Questões de Concurso Sobre infinitivo e gerúndio | infinitive and gerund em inglês

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Q3163587 Inglês
Choose the sentence that correctly uses a gerund or an infinitive: 
Q3129912 Inglês

Choose the option that best completes the sentence below:

"She regretted not ______ the opportunity when it was offered to her." 

Q3128655 Inglês
    Although higher education institutions offer self-paced massive open online courses (MOOCs) on platforms like edX, little systematic effort has been made to examine their instructional design features. Therefore, to review self-paced MOOCs on edX and examine their instructional design features for those interested in designing and offering them is essential. Aiming at offering reliable data, a significative amount of MOOCs that represent engineering, computer science, communications, business and management should be randomly selected for analysis if a realistic view is sought. Moreover the instructional design features of the MOOCs ought to be organized in terms of course structure and elements of course information, as well as types of instructional videos, assessments, and online discussion boards, for by catering to those aspects, issues of current instructional design features will be also involved.
(Available in:, Adapted.)

According to what is inferred from usage, the ING forms are:
Q3128403 Inglês
Which of the following sentences CORRECTLYdemonstrates the use of a complex verbal structure?
Q3087186 Inglês

Read the following sentences about “Uso e formação de Wh-questions e outras estruturas interrogativas.”

1. Wh-questions begin with what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why and how.

2. We use the ‘wh-questions’ to ask for information. The answer can be yes or no. We expect an answer which gives information.

3. We usually form ‘wh-questions’ with wh- + an auxiliary verb (be, do or have) + subject + infinitive verb or with wh- + a modal verb + subject + main verb.

4. When what, who, which or whose is the subject or part of the subject, we do not use the auxiliary. We use the word order subject + verb.

Select the option that presents the correct sentences.

Q3087184 Inglês


Reading skill will help you to improve your understanding of the language and build your vocabulary.

Read the text below carefully.

Social media, magazines and shop windows bombard people daily with things to buy, and British consumers are buying more clothes and shoes than ever before. Online shopping means it is easy for customers to buy without thinking, while major brands offer such cheap clothes that they can be treated like disposable items – worn two or three times and then thrown away

In Britain, the average person spends more than £1,000 on new clothes a year, which is around four per cent of their income. That might not sound like much, but that figure hides two far more worrying trends for society and for the environment. First, a lot of that consumer spending is via credit cards. British people currently owe approximately £670 per adult to credit card companies. That’s 66 per cent of the average wardrobe budget. Also, not only are people spending money they don’t have, they’re using it to buy things they don’t need. Britain throws away 300,000 tons of clothing a year, most of which goes into landfill sites.

People might not realize they are part of the disposable clothing problem because they donate their unwanted clothes to charities. But charity shops can’t sell all those unwanted clothes. Fast fashion goes out of fashion as quickly as it came in and is often too poor quality to recycle; people don’t want to buy it second-hand. Huge quantities end up being thrown away, and a lot of clothes that charities can’t sell are sent abroad, causing even more economic and environmental problems.

However, a different trend is springing up in opposition to consumerism – the ‘buy nothing’ trend. The idea originated in Canada in the early 1990s and then moved to the US, where it became a rejection of the overspending and overconsumption of Black Friday and Cyber Monday during Thanksgiving weekend. On Buy Nothing Day people organize various types of protests and cut up their credit cards. Throughout the year, Buy Nothing groups organize the exchange and repair of items they already own.

The trend has now reached influencers on social media who usually share posts of clothing and make- -up that they recommend for people to buy. Some YouTube stars now encourage their viewers not to buy anything at all for periods as long as a year. Two friends in Canada spent a year working towards buying only food. For the first three months they learned how to live without buying electrical goods, clothes or things for the house. For the next stage, they gave up services, for example haircuts, eating out at restaurants or buying petrol for their cars. In one year, they’d saved $55,000. 

The changes they made meant two fewer cars on the roads, a reduction in plastic and paper packaging and a positive impact on the environment from all the energy saved. If everyone followed a similar plan, the results would be impressive. But even if you can’t manage a full year without going shopping, you can participate in the anti-consumerist movement by refusing to buy things you don’t need. Buy Nothing groups send a clear message to companies that people are no longer willing to accept the environmental and human cost of overconsumption.


Read the sentences below and determine whether they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to structure and grammar use.

( ) The verbs worn and thrown (1st paragraph of the text) has its infinitive form as wear and throw.

( ) The underlined words in the text: nothing, anything and, everyone are examples of relative pronouns.

( ) The singular form of the following words from the text clothes and goods are, respectively cloth and good.

( ) The following sentence from the text: “Fast fashion goes out of fashion as quickly as it came in …” (3rd paragraph of the text). The words in bold are being used to compare things that are equal in some way.

( ) The negative form of the sentence “In one year, they’d saved $55,000.” (5th paragraph of the text), is “In one year, they hadn’t saved $55,000.

Select the option that presents the correct sequence from top to bottom.

