Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre oposto | opposite em inglês

Foram encontradas 48 questões

Ano: 2013 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: IBGE Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Analista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Tecnologista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Arquivologia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Estatística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Análise e Desenvolvimento de Aplicações | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte Operacional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Desenvolvimento de Pessoas | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Materiais e Logística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Administração de Pessoal | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Designer Institucional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Orçamento e Finanças | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Planejamento e Gestão | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte à Comunicação e Rede | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Ciências Contábeis | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Administração Escolar | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Agrícola | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Pecuária | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Socioeconômica | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Cartografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Edição de Vídeo | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geoprocessamento |
Q437120 Inglês
In Texts I and II, in terms of meaning, one notices that
Q422682 Inglês
The correct opposites for the words “hot” and “waste” are respectively:
Q356072 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the following items.

The term “better” (l.18) is the opposite of worst.
Q301250 Inglês
Based on the meanings in the text,
Q292220 Inglês

Can I help reduce energy consumption?

We have an important role to play right now. Energy conservation helps a lot in preserving our planet’s rich natural resources and promoting a healthy environment. Here you will find simple things that you can do to help reduce energy consumption.

·         Turn–off non-essential lights and appliances. The electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars.

·         Avoid turning on large appliances such as washers, dryers, and electric ovens during peak energy hours: from 5:00 am to 9:00 am and 4: pm to 7:00 pm.

·         Install white window curtains to reflect heat away from the house. Close them at night to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows. People who live in countries that have warm climates should do this during the day as well.

·         Turn off the lights in any room you are not using and consider installing timers, photo cells, or occupancy sensors to reduce the amount of time your lights are on.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta os antônimos da sequência de palavras: healthy – rich – large.
Q277972 Inglês
Based on the meanings in Text II,
Q252459 Inglês
                                   Safety Meeting Presentation

  Today's meeting is really about you. I can stand in front of you and talk about working safely and what procedures to follow until I'm blue in the face. But until you understand the need for working safely, until you are willing to be responsible for your safety, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
   Some of you may be familiar with OSHA - the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. The sole purpose of this agency is to keep American workers safe. Complying with OSHA regulations isn't always easy, but if we work together, we can do it. Yet, complying with regulations is not the real reason for working safely. Our real motive is simple. We care about each and every one of you and will do what is necessary to prevent you from being injured.
   However, keeping our workplace safe takes input from everyone. Management, supervisor, and all of you have to come together on this issue, or we're in trouble. For example, upper management has to approve the purchase of safe equipment. Supervisors, including myself, have to ensure that each of you knows how to use that equipment safely. Then it's up to you to follow through the task and use the equipment as you were trained. If any one part of this chain fails, accidents are going to happen and people are going to get hurt.

Responsibility Number One - Recognize Hazards
   At the core of your safety responsibilities lies the task of recognizing safety and health hazards. In order to do that, you must first understand what constitutes a hazard. Extreme hazards are often obvious. Our hopes are that you won't find too many of those around here.
   There are, however, more subtle hazards that won't jump up and bite you. As a result of your safety training and meetings like these, some things may come to mind. For example, a machine may not be easy to lock out. Common practice may be to use a tag. This is a potential hazard and should be discussed. Maybe something can be changed to make it easier to use a lock. Other subtle hazards include such things as frayed electrical cords, a loose machine guard, a cluttered aisle, or maybe something that just doesn't look right.

Responsibility Number Two - Report Hazards
    A big part of recognizing hazards is using your instincts. Nobody knows your job as well as you do, so we're counting on you to let us know about possible problems. Beyond recognizing hazards, you have to correct them or report them to someone who can. This too, is a judgement call. For example, if something spills in your work area you can probably clean it up yourself. However, if there is an unlabeled chemical container and you have no idea what it is, you should report it to your supervisor.

Additional Employee Responsibilities
   Good housekeeping is a major part of keeping your work area safe. For example, you should take a few minutes each day to ensure that aisles, hallways, and stairways in your work area are not obstructed. If boxes, equipment, or anything else is left to pile up, you have a tripping hazard on your hands. Those obstructions could keep you from exiting the building quickly and safely should you face an emergency situation.
   Also watch out for spills. These can lead to slips and falls. Flammable materials are another thing to be aware of. Make sure they are disposed of properly.
   Keep Thinking. Even if you're doing your job safely and you are avoiding hazards, there are often even better ways to work safely. If you have ideas for improving the safety of your job or that of co-workers, share them.

