Questões de Concurso Sobre presente perfeito | present perfect em inglês

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Q3212705 Inglês
The size and age of the Cosmos are beyond ordinary human understanding. Lost somewhere between immensity and eternity is our tiny planetary home. In a cosmic perspective, most human concerns seem insignificant, even petty. And yet our species is young and curious and brave and shows much promise. In the last few millennia we have made the most astonishing and unexpected discoveries about the Cosmos and our place within it, explorations that are exhilarating to consider. They remind us that humans have evolved to wonder, that understanding is a joy, that knowledge is prerequisite to survival. I believe our future depends on how well we know this Cosmos in which we float like a mote of dust in the morning sky.
    Those explorations required skepticism and imagination both. Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere. Skepticism enables us to distinguish fancy from fact, to test our speculations. The Cosmos is rich beyond measure — in elegant facts, in exquisite interrelationships, in the subtle machinery of awe. The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. From it we have learned most of what we know. Recently, we have waded a little out to sea, enough to dampen our toes or, at most, wet our ankles. The water seems inviting. The ocean calls. Some part of our being knows this is from where we came. We long to return. These aspirations are not, I think, irreverent, although they may trouble whatever gods may be.

Cosmos. Carl Sagan.
The tense and aspect of the underlined verbs below are:
From it we have learned most of what we know. Recently, we have waded a little out to sea, enough to dampen our toes or, at most, wet our ankles.
Q3206840 Inglês
Mpox was declared a global public health emergency by the WHO. Now what?

Source: <> Consulted on Sept.13, 202
Match the sentences with the correct verb tense:
1. Present Simple 2. Past Simple 3. Present Perfect 4. Past Perfect
( )"Sweden became the first nation outside Africa to report a case of the newer strain." (Lines 10-11)
( ) "Cases of other strains, or clades, of mpox have popped up in other countries." (Line 12)
( ) "The outbreak involves a newer strain primarily seen in African countries." (Line 1)
( ) "… in neighboring countries that had never reported countries of mpox before." (Lines 8-9)

The correct order of the numbers, from top to bottom, is:
Q3191530 Inglês
Choose the correct negative form of the following sentence: "She has completed the project."
Q3191524 Inglês
Identify the sentence that correctly uses the negative form of the present perfect tense.
Q3180909 Inglês
In English grammar, which of the following sentences is written in the present perfect tense?
Q3175667 Inglês
Instruction: answer question based on the following text. 

Jean-Michel Basquiat 

Lisa S. Wainwright

Captura_de tela 2025-01-30 105528.png (867×654)

(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
Consider the following statements about the sentence “If Basquiat had not met Warhol, their collaborations would not have happened.”:

I. “Had not met” is a negative structure in the past perfect tense.
II. “Have happened” is a present perfect structure.
III. This is a conditional sentence.

Which statements are correct? 
Q3129910 Inglês
Choose the alternative that contains the incorrec sentence:
I. She has been working here since five years. II. I have already completed the assignment. III. They have gone to the supermarket. IV. He has lived in London for three years. 
Q3119912 Inglês
Escolha a alternativa que está correta de acordo com o uso do present perfect. She __________ already __________ her homework. 
Q3072542 Inglês
For question, choose the best option according to what is asked.

Check the sentences below:

I- She’s been sleeping.

II- She’s being tested.

III- She’s just finished her meeting.

What is the ’s a contraction of in each sentence, RESPECTIVELY?

Q3064507 Inglês


                                                   Why is music good for the brain?

                                                                                                                                                October 7, 2020

    By Andrew E. Budson, MD, Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing


1. Can music really affect your well-being, learning, cognitive function, quality of life, and even happiness? Hand in a recent survey on music and brain health conducted by AARP revealed some interesting findings about the impact of music on cognitive and emotional well-being: music listeners had higher scores for mental well-being and slightly reduced levels of anxiety and depression compared to people overall.

2. Of survey respondents who currently go to musical performances, 69% rated their brain health as “excellent” or “very good,” compared to 58% for those who went in the past and 52% for those who never attended. Of those who reported often being exposed to music as a child, 68% rated their ability to learn new things as “excellent” or “very good,” compared to 50% of those who were not exposed to music.

3. Active musical engagement, including those over age 50, was associated with higher rates of happiness and good cognitive function. Adults with no early music exposure but who currently engage in some music appreciation show above average mental well-being scores. Those are pretty impressive results, to be sure. However, this 20-minute online survey has some limitations. For one, it included 3,185 US adults ages 18 and older; that is a small number if you are extrapolating to 328 million people across the country. For another, it is really a survey of people’s opinions. For example, although people might report their brain health as “excellent,” there was no objective measure of brain health such as an MRI scan, or even a test to measure their cognition.

4. Lastly, even if the ratings were true, the findings are only correlations. They do not prove that, for example, it was the exposure to music as a child that led to one’s improved ability to learn new things. It may be equally likely that those children brought up in more affluent households were both more likely to be exposed to music and to be given a good education that led to their being able to easily learn new things later in life.

