Questões de Inglês - Infinitivo e gerúndio | Infinitive and gerund para Concurso

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Q2421820 Inglês

Able is used especially in the structure be able + infinitive. This often has the same meaning as can. The negative form is unable.

Considering the use of ABLE in the sentences bellow, mark T for the true sentences and F for the false ones:

( ) Some people are able to walk on their hands.

( ) I am unable to understand what she wants.

( ) He is able to do so.

The correct order of the answers for the sentences above, top down, is:

Q2350986 Inglês
Evaluate the following sentences and identify the one that correctly employs the Subjunctive Mood:
Q2315665 Inglês
The use of high-stakes language tests

         English’s rise as an international language has been accompanied by an increase in emphasis on English language education in traditionally EFL setting. Learners worldwide are often accustomed to taking mandatory English language classes within their national school systems, and assessing practices used within these educational systems are often positioned as gatekeepers for further educational progression. In Japan, for example, English is compulsory for all students, and is often the only foreign language taught in school. Success in English language tests in high school directly impacts learners’ access to higher education due to the fact that English tests make up a large component of junior high school, high school, and university entrance examinations. Upon entering university, undergraduate students take at least two years of English classes, even in unrelated majors. In China, English education is compulsory in primary schools from Grade 3, although many schools start earlier than this. Like Japan, it’s also compulsory in most Chinese colleges and universities for the first two years, and the College English Test is becoming an increasingly predominant measure of success in these programs, with some universities requiring it for graduation. South Korea also tests English in the national College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), which is necessary to enter South Korean universities. Neighboring countries in Asia are also starting to follow suit; in Vietnam, over 90 percent of children are engaged in English language study, and it is compulsory in most secondary schools, where all students must pass an English test in order to graduate. Similar situations can be found across Europe and Latin America. In Italy, for example, English language has been promoted in educational policy that encourages Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), where students are taught subjects such as history, mathematics, sciences and sport through English. Thus English knowledge not only affects performance on language tests but also the teaching of other subjects of study.

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As ING forms may have different employment situations in a text, analyse the use of the highlighted ING forms to choose the pair in which both share the same usage pattern.
Q2312061 Inglês
Read the sentences below and choose the option which is grammatically INCORRECT:
Q2209857 Inglês
The verb “have” can be used both in the infinitive and gerund forms, but not with the same meaning. It depends on the context, and weather it is the main verb in the sentence or not. In which of the sentences below the use of the verb “have” is INCORRECT?
1: B
2: D
3: C
4: C
5: B