Q3083615 Inglês

A 9th grade group was given a handout containing a list of sentences to be observed and analysed as a pair work activity, having the lexicon found in the sentences been already studied, and, if necessary, dictionary checking on word meaning allowed. The teacher conducted class discussion based on the perceptions resulting from the list examination performed. Being the handout as follows, consistent data to ground conclusions is introduced in: 

• Summer’s arriving will be happily celebrated in the touristic cities and towns this year.

• People are coming to attend the Rock in Rio shows on the multiple stages of Rock City.

• Beating among opponent sports fans has become an issue during championship playoffs.

• For his disregarding teacher’s instructions during tests, Carl got detention on several occasions.

• The candidates are campaigning all around the country for elections are just around the corner.

• Some boys are beating each other in the school yard and there’s not any adult out there.

• Tourists’ coming to spend summer vacations is surely bound to fill in all hotels and inns.

• Since our bus’s arriving, we should get our luggage together and be ready to get it.

• The candidate hasn`t stayed much with her family because campaigning takes her all over.

• The way that man drives tells us he’s totally disregarding both, human life and traffic laws.

Q3064102 Inglês
Which sentence correctly uses used to in the affirmative form? 
Q3052121 Inglês
Word classes, also known as parts of speech, are the different categories of words used in grammar each having some distinctive structural characteristics. In an Ensino Médio group, students were given a handout containing pairs of sentences to be observed and analysed as an opportunity for pair work. At a later moment, the teacher conducted class discussion based on the results of the analysis performed. Being the handout as follows, accurate data to ground conclusions is introduced in:
1.a) The coming and going of people is easy in a humanized city. 1.b) People are coming and going to choose their Christmas gifts.
2.a) Mike’s arriving to class late became a bad habit. 2.b) Look, Mike’s arriving to class late once more!
3.a) Jordan gets detention for his disrespecting the teachers. 3.b) Jordan gets detention for he’s disrespecting the teachers.
4.a) The candidate’s winning the elections in several key areas. 4.b) Her winning the elections was happily celebrated.
5.a) We are buying the gear for the weekend camping trip. 5.b) For the weekend camping trip, our buying the gear was expensive. 
Q3044810 Inglês

Judge the next item, about the semantics and morphosyntax of the English language.

In the phrase "She enjoys playing the piano," the gerund "playing" functions as a verbal noun, modifying the verb "enjoys." 

Q3035577 Inglês

Read the text I to answer the question.



Last week, the World Health Organization upgraded Burnout from a “state” of exhaustion to “a syndrome” resulting from “chronic workplace stress” in its International Disease Classification. That is such a broad definition that it could well apply to most people at some point in their working lives. When a disorder is reportedly so widespread, it makes me wonder whether we are at risk of medicalizing everyday distress. If almost everyone suffers from Burnout, then no one does, and the concept loses all credibility.

By Richard A. Friedman

I'm sure the author's generation also experienced workplace stress. However, his generation also experienced real economic stability and socioeconomic gains. There was a light at the end of the tunnel. Currently, we are working tirelessly towards what ends? There doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. The Burnout is psychological and existential as much as it is physical.

Anna B. – New York, June 4, 2019.

(Adaptado de Acessado em 16/09/2020.) 

What is the morphology of the suffixed word “medicalizing” in the first paragraph? 
Q2914022 Inglês


A Framework for Understanding Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings

Successful communication between human beings, either within a culture or between cultures, requires that the message and meaning intended by the speaker is correctly received and interpreted by the listener. Sustainable error free communication is rare, and in most human interactions there is some degree of miscommunication.
The message sent from speaker to listener contains a wide array of features, such as words, grammar, syntax, idioms, tone of voice, emphasis, speed, emotion, and body language, and the interpretation requires the listener to attend to all of these features, while at the same time constructing an understanding of the speaker's intentions, emotions, politeness, seriousness, character, beliefs, priorities, motivations, and style of communicating. In addition, the listener must also evaluate whether the utterance is a question or a statement and how and to what extent a statement matters to the speaker (Maltz and Borker, 1982).
Each of the components of the communication provides one or more kind of information. Words convey abstract logic, tone of voice conveys attitudes, emotions and emphases, and body language communicates "requests versus commands, the stages of greeting, and turn-taking" (Schneller 1988, p. 154).
Even assuming that words and body language were perfectly understood, there is more information necessary to successfully communicate across cultures. For example, in some countries it is polite to refuse the first few offers of refreshment: "Many foreign guests have gone hungry because their U.S. host or hostess never presented a third offer" (Samovar and Porter 1988, p. 326). In understanding communication, a listener must pay attention not just to what is said and when, but also to how many times something is said, under what circumstances, and by whom. Given all this complexity, the reason human communication can often succeed is because people learn how to communicate and understand through interacting with one another throughout their lives. Therefore, it is no surprise that culture and socialization are critical determinants of communication and interpretation. "The entire inference process, from observation through categorization is a function of one's socialization" Detweiler (1975). Socialization influences how input will be received, and how perceptions will be organized conceptually and associated with memories.