5. Music has been shown to activate some of the broadest and most diverse networks of the brain. Of course, music activates the auditory cortex in the temporal lobes close to your ears, but that’s just the beginning. The parts of the brain involved in emotion are not only activated during emotional music, they are also synchronized. Music also activates a variety of memory regions. And, interestingly, music activates the motor system. In fact, it has been theorized that it is the activation of the brain’s motor system that allows us to pick out the beat of the music even before we start tapping our foot to it!

6. Okay, get along! so music activates just about all of the brain. Why is that so important? Well, have you ever heard the expression, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it”? It turns out this is actually true in the brain. Brain pathways — and even whole networks — are strengthened when they are used and are weakened when they are not used. The reason is that the brain is efficient; it isn’t going to bother keeping a brain pathway strong when it hasn’t been used in many years. The brain will use the neurons in that pathway for something else. These types of changes should be intuitively obvious to you — that’s why it is harder to speak that foreign language if you haven’t used it in 20 years; many of the old pathways have degraded and the neurons are being used for other purposes.

BUDSON, Andrew E. Why is music good for the brain? Harvard Health Publishing, 7 out. 2020. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 12 maio 2024

Acoording to the text 1, the verbal tense in the fifth paragraph is:
Q3050714 Inglês

What is the definition of translanguaging?

      For years, research into the best instructional approaches for students identified as English learners has pointed to the concept of translanguaging.

       Identified by bilingual education researcher Ofelia García, it’s both a skill set and a total shift in the way language is thought of, used, and taught in K-12 classrooms where multiple languages are honored and addressed, even as English remains the dominant language of instruction, said Marybelle Marrero-Colon, the associate director of professional development for the Center for Applied Linguistics.

      Researchers are looking into how it can be applied to formal assessments, such as state standardized tests on which English learners might struggle to demonstrate their academic proficiency because they are tested in an unfamiliar language.

      Translanguaging is the ability to move fluidly between languages and a pedagogical approach to teaching in which teachers support this ability.

       In translanguaging, students are able to think in multiple languages simultaneously and use their home language as a vehicle to learn academic English.

      A student could be reading an article about the solar system in English, but in their brain, they are also thinking and making connections in Spanish. They might annotate in Spanish or first write down reading comprehension responses in Spanish and then figure out how to provide the responses in English, said MarreroColon. […]

   Teachers can engage in a variety of activities that deliberately encourage translanguaging, ranging from providing vocabulary in multiple languages to collaborative translation opportunities. The goal is to get students translanguaging as a practice that can be leveraged toward supporting literacy outcomes and engagement, as well as other academic endeavors.

      For example, two students could be assigned to solve a word problem, and one might be stuck on a word in English. The two students can then use an equivalent word in their home language to make sense of what the word problem is asking of them, Phillips Galloway said.

      Or in group activities, students can be prompted to share with the rest of the class how something taught in English would make sense in Spanish by highlighting similar and different grammatical structures between the two languages, Marrero-Colon said.

      “When you translate, you don’t have to do it word for word. You’re really trying to capture the feeling of that text,” MarreroColon said.

        Once teachers start doing these activities, research has found that students who have not spoken before start speaking and students who were not as engaged in text-comprehension activities suddenly are, she added. That's occurring because they are being encouraged to use their home language in class to think about language use overall.

Adapted from
The verb phrase in “who have not spoken before” (last paragraph) is in the
Q3046323 Inglês

(Tradicional canção estadunidense)
I'll give to you this paper of pins
If that's the way our love begins
If you will marry me, me, me
If you will marry me

I'll not accept your paper of pins
If that's the way our love begins
And I'll not marry you, you, you
No, I'll not marry you

I'll give to you this dress of red
All stitched around with golden thread
If you will marry me, me, me
If you will marry me
I'll not accept your dress of red
All stitched around with golden thread
And I'll not marry you, you, you
No, I'll not marry you

I'll give to you this golden chest
So you may have money at your request
If you will marry me, me, me
If you will marry me

I'll not accept your golden chest
So I may have money at my request
And I won't marry you, you, you
No, I won't marry you

Well, I'll give to you my hand and my heart
So we may marry and never part
If you will marry me, me, me
If you will marry me

I will accept you hand and your heart
That we may marry and never part
And I will marry you, you, you
And you will marry me, me, me
Yes, I will marry you 
A música tem predominância de qual tipo de tempo verbal?
Q3034737 Inglês
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: “I _____ to many countries.”
Q3024625 Inglês
Who wants a therapist who’s robotic? But a robot therapist?

