Questões de Concurso Sobre infinitivo e gerúndio | infinitive and gerund em inglês

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Q1724856 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct verbs. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“Katie is in love with Paris. She can get around pretty easily as she _________ French.”
Q1724854 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.

At the train station - A: What is your train number? B: I ________ for the 8814.’’
Q1724253 Inglês

Assinale a alternativa que, correta e gramaticalmente, completa as frases.

1- Would you like_____________ to my party?

2- Do you mind____________ so loudly?

3- It was very interesting____________ my old house again.

4- He works at weekends____________ more money.

5- On Sundays she enjoys____________ and_____________ anything.

Q1694193 Inglês

(Avaliable in: – text adapted specially for this test). 

About the sentence “That’s the only reason to do it” (l. 10) it is possible to say:

I. The verb “do” is in the infinitive form. II. The verb “do” is in the gerund form. III. The noun “reason” must be followed by “to”.

Which statements are correct?
Q1694103 Inglês

Read the text below to answer the question.

How octopuses ‘taste’ things by touching

   Octopus arms have minds of their own. Each of these eight supple yet powerful limbs can explore the seafloor in search of prey, snatching crabs from hiding spots without direction from the octopus’ brain. But how each arm can tell what it’s grasping has remained a mystery.

   Now, researchers have identified specialized cells not seen in other animals that allow octopuses to “taste” with their arms. Embedded in the suckers, these cells enable the arms to do double duty of touch and taste by detecting chemicals produced by many aquatic creatures. This may help an arm quickly distinguish food from rocks or poisonous prey, Harvard University molecular biologist Nicholas Bellono and his colleagues report online October 29 in Cell.

   The findings provide another clue about the unique evolutionary path octopuses have taken toward intelligence. Instead of being concentrated in the brain, two-thirds of the nerve cells in an octopus are distributed among the arms, allowing the flexible appendages to operate semiindependently.

(Adapted from: 

The negative form of the phrase “Octopus arms have minds of their own” is:
Q1692270 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta corretamente o negativo da frase abaixo: We work hard everyday.
Q1689529 Inglês
Text 3A3-II

Why Joe Biden Saw Mixed Success With Latinos 

    Democrats' long-term hopes for electoral success have long cited the growing Latino population in the country. But former Vice President Joe Biden's performance in heavily Latino areas of key states has concerned members of his party — and may have cost him Electoral College votes, according to groups and activists working to mobilize Latino voters.
     Nationally, Biden appears to have gotten support from roughly twice as many Latino voters as President Trump, but that support looked very different depending on where you looked in three key states with large Latino populations.
     Democrats were pleased with their performance in Arizona, where The Associated Press awarded Biden the state's 11 electoral votes early Wednesday morning, while anxiety ran high about the results in Florida, where President Trump's strength with conservative Cuban American voters helped secure him that state's 29 electoral votes, according to AP. And while Texas was a long shot for Biden, Democrats had seen opportunity in the explosive growth in the state's Latino population.
     During a post-election virtual press conference on Wednesday, leaders from groups aimed at mobilizing Latino voters expressed frustration that the votes of Latinos were not more aggressively pursued, even as they cheered record levels of turnout among Latinos in some key states.

Internet: <> (adapted)
The excerpt "...leaders from groups aimed at mobilizing Latino voters..." has an example of a gerund. Gerunds can be used as the subject or object of a sentence. Another example of a gerund can be found in the sentence:
Q1633021 Inglês
Quais dos seguintes verbos são normalmente seguidos de gerúndio em inglês?
Q1633019 Inglês
Qual afirmativa abaixo é verdadeira sobre os verbos na forma “-ing” e na forma infinitivo com “to” em língua inglesa?
Q1627580 Inglês

Mark the alternative that completes the blanks.

Nicki _____ already _____ the truth when you saw her at the meeting.

Q1294311 Inglês
Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

Why Major in English? 