   Concluding Remarks
  While nothing we do can completely eliminate the threat of an incident, we can work together to improve our odds. As I said, this must be a real team effort and I'm counting on input from all of you. Let's keep communicating and continue to improve safety.

  Available at: <>.Retrieved on: April 1st, 2012. Adapted.

Based on the meanings in the text, it is clear that
Q244262 Inglês
Based on the meanings of the words in Text I,
Q237434 Inglês
Regarding the text, judge if the items below are right (C) or wrong (E).

The relationship the word “within” (L.13) bears with “without” (L.14) is one of opposition.
Q214757 Inglês
Match the columns with words of opposite meanings:

Imagem 005.jpg

Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: BNDES Prova: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - BNDES - Engenheiro |
Q200120 Inglês
Based on the meanings in the text,
Q199881 Inglês
Based on the meanings in Text I, the two words are antonymous in
Q186865 Inglês
In terms of meaning,
Q154634 Inglês
Model copes with chaos to deliver relief Computer program helps responders transport supplies in tough conditions
By Rachel Ehrenberg Science News, Web edition: Monday, February 21st, 2011
WASHINGTON — Getting blood or other perishable supplies to an area that’s been struck by an earthquake or hurricane isn’t as simple as asking what brown can do for you. But a new model quickly determines the best routes and means for delivering humanitarian aid, even in situations where bridges are out or airport tarmacs are clogged with planes.
The research, presented February 18 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, could help get supplies to areas which have experienced natural disasters or help prepare for efficient distribution of vaccines when the flu hits.
Efficient supply chains have long been a goal of manufacturers, but transport in fragile networks — where supply, demand and delivery routes may be in extremely rapid flux — requires a different approach, said Anna Nagurney of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who presented the new work. Rather than considering the shortest path from one place to another to maximize profit, her system aims for the cleanest path at minimum cost, while capturing factors such as the perishability of the product and the uncertainty of supply routes. ‘You don’t know where demand is, so it’s tricky,’ said Nagurney. ‘It’s a multicriteria decision-making problem.’
By calculating the total cost associated with each link in a network, accounting for congestion and incorporating penalties for time and products that are lost, the computer model calculates the best supply chain in situations where standard routes may be disrupted.
‘Mathematical tools are essential to develop formal means to predict, and to respond to, such critical perturbations,’ said Iain Couzin of Princeton University, who uses similar computational tools to study collective animal behavior. ‘This is particularly important where response must be rapid and effective, such as during disaster scenarios … or during epidemics or breaches of national security.
’ The work can be applied to immediate, pressing situations, such as getting blood, food or medication to a disaster site, or to longer-term problems such as determining the best locations for manufacturing flu vaccines. . Retrieved April 7th, 2011.
Based on the meanings in the text, the two items are antonymous in
Q114189 Inglês
The only pair of antonyms is:
Q98893 Inglês
The underlined word in "Often combining…." (lines 5 and 6) is the opposite of
Q97639 Inglês
Read text I and answer questions 31 to 36.


Beware the power of the blog

Companies may not like blogs, but if they ignore them
they may be inviting some PR disasters

The number of blogs on the internet is doubling every five
months, according to blog-tracking site Technorati. The total is
now around 20 million, with around 1.3 million posts made each
day. Most are no more interesting than overhearing another
person's telephone call, but there are exceptions that can have a
remarkable impact.

(from 2145491/beware-power-blog, retrieved on September 24th, 2008)

The opposite of the underlined word in “more interesting than” is
Q97512 Inglês
The underlined word in “Often combining….” (lines 5-6) is the opposite of
Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Auditor Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87925 Inglês
Based on the meanings in the text,
Q81320 Inglês
Based on the meanings in Text II, the words reveal opposite ideas in
21: B
22: A
23: E
24: C
25: E
26: E
27: A
28: B
29: C
30: E
31: B
32: C
33: E
34: E
35: C
36: B
37: D
38: B
39: D
40: D