Questões de Inglês - Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions para Concurso
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Coordinated clauses are independent clauses of equal
syntactic weight that are linked by coordinating
conjunctions such as “and,” “but,” or “or.” These
conjunctions facilitate the creation of compound
sentences, allowing for the expression of related ideas
with balance and clarity. Understanding the use of
coordinating conjunctions enhances the construction of
cohesive written and spoken communication.
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Adverbs of manner, such as “quickly” or “carefully,”
provide information about how an action is performed.
Understanding the placement of these adverbs in a
sentence is crucial for conveying precise details about the
manner in which an activity occurs.
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Subordinating conjunctions, such as “although,”
“because,” and “while,” introduce subordinate clauses that
depend on main clauses for context and meaning.
Proficiency in the use of subordinating conjunctions
allows for the creation of complex sentence structures,
contributing to nuanced and detailed expression in
American English. Recognizing the relationships
established by these conjunctions aids in the construction
of well-crafted and cohesive written and spoken
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Adverbs can function as sentence modifiers, providing
additional information about the speaker's attitude,
certainty, or the likelihood of an event. Adverbs in this
context, such as “fortunately” or “surprisingly,” play a vital
role in conveying the speaker's perspective in American
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Adverbs of frequency, like “always” or “rarely,” indicate
how often an action takes place. Proper use of these
adverbs contributes to accurate communication, allowing
speakers to express routines, habits, or the frequency of
specific events in American English.