Consider the use of ‘To’ in the beggining of most paragraphs of the text, and select the correct answer.
 It is an adverb.  It is followed by an adjective.  It is part of a to-infinitive verb.  It is the subject of the sentences.
Q1252656 Inglês
Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the correct grammar use of the Infinitive and Gerund forms:
Ano: 2009 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Ituporanga - SC
Q1235397 Inglês
Reading Comprehension
Cell Phones: Are they dangerous?
Do you have a cell phone? Do you use it a lot? If the answer to these questions is yes, you should read the following information very carefully.
If you keep on using a cell phone, it will probably cause premature ageing, which might be rather difficult to get over. At least this is what most scientists claim. Low-level radiation from the phone may heat up body cells, damaging skin and making it look slightly lined and tired. Scientists say that if you expose cells to the radiation from a cell phone, the natural process that repairs your skin will probably be affected. Furthermore, radiation produces mutations in the cells and these mutations could be related to other health problems.
Cell phone users have also found out that if they use their phone for a long time they feel other symptoms such as fatigue and memory loss. The fatigue may be caused because, when using phones, people suffer an involuntary speeding up of their heart beat. Apart from that, nearly two out of three people interviewed complained of regular headaches from using their phones, although this may be due to bad posture rather than radiation emissions.
The most surprising fact discovered by researchers is that people exposed to the radiation of a cell phone for 45 minutes go to the bathroom twice as much as usual. This proves that radiation has a biological effect on humans.
So if I were you, I would definitely think twice before using a cell phone if I looked in the mirror and saw wrinkles on my face, felt fatigue, had trouble remembering things, or if I started using my bathroom more often than I used to.

The underlined words in the text are all examples of:
Ano: 2018 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1220786 Inglês
Read the text to answer the following question.
Cultural diversity and cultural identity in globalization
In the process of globalization winners are the countries with highly developed mass media as complex systems which are able to broadcast and receive diverse information which are used as basic development resource. On the other side are the developing countries which suffer their impact. Their characteristic is the small capacity to adapt to innovations that came from outside and that is why their cultural identity is called into question. Mass media are not only instruments for spreading popular culture and industries, but at the same time, their use enables cultural hegemony. Mass media, society, local culture, and media content are closely related. By exhibiting TV shows, movies, dramas etc. media will reflect values specific to local culture. So, we can talk about displaying commerciality as feature of American culture, Japanese aesthetic values, French tendency to philosophize... One of the main functions of mass media is to transfer cultural inheritance, information about the past, values of a given society, and to furnish cultural directive for life, action, and behavior. Despite the globalization of the economy, and the emergence of international political institutions, global dissemination of culture (mass media, education, modernization, urbanization, the spread of literacy) from the late 20th century has strengthened national identities. Modern nationalism is less focused on defending the country and more inclined to defend the established cultural identity. The identities represent the defense against unpredictability, disorder, and changes of globalization. In the last three decades there is strong trend to resisting globalization and cosmopolitanism as a form of defense of cultural identity. “God, nations, families and communities will ensure eternal figures that cannot be broken down and around which society will develop a counter-culture of real virtuality”. Castells considers that individuals carry with them the eternal truth, the values that cannot be virtualized or destroyed. As the globalization process strengthens the coming of cultural integrity and identity problems are more prevalent. Dominant monoculture stands against local, national and traditional cultures with the progressive disintegration of traditional culture value patterns.
(Available: Adapted.)
Gerund use does NOT follow the same pattern of “spreading” (L04) in
Ano: 2013 Banca: AOCP Órgão: Prefeitura de Seropédica - RJ
Q1219695 Inglês
Why Bilinguals Are Smarter (By YUDHIJIT BHATTACHARJEE) 1. SPEAKING two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. But in recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages of bilingualism are even more fundamental than being able to converse with a wider range of people. Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter. It can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even shielding against dementia in old age. 
2. This view of bilingualism is remarkably different from the understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th century. Researchers, educators and policy makers long considered a second language to be an interference, cognitively speaking, that hindered a child’s academic and intellectual development. 
3. They were not wrong about the interference: there is ample evidence that in a bilingual’s brain both language systems are active even when he is using only one language, thus creating situations in which one system obstructs the other. But this interference, researchers are finding out, isn’t so much a handicap as a blessing in disguise. It forces the brain to resolve internal conflict, giving the mind a workout that strengthens its cognitive muscles. (…) 
4. The collective evidence from a number of such studies suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brain’s so-called executive function — a command system that directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems and performing various other mentally demanding tasks. These processes include ignoring distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another and holding information in mind — like remembering a sequence of directions while driving. (…) 
5. The key difference between bilinguals and monolinguals may be more basic: a heightened ability to monitor the environment. “Bilinguals have to switch languages quite often — you may talk to your father in one language and to your mother in another language,” says Albert Costa, a researcher at the University of Pompeu Fabra in Spain. “It requires keeping track of changes around you in the same way that we monitor our surroundings when driving.” In a study comparing German-Italian bilinguals with Italian monolinguals on monitoring tasks, Mr. Costa and his colleagues found that the bilingual subjects not only performed better, but they also did so with less activity in parts of the brain involved in monitoring, indicating that they were more efficient at it. (…) 
6. Bilingualism’s effects also extend into the twilight years. In a recent study of 44 elderly Spanish-English bilinguals, scientists led by the neuropsychologist Tamar Gollan of the University of California, San Diego, found that individuals with a higher degree of bilingualism — measured through a comparative evaluation of proficiency in each language — were more resistant than others to the onset of dementia and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease: the higher the degree of bilingualism, the later the age of onset. 
7. Nobody ever doubted the power of language. But who would have imagined that the words we hear and the sentences we speak might be leaving such a deep imprint? 
(Source: Acesso: 04/02/2013)
The words globalized (paragraph 01), considered (paragraph 02), blessing (paragraph 03), and like (paragraph 04), are respectively presented in text as:
Ano: 2016 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de São José - SC
Q1185254 Inglês
The words in bold in the following sentence: ”…preferred heating and cooking with wood.”, are being used as examples of:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de São Bernardo - MA
Q1182341 Inglês
Which one of the alternatives below is not correct? 
Ano: 2017 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de São Bernardo - MA
Q1182325 Inglês
 One of the verbs below cannot be followed by an “ing form”. Which one? 
Q1171753 Inglês
Choose the alternative that contains the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence: “Secretaries are expected ___________ organized, punctual, cheerful and courteous.”
Q1147202 Inglês

Text 1:

How being bilingual can boost your career

Whether you’re fresh out of college or a seasoned executive, insiders agree that fluency in a second language can not only help you stand out among prospective employers, it can also open doors to opportunities that those without foreign language skills might miss. 

In today’s global economy, the ability to communicate in another language has become a significant advantage in the workforce. Research has found that people who speak at least one foreign language have an average annual household income that’s $10,000 higher than the household income of those who only speak English. And about 17 percent of those who speak at least one foreign language earn more than $100,000 a year. 

A recent survey found that nearly 9 out of 10 headhunters in Europe, Latin America, and Asia say that being at least bilingual is critical for success in today’s business environment. And 66 percent of North American recruiters agreed that being bilingual will be increasingly important in the next 10 years. 

“In today’s global economy you really have to understand the way business is done overseas to maximize your potential. A second language equips you for that,” says Alister Wellesley, managing partner of a Connecticut-based recruiting firm. “If you’re doing business overseas, or with someone from overseas, you obtain a certain degree of respect if you’re able to talk in their native language.” 

Language skills can also be key for service industries. At the Willard InterContinental Washington, a luxury hotel a few blocks from the White House, a staff of about 570 represents 42 nations, speaking 19 languages. The Willard’s front-of-house employees such as the concierge speak at least two languages. Bilingualism is not an absolute requirement, but it is desirable, according to Wendi Colby, director of human resources. 

Workers with skills in a second language may have an edge when it comes to climbing Willard’s professional ladder. “The individual that spoke more languages would have a better chance for a managerial role, whatever the next level would be,” Colby says. “They are able to deal with a wide array of clients, employees.” 

So which languages can give you a leg up on the job market? Insiders agree the most popular – and marketable – languages are Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian and Japanese, with a growing emphasis on Mandarin, given China’s booming economy. So let’s learn Mandarin!

“We see demand from a full range of industries,” says Wellesley. “Actually it depends on which company you’re working for and the country in which they’re located.” 

Adapted from: LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina & OXENDEN, Clive. American English File 5. 2nd edition. Oxford: OUP, 2018. 

Choose the verb form that completes the sentence below correctly: Wendy has decided to give up _________ at the hotel.
41: C
42: D
43: B
44: A
45: B
46: C
47: C
48: D
49: C
50: C
51: A
52: A
53: E
54: B
55: A
56: A
57: D
58: A
59: D
60: C