported missing August 13 after she missed a doctor’s appointment.
Her husband initially appeared on television pleading for help finding his wife and daughters. Later, he admitted he murdered them.
Despite the guilty plea, Watts’ parents said they believe there is more to the story.
“It boils down to: I just want the truth of what really happened”, said Ronnie Watts, Chris’ father. “If he did it all, I can live with it. If he didn’t, I want him to fight for it”.
Shanann’s family pushed back saying her memory and reputation should be protected.
“Shanann was a wonderful soul. Everyone who knew Shanann knows this to be true. Even Chris Watts knows this to be true. Yet Chris Watts still chose to murder Shanann, Bella, Celeste, and Nico. Chris Watts still chose to dump the bodies of his own family in oil tanks. And Chris Watts still chose to lie about it until he could lie no more”. He pled guilty to murdering his family because he is guilty.
In court Monday, Shanann’s parents will be allowed to speak.
Watts is expected to receive life in prison without the chance of parole. His eligibility for the death penalty was removed as part of the plea deal.
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Mavis took one end and I the other and together we carefully manoeuvred the old brass bed through the bedroom door and the open verandah doors.
We lifted it over the balustrade into the hands of family waiting below.
Carrying it over the lavender, under the low Albizia branches, then past the roses, they gently put it down in the middle of the freshly mown lawn.
Chantelle carried out the cotton sheets, the embroidered pillows, and finally the multi-coloured blanket her great-grandmother had knitted for me.
Tonight, on her 90th birthday, my mother wants to sleep out under the stars.
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Mavis took one end and I the other and together we carefully manoeuvred the old brass bed through the bedroom door and the open verandah doors.
We lifted it over the balustrade into the hands of family waiting below.
Carrying it over the lavender, under the low Albizia branches, then past the roses, they gently put it down in the middle of the freshly mown lawn.
Chantelle carried out the cotton sheets, the embroidered pillows, and finally the multi-coloured blanket her great-grandmother had knitted for me.
Tonight, on her 90th birthday, my mother wants to sleep out under the stars.
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Spanish Congress moves to decriminalize insulting the king
Spanish Congress agreed on Tuesday to discuss reforms to the Criminal Code that would soften or even eliminate crimes such as insulting the king, inciting terrorism and offending religious sentiments.
Freedom of expression has to be understood not only of inoffensive ideas but rather those that contradict, attack or upset the state
The initiative, put forward by left-wing party Unidos Podemos, has the support of the governing Socialist Party (PSOE) and nationalist parties but has been rejected by center-right groups Ciudadanos and the Popular Party (PP), who say it is a “free-for-all against symbols and institutions”. The opposition parties argue the PSOE is supporting the reform to repay nationalist parties for backing the no-confidence motion that ousted PP leader Mariano Rajoy from power and saw Pedro Sánchez of the PSOE become prime minister.
On Tuesday, parliament voted 180 in favor and 160 against reforming the Criminal Code. If this majority holds and there are no further amendments or postponements, within a few months it will no longer be a crime to insult the king, national symbols and state institutions, or offend religious sentiment. The PSOE and the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) have, however, warned they want to put “limits” on the reform.
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Spanish Congress moves to decriminalize insulting the king
Spanish Congress agreed on Tuesday to discuss reforms to the Criminal Code that would soften or even eliminate crimes such as insulting the king, inciting terrorism and offending religious sentiments.
Freedom of expression has to be understood not only of inoffensive ideas but rather those that contradict, attack or upset the state
The initiative, put forward by left-wing party Unidos Podemos, has the support of the governing Socialist Party (PSOE) and nationalist parties but has been rejected by center-right groups Ciudadanos and the Popular Party (PP), who say it is a “free-for-all against symbols and institutions”. The opposition parties argue the PSOE is supporting the reform to repay nationalist parties for backing the no-confidence motion that ousted PP leader Mariano Rajoy from power and saw Pedro Sánchez of the PSOE become prime minister.
On Tuesday, parliament voted 180 in favor and 160 against reforming the Criminal Code. If this majority holds and there are no further amendments or postponements, within a few months it will no longer be a crime to insult the king, national symbols and state institutions, or offend religious sentiment. The PSOE and the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) have, however, warned they want to put “limits” on the reform.
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Em relação ao valor de um bem, analise as assertivas abaixo, assinalando V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas.
( ) O valor patrimonial é o somatório do valor do terreno, de benfeitorias e de eventuais equipamentos de um imóvel.
( ) O valor de risco é o valor para uma situação de venda compulsória, típico de leilões e também muito utilizado para garantias bancárias.
( ) O valor de liquidação forçada é o valor para uma situação de venda compulsória, típico de leilões e também muito utilizado para garantias bancárias.
A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é: