Questões de Inglês - Advérbios de: lugar, modo, tempo e freqüência | Adverbs of: place, manner, time and frequency para Concurso

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Q2348161 Inglês
    Agronomy looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. Some things they look at are:

• the properties of the soil;
• how the soil interacts with the growing crop;
• what nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs;
• when and how to apply these nutrients;
• the ways that crops grow and develop;
• how climate and other environmental factors affect the crop at all stages;
• how best to control weeds, insects, fungi, and other crop pests; and,
• how to grow crops effectively and profitably while conserving and protecting the environment.

Internet: <> (with adaptations).
According to the text, judge the item from.

In the last period of the text, there are two adverbs, effectively and profitably, that derives from effective and profitable, respectively.

Q2344899 Inglês
Read Text III and answer the question that follow it 

Text III


The word “finally” in the first panel is equivalent in meaning to: 
Q2344888 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

Adapted from
The opposite of the adverb in “The teaching and learning activities often involve” (3rd paragraph) is: 
Q2334585 Inglês

Julgue o item que se segue.

The sentence “She often goes to New Jersey on vacation” contains an adverb of frequency.

Q2323119 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
In the fragment of paragraph 5 “Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change”, the verb form will indicates
16: C
17: E
18: B
19: C
20: B