The importance of culture to communication

Some theorists have gone so far as to claim that culture not only influences interpretation, but constitutes interpretation. The interpretation of communicative intent is not predictable on the basis of referential meaning alone. Matters of context, social presuppositions, knowledge of the world, and individual background all play an important role in interpretation (Gumperz, 1978b).
Even knowledgeable translators can have difficulty with cross-cultural translations. There may not be corresponding words or equivalent concepts in both cultures, jokes and implications may be overlooked, and literal translations can present a host of difficulties. Some language pairs are very difficult to translate, while others, usually in more similar languages, are much easier (Sechrest, Fay and Zaidi 1988).
While some of the incremental difficulties can be traced to the underlying linguistic commonalities between the languages, there may be a more elusive cultural and ecological basis for difficulty in translation. It would be interesting to test how much of the variance in communication could be accounted for by the ease with which the languages in question could be translated into one another.
Although it may facilitate cross-cultural translations, similarity of languages and cultures also increases the likelihood that communicators will erroneously assume similarity of meanings. This may make them more likely to misunderstand speech and behavior without being aware that they may have misinterpreted the speaker's message.
In general, cross-cultural miscommunication can be thought to derive from the mistaken belief that emics are etics, that words and deeds mean the same thing across cultures, and this miscalculation is perhaps more likely when cultures are similar in surface attributes but different in important underlying ways. In this case miscommunication may occur instead of non-communication.

( )

The inflectional {-ing} morpheme is found in the underlined word in alternative

Q2545182 Inglês

(Available at:– text specially adapted for this test).

Analyze the following statements about the words in bold in the sixth paragraph:

I. The verb “farm” is in its gerund form in line 34 because it follows the preposition “about”.
II. The verb “build” is in its gerund form in line 39 because it serves as an adjective for “techniques”.
III. The verb “recycle” is in its gerund form in line 40 because it follows the verb “encourage”.

Which ones are correct?
Q2423364 Inglês

What is customer experience management?

(Available at: – text specially adapted for this test).

Why is the verb in line 15 “providing” in the gerund form?
Q2421820 Inglês

Able is used especially in the structure be able + infinitive. This often has the same meaning as can. The negative form is unable.

Considering the use of ABLE in the sentences bellow, mark T for the true sentences and F for the false ones:

( ) Some people are able to walk on their hands.

( ) I am unable to understand what she wants.

( ) He is able to do so.

The correct order of the answers for the sentences above, top down, is:

Q2357613 Inglês
Taking into account that (T) means True and (F) means False, the correct sequence of propositions is, respectively:

(__) ‘built’ (l.22) is an irregular verb; Past and Participle have the same form;
(__) The verb ‘connect (l.01)’doesn’t have the infinitive mark (to) because it goes after a modal verb; ‘can’ in this case;
(__) The verbs ‘given’ (l.20) and ‘written’ (l.21) are regular because they have the same ending ‘en’. 
Q2350986 Inglês
Evaluate the following sentences and identify the one that correctly employs the Subjunctive Mood:
Q2334351 Inglês
Mark the sentence in which the -ing structure is used with the same function as in the highlighted word “understanding” (l. 07).
Q2315665 Inglês
The use of high-stakes language tests

         English’s rise as an international language has been accompanied by an increase in emphasis on English language education in traditionally EFL setting. Learners worldwide are often accustomed to taking mandatory English language classes within their national school systems, and assessing practices used within these educational systems are often positioned as gatekeepers for further educational progression. In Japan, for example, English is compulsory for all students, and is often the only foreign language taught in school. Success in English language tests in high school directly impacts learners’ access to higher education due to the fact that English tests make up a large component of junior high school, high school, and university entrance examinations. Upon entering university, undergraduate students take at least two years of English classes, even in unrelated majors. In China, English education is compulsory in primary schools from Grade 3, although many schools start earlier than this. Like Japan, it’s also compulsory in most Chinese colleges and universities for the first two years, and the College English Test is becoming an increasingly predominant measure of success in these programs, with some universities requiring it for graduation. South Korea also tests English in the national College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), which is necessary to enter South Korean universities. Neighboring countries in Asia are also starting to follow suit; in Vietnam, over 90 percent of children are engaged in English language study, and it is compulsory in most secondary schools, where all students must pass an English test in order to graduate. Similar situations can be found across Europe and Latin America. In Italy, for example, English language has been promoted in educational policy that encourages Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), where students are taught subjects such as history, mathematics, sciences and sport through English. Thus English knowledge not only affects performance on language tests but also the teaching of other subjects of study.

(Available on:
As ING forms may have different employment situations in a text, analyse the use of the highlighted ING forms to choose the pair in which both share the same usage pattern.
Q2312061 Inglês
Read the sentences below and choose the option which is grammatically INCORRECT:
1: C
2: B
3: A
4: E
5: C
6: B
7: C
8: D
9: C
10: C
11: B
12: B
13: E
14: B
15: B
16: D
17: D
18: C
19: C
20: C