Questões de Inglês - Infinitivo e gerúndio | Infinitive and gerund para Concurso

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Q1724253 Inglês

Assinale a alternativa que, correta e gramaticalmente, completa as frases.

1- Would you like_____________ to my party?

2- Do you mind____________ so loudly?

3- It was very interesting____________ my old house again.

4- He works at weekends____________ more money.

5- On Sundays she enjoys____________ and_____________ anything.

Q1694103 Inglês

Read the text below to answer the question.

How octopuses ‘taste’ things by touching

   Octopus arms have minds of their own. Each of these eight supple yet powerful limbs can explore the seafloor in search of prey, snatching crabs from hiding spots without direction from the octopus’ brain. But how each arm can tell what it’s grasping has remained a mystery.

   Now, researchers have identified specialized cells not seen in other animals that allow octopuses to “taste” with their arms. Embedded in the suckers, these cells enable the arms to do double duty of touch and taste by detecting chemicals produced by many aquatic creatures. This may help an arm quickly distinguish food from rocks or poisonous prey, Harvard University molecular biologist Nicholas Bellono and his colleagues report online October 29 in Cell.

   The findings provide another clue about the unique evolutionary path octopuses have taken toward intelligence. Instead of being concentrated in the brain, two-thirds of the nerve cells in an octopus are distributed among the arms, allowing the flexible appendages to operate semiindependently.

(Adapted from: 

The negative form of the phrase “Octopus arms have minds of their own” is:
Q1692270 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta corretamente o negativo da frase abaixo: We work hard everyday.
Q1689529 Inglês
Text 3A3-II

Why Joe Biden Saw Mixed Success With Latinos 

    Democrats' long-term hopes for electoral success have long cited the growing Latino population in the country. But former Vice President Joe Biden's performance in heavily Latino areas of key states has concerned members of his party — and may have cost him Electoral College votes, according to groups and activists working to mobilize Latino voters.
     Nationally, Biden appears to have gotten support from roughly twice as many Latino voters as President Trump, but that support looked very different depending on where you looked in three key states with large Latino populations.
     Democrats were pleased with their performance in Arizona, where The Associated Press awarded Biden the state's 11 electoral votes early Wednesday morning, while anxiety ran high about the results in Florida, where President Trump's strength with conservative Cuban American voters helped secure him that state's 29 electoral votes, according to AP. And while Texas was a long shot for Biden, Democrats had seen opportunity in the explosive growth in the state's Latino population.
     During a post-election virtual press conference on Wednesday, leaders from groups aimed at mobilizing Latino voters expressed frustration that the votes of Latinos were not more aggressively pursued, even as they cheered record levels of turnout among Latinos in some key states.

Internet: <> (adapted)
The excerpt "...leaders from groups aimed at mobilizing Latino voters..." has an example of a gerund. Gerunds can be used as the subject or object of a sentence. Another example of a gerund can be found in the sentence:
Q1633021 Inglês
Quais dos seguintes verbos são normalmente seguidos de gerúndio em inglês?
31: B
32: B
33: C
34: C
35: D