Questões de Inglês - Comparativo e superlativo de adjetivos | Comparative and superlative para Concurso

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Q2357616 Inglês
The degree of adjective presented in line 27 ‘darker than normal’ has its opposition of meaning in alternative:
Q2349825 Inglês

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Texto 4

Brazil is preparing for the biggest heat wave in history, with temperatures above 45°C

Dacio Augustus
November 9th, 2023

     Tired of the extreme heat in Brazil? So it's good to prepare, since according to the institute MetSul Meteorology, starting in the next few days another heat wave capable of breaking temperature records will hit the country.

      According to information from the MetSouth, the heat wave has already begun, affecting mainly the South and Southeast of Brazil, with atypically high temperatures for the month of November, a period that is already historically hot, but which, in 2023, could see records broken.

     Until Friday (10), the most intense heat should be concentrated in the Central-West and in the interior of São Paulo, but from the weekend onwards the mass of hot air increases and the maximum temperatures begin to reach more areas of Brazil, just as it was in September and October. (...)

Disponível em: <

maior-onda-de-calor-da-historia/>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2023. [Adaptado].

The degree of comparison in the sentence “Brazil is preparing for the biggest heat wave in history, with temperatures above 45°C” is the 
Q2346530 Inglês

Consider the following sentence from the novel 'Oliver Twist' by Charles Dickens:

'She was thin and had very little color in her face, but she had a more mature and wise look than any other girl of the same age.'

Based on the sentence, what is the comparative form of the adjective that the author uses to describe the girl's appearance compared to other girls of her age?

Q2346524 Inglês
You and your classmates are discussing your favorite superheroes and their abilities. You want to compare and determine which superhero is the strongest and fastest. Which of the following sentences correctly uses the comparative and superlative forms to make this comparison?
Q2342565 Inglês
Which sentence correctly uses the comparative form?
16: D
17: D
18: B
19: D
20: A