Questões de Concurso Sobre comparativo e superlativo de adjetivos | comparative and superlative em inglês

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Q3192167 Inglês
Read the following dialogue and select the option that correctly completes the sentence.

Person A: "I'm really enjoying my time here in Brazil. The weather is so nice!"

Person B: "Yes, the weather is ______________ better in the summer." 
Q3191532 Inglês
Which of the following sentences correctly uses the comparative form of the adjective "intelligent"?
Q3191531 Inglês
Identify the sentence that uses the superlative form of the adjective correctly.
Q3183697 Inglês
        Augmented reality is enhancing the patient experience in dental procedures. Dentists can now use AR technology to create interactive and immersive simulations of dental treatments. Patients can visualize the entire process, from tooth restoration to orthodontic adjustments, before the actual procedure takes place. This not only alleviates anxiety but also allows patients to make informed decisions about their dental care. By incorporating AR into their practices, dentists enhance communication, build trust, and ensure a more comfortable experience for their patients.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on the text and general knowledge, judge the following item.

The adjective “comfortable” in “ensure a more comfortable experience” is in the superlative form.

Q3175675 Inglês
Instruction: answer question based on the following text by Humans Of New York.

(Available at: – text specially adapted for this test).
Which adjective has its comparative and superlative forms in the words “better” (l. 03) and “best” (l. 06)? 
Q3163582 Inglês
Complete the sentence with the correct comparative form:
"This book is ______ than the one I read last week." 
Q3158181 Inglês
Which of the following sentences correctly uses an adjective in the superlative degree?
Q3158174 Inglês
Which of the following sentences is correct?
Q3144831 Inglês
Read the excerpt of the book entitled 'The Other Tongue: English across cultures' written by Joshua A. Fishman, published in 1992:

Sociology of English as an Additional Language

The ongoing nativization of non-native Englishes in various parts of the world proceeds within the penumbra of a rather stable and widespread image of English. This image is itself both influenced by and, in turn, contributory to an international sociolinguistic balance of power that characterizes the latter part of the twentieth century. This balance of power rests solidly on three realities: (1) not only is English increasingly associated with technological modernity and power, but this association is now being fostered by non-English mother-tongue interests; (2) English is both functionally fostered and regulated by local political authorities; and (3) indigenous "preferred languages" are complementary fostered and regulated by these same authorities.

Not only is English still spreading, but it is even being spread by non-English mother-tongue interests.

The world has previously witnessed the spread of languages of empire, the diffusion of lingua francas, and the growth of international languages. In most respects, therefore, the continued spread of English for international and intranational purposes is not novel in the annals of world history—or, if it is novel, it is so primarily in a quantitative sense, in terms of scale, rate, and degree, rather than in any qualitative sense or in terms of kind. If there is something qualitatively new under the sun in conjunction with the spread of English inthe non-English mother-tongue world, it is merely that the spread has reached such an order of magnitude that it is now significantly fostered by the non- English mother-tongue world, rather than being predominantly de- pendent on resources, efforts, or personnel of the English mother -

tongue world (Conrad and Fishman 1977). Whether we monitor the veritable army of English-speaking econo-technical specialists, advisors, and representatives, or whether we examine the diffusion of English publications, films, radio and television programs, literacy programs and educational opportunities, it is becoming increasingly clear that non-English mother-tongue countries are significantly active in each of these connections. Nor is their involvement merely that of Third World recipients of Western largesse. True, Third World nations are themselves fostering massive efforts via and on behalf of English. On the other hand, however, equally massive programs via English are being conducted by the Soviet Union, the Arab world, and mainland China-world powers that have their own well-developed standard languages and that normally oppose various political, philosophical, and economic goals of the English mother-tongue world.

Source: FISHMAN, Joshua A. Sociology of English as an additional language. The other tongue: English across cultures, v. 2, p. 19-26, 1992.
Which of the following statements reflect the truth about the use of comparative and superlative forms in the text?

I.The phrase "more significantly fostered" is an example of comparative form, with "more" indicating a comparative degree.
II.The text includes "the most respects" in the phrase "in most respects," where "most" serves as the superlative form, indicating the greatest extent among different respects.
III.However, the text does not include any examples of typical "-er" comparative forms or "-est" superlative forms; it relies on "more" and "most" as indicators of comparison.

Choose the correct alternative based on the statements: 
Q3131216 Inglês

        Four types of English exist in Africa, identifiable in terms of history, functions, and linguistic characteristics. West African Pidgin English has a history going back to the 15th century, 400 years before formal colonization. Creole varieties of English have a history going back to repatriation of enslaved people from the Caribbean and the United States of America in the 19th century. Second language varieties, which are the most widespread on the continent, are prototypically associated with British colonization and its education systems. L1 (first language) English occurred mostly in Southern and East Africa and is best represented in South Africa. The latter shows significant similarities with the other major Southern Hemisphere varieties of English, spoken in Australia and New Zealand.

African Englishes From a Sociolinguistic Perspective.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the previous text, its ideas and linguistic features, as well as the reading strategies that apply to it, judge the following item.

The phrase “the most widespread”, in the fourth sentence of the text, is a superlative construction, with “most” modifying the adjective “widespread”. 

