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Q2402991 Inglês

ESL Teaching and Post-Pandemic: What Changed?

Altiné Moumouni

        The pandemic that started in 2019 has shaken the world, and it has transformed the way we interact, the way we work, and even made us appreciate the simplest things we took for granted.
                1. Pandemic creates shortage of qualified ESL teachers
             Currently, there are still fewer ESL teachers willing to travel abroad and teach ESL. At the same, countries like the USA experience a massive reduction in ESL teachers. About 44% of public schools in the USA declare they need at least one teacher, and 61%, particularly of these vacancies, are due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including 51% resignations and 21% retirements (Source:
                2. Pandemic increases uncertainty among ESL teachers
             The pandemic increased the level of uncertainty as nobody actually knows what will happen next. The best way to prepare is to invest in yourself and become a better teacher.
              3. Parents may experience income reduction
            Most countries, including the USA, will experience postpandemic recession, reducing households’ discretionary spending for education. This may lead to fewer private tutoring jobs available for ESL teachers. In addition, some ESL students may need to drop out of school to support their families.
              4. ESL teachers less sure about teaching as a career
         A study from the Brookings Institution found that, during the pandemic, teachers have become less confident about their career choices. The researchers found that many teachers considered leaving or retiring during the 2020-2021 academic year.   
             5. Pandemic increases role of technology in ESL learning
            One of the biggest issues is the increased role of technology in ESL learning. In most western countries, including the UK, Canada, and the United States, many ESL students have at least some access to electronic devices and internet. 

(Adapted from

Read the sentence and check the correct alternative:

“The pandemic that started in 2019 has shaken the world, and it has transformed the way we interact, the way we work, and even made us appreciate the simplest things we took for granted”.

The clause in bold in the sentence is not
Q2384532 Inglês
Considering the structure and the context presented in the statements below, which of the following hypothetical sentences is more likely to become true?
Q2379802 Inglês
You are planning a trip with your friends, but you have to finish your school assignments before you can leave.

Choose the best if-clause to complete the following sentence:

"If I __________ all my assignments, I will be able to go on the trip with my friends."
Q2357441 Inglês
Examine the following statements:
I. In: "If I were a rich girl, I _____ work at all", the gap can be filled with "would not".
II. In: "If I have time, I _____ something nice for her.", the gap can be filled with "would make".
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Q2357428 Inglês
Text 2

“The teachers are afraid of their pupils”, by Morrisey

There's too many people

Planning your downfall

When your spirit's on trial

These nights can be frightening

Sleep transports sadness

To some other mid-brain

And somebody here

Will not be here next year

So you stand by the board

Full of fear and intention

And, if you think that they're listening

Well, you've got to be joking

Oh, you understand change

And you think it's essential

But when your profession

Is humiliation

Say the wrong word to our children

We'll have you, oh yes, we'll have you

Source: The teachers are afraid of their pupils, as sung by Morrisey, 1995. Available on:
Examine the following statements about ‘Text 2’:
I. Considering that the scenario described by Morissey in the song focuses on a negative teaching point of view, students do not suffer any psychological setbacks from this educational environment.
II. Considering the scenario in the song, it is possible to deduce that students might be reproducing their social circle's view on education, and this behavior could be changed through interactions in the school environment.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
21: D
22: D
23: D
24: B
25: C