Imagine feeling overwhelmed and in need of someone to talk to, but no one is available. You have no idea what to do, who to talk to and what to say. Chatbot AI is your new best friend. Essentially, it can take over basic human interaction and problems, answering even the most absurd questions. An artificial intelligence chatbot provides support and guidance. But there are some aspects that AI can not replace, things like having a physical person in front of you. Still, you feel a bit better knowing you have some support. The 1980s were referred to as the rapid “AI boom.” Joseph Weizenbaum, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, developed the first chatbot to simulate an entertaining human conversation. He envisioned it as taking on the persona of a psychotherapist. Its original purpose was “to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve the kinds of problems now reserved for humans and improve themselves.” Ideally, a user would input a message on an electric typewriter linked to a mainframe, and shortly after, the “psychotherapist” would respond. Decades later, in 2017, chatbots finally became recognized as a stable form of communication. Because of continuous innovations in technology, chatbots have been created as a type of artificial intelligence application that poses as a sort of digital friend that you can lean on. 
“…chatbots have been created as a type of artificial…” Which verb tense is expressed in “Have been created”?
Q3016042 Inglês
Which of the sentences below is not in the Present Perfect?
Q2553133 Inglês

“Wonderful experience”: Researcher’s close encounter with Svalbard polar bears

By Miranda Bryant

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).

Analyze the following statements about the underlined structure “has been based” (l. 08-09):
I. This verb tense is used because the sentence states when the action started, but not when it finishes, once it is still ongoing. II. The verb “have” is used in the third person singular form to agree with the subject of the sentence. III. If the present perfect structure were substituted by a simple past structure, there would be no changes in meaning.
Which ones are correct? 
Q2541659 Inglês
Susan is talking to her colleague about her recent achievements. Fill in the blanks with the correct present perfect form.

"I ___ (implement) a new teaching strategy, and I ___ (notice) significant improvements in student engagement." 
Q2540484 Inglês
Considering the sentence: “I'm not sure where Amanda is. She _______________ home, I suppose.” which one of the following is the correct verb form?
Q2527205 Inglês
The Problems with the Classroom Environment

By Emma Foley

1.    My suggestions for changing the school environment are as follows: educate Teachers on Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: In my educational career, the majority of the ableism I experienced didn’t come from other students, but teachers and other school authorities I believed were supposed to help me. I remember in my Sophomore year of high school, I emailed my English teacher to let her know I had ADHD. Her only reply was to drop the class; it was too hard for someone like me. Mind you, the school year hadn’t even started. I still took the class, and received quite high marks, but she would belittle my efforts consistently, chastising me from everything to my discussion points being “wrong” to my handwriting. Thank God for my high school’s strictness about fair grading. Secondly, educating teachers about neurodivergencies would help them with classroom and coursework planning, as well as help them to better understand disabled students.

2.     Make Classrooms More Comfortable: Cramped, uncomfortable classrooms are no good for all students, thus we need to get rid of the desk-chair model, and provide students with larger desks that have unconnected chairs, as well as space out desks. Though this is a reach, lecture halls needs to be completely redesigned to space students out (which is also helpful to prevent the spread of COVID!) and allow them greater desk space, as well as leg space! Another issue is lighting, with many classrooms lit by bright, irritating industrial lights. All classrooms should have windows, or at least less abrasive lighting, in order to combat seasonal mental illnesses, and make the classroom appear more “open” than cramped. The spaces between desks should also be accessible, to prevent others from tripping, and for students with mobility issues to access the entire classroom.

3.     Classroom Rules: It was always embarrassing for me when I had to ask for the bathroom, especially when a teacher denied my request. These rules are generally ridiculous, especially for younger children, who often are barely potty-trained. Neurodivergent children, especially those with autism, often have gastrointestinal disorders as a result of their disabilities. Some neurodivergent children simply can’t hold it either, as often times our basic needs are only sensed by us when they’re demandingly present. Asking to go to the bathroom is frankly antiquated and only hurts the student, a child shouldn’t need permission to complete such a necessary task. Another issue is that neurodivergent students are often prohibited from engaging in focus-strategies, such as doodling or using fidget toys. Both of these are proven to help maintain a neurodivergent person’s focus and help them relax. Making sweeping generalization about if the student is listening or not is simply unfair to the student, as this doubts their ability.

4.    Class Structure: Many classes are just based upon listening to the teacher/professor, with little stress placed on applying the learned material within the classroom. Therefore, lessons should be much more dynamic, whether that be through inclusive, smaller-group discussions, or via hands-on activities. Just reading notes off of slides doesn’t cut it for most students anyways, so a more dynamic model of teaching is absolutely necessary! Teachers should also assign course-long classroom groups in larger classroom environments, which helps neurodivergent students initiate connects with their peers, and be able to seek help out easier, especially if these groups have TA leaders, which help coordinate the groups. 

5. Overall, the standardized learning environment that’s currently in place in most schools and universities totally excludes the needs of neurodivergent learners, and the need to be changed in order to benefit both disabled students and the student body as a whole.

Spring, E. (2022, March 17). The problems with the classroom environment.
Retrieved from environment/.
Choose the sentence from the text 2 demonstrates the use of the present perfect tense?
Q2509372 Inglês


(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test). 

The excerpts “Hamlin has since made a full recovery” (l. 14) and “He has since made a remarkable recovery” (l. 16-17) are both in the present perfect tense. All alternatives below express common uses of this verb tense, EXCEPT for: 
1: A
2: A
3: C
4: A
5: A
6: D
7: C
8: A
9: B
10: A
11: B
12: B
13: A
14: D
15: C
16: C
17: A
18: E
19: C
20: E