Q3128401 Inglês
Which of the following sentences CORRECTLYuses the comparative form?
Q3103425 Inglês

As questão diz respeito ao texto. Leia-o atentamente antes de respondê-la.                                                     


Taking into account that (T) means ‘True’ and (F) means ‘False’, the correct sequence of propositions is, respectively:

( ) ‘The most explosive’ (line 02) is a comparative of superiority;

( ) In ‘The latest’ (line 13), changing ‘the’ by ‘more’, we have a comparative of superiority;

( ) The two examples aren’t comparatives, but superlatives;

( ) Comparisons with long adjectives like ‘explosive’ (line 02) must have the adding of ‘er’ to the adjective.

Q3087184 Inglês


Reading skill will help you to improve your understanding of the language and build your vocabulary.

Read the text below carefully.

Social media, magazines and shop windows bombard people daily with things to buy, and British consumers are buying more clothes and shoes than ever before. Online shopping means it is easy for customers to buy without thinking, while major brands offer such cheap clothes that they can be treated like disposable items – worn two or three times and then thrown away

In Britain, the average person spends more than £1,000 on new clothes a year, which is around four per cent of their income. That might not sound like much, but that figure hides two far more worrying trends for society and for the environment. First, a lot of that consumer spending is via credit cards. British people currently owe approximately £670 per adult to credit card companies. That’s 66 per cent of the average wardrobe budget. Also, not only are people spending money they don’t have, they’re using it to buy things they don’t need. Britain throws away 300,000 tons of clothing a year, most of which goes into landfill sites.

People might not realize they are part of the disposable clothing problem because they donate their unwanted clothes to charities. But charity shops can’t sell all those unwanted clothes. Fast fashion goes out of fashion as quickly as it came in and is often too poor quality to recycle; people don’t want to buy it second-hand. Huge quantities end up being thrown away, and a lot of clothes that charities can’t sell are sent abroad, causing even more economic and environmental problems.

However, a different trend is springing up in opposition to consumerism – the ‘buy nothing’ trend. The idea originated in Canada in the early 1990s and then moved to the US, where it became a rejection of the overspending and overconsumption of Black Friday and Cyber Monday during Thanksgiving weekend. On Buy Nothing Day people organize various types of protests and cut up their credit cards. Throughout the year, Buy Nothing groups organize the exchange and repair of items they already own.

The trend has now reached influencers on social media who usually share posts of clothing and make- -up that they recommend for people to buy. Some YouTube stars now encourage their viewers not to buy anything at all for periods as long as a year. Two friends in Canada spent a year working towards buying only food. For the first three months they learned how to live without buying electrical goods, clothes or things for the house. For the next stage, they gave up services, for example haircuts, eating out at restaurants or buying petrol for their cars. In one year, they’d saved $55,000. 

The changes they made meant two fewer cars on the roads, a reduction in plastic and paper packaging and a positive impact on the environment from all the energy saved. If everyone followed a similar plan, the results would be impressive. But even if you can’t manage a full year without going shopping, you can participate in the anti-consumerist movement by refusing to buy things you don’t need. Buy Nothing groups send a clear message to companies that people are no longer willing to accept the environmental and human cost of overconsumption.


Read the sentences below and determine whether they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to structure and grammar use.

( ) The verbs worn and thrown (1st paragraph of the text) has its infinitive form as wear and throw.

( ) The underlined words in the text: nothing, anything and, everyone are examples of relative pronouns.

( ) The singular form of the following words from the text clothes and goods are, respectively cloth and good.

( ) The following sentence from the text: “Fast fashion goes out of fashion as quickly as it came in …” (3rd paragraph of the text). The words in bold are being used to compare things that are equal in some way.

( ) The negative form of the sentence “In one year, they’d saved $55,000.” (5th paragraph of the text), is “In one year, they hadn’t saved $55,000.

Select the option that presents the correct sequence from top to bottom.

Q3077537 Inglês
O uso do grau superlativo do adjetivo é observado em: 
Q3072530 Inglês
“In his new job, he has ______ meetings than in his previous one.”
Q3064106 Inglês
Which sentence correctly uses a comparative adjective?
Q3060361 Inglês
All sentences below use superlatives, EXCEPT:
Q3016041 Inglês
Select the correct alternative, according to the superlative adjectives:
Q2576337 Inglês
Complete the sentence with the correct forms of the adjectives:

"Niagara Falls is one of the _______ waterfalls in North America, renowned for its stunning beauty. However, Angel Falls in Venezuela is the _______ waterfall in the world, with a drop of 3,212 feet."
Q2560598 Inglês

Text 4

Hope is the thing with feathers

(Emily Dickinson 1830 –1886)

Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul,

And sings the tune without the words,

And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;

And sore must be the storm

That could abash the little bird

That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,

And on the strangest sea;

Yet, never, in extremity,

It asked a crumb of me.

* This poem is in the public domain. Available in:<>

Analyze the following sentences below about the excerpt of the text 4 “I've heard it in the chillest land; And on the strangest sea; Yet, never, in extremity; It asked a crumb of me.”
I. In the structure “I've heard it in the chillest land” is in the present perfect continuous tense.
II. In the structure “And on the strangest sea” has a superlative form.
III. In the structure “Yet, never, in extremity” the word “yet” is an adversative conjunction.
IV. In the expression “It asked a crumb of me” the word “crumb” can be replace by “middle”.

Which ones are correct?
1: B
2: B
3: D
4: E
5: C
6: A
7: A
8: C
9: D
10: C
11: E
12: C
13: B
14: A
15: D
16: C
17: D
18: A
19: B
20: B