Questões de Inglês - Presente progressivo | Present continuous para Concurso

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Q2124629 Inglês
     Global tech giant Google has added 24 new languages spoken by more than 300 million people to its Google Translate platform. “For years, Google Translate has helped break down language barriers and connect communities all over the world,” the US-based company said. It added that it now wants to help those whose languages aren’t represented in most technology. The new languages range from Bhojpuri, which is spoken in northern India, Nepal and Fiji, to Dhivehi, with its estimated 300,000 speakers in the Maldives.
     The move now brings to 133 the total number of languages available on Google Translate as of May 2022. The company says the new languages also represent a technical milestone, explaining that they use a machine learning model which learns to translate into another language without ever seeing an example. This can be useful for languages where large datasets of human translations, which can be used to train a computer, are not available. But the company admits that the technology isn’t perfect.
      So, will the translations be accurate? Some polyglots have noted problems with the languages already available. “For many supported languages, the translation is not great. It will definitely get the idea across but often it will lose much of the subtlety of the language,” Google Translate research scientist Isaac Caswell told the BBC.
      With the new languages, he said, it would be no different. But the people who helped in the research said it was a good place to start. “My impression from other people I have talked to was that it was a very positive thing for them,” Mr Caswell said. In 2020, Google Translate added five new languages to the platform in what was then its first expansion in the past few years.

Internet: <>(adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

The words “explaining”, “learning” and “seeing”, in the second paragraph, are examples of verbs in the present continuous tense.

Q2086270 Inglês

Jane! I shouted... Where are you dear?

I am here, near the gas station… she replied.

The verbs “shouted” and “replied” underlined in the text refer to: 

Q2064493 Inglês
Um dos usos do tempo verbal presente contínuo/progressivo é o de indicador de ação temporária em progresso no momento presente. Assinale a alternativa que responda corretamente a questão “What is Mary doing?”
Q2064483 Inglês
Analise a sentença: “We will have finished our new book by the end of the year”. Ela expressa o “tempo futuro”. Assinale a alternativa correta em relação à estrutura.
Q1998012 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

How do people see disability today?

Some time ago, people’s idea of disability was very distressing, especially towards people with disability and their families. If a child was born with any kind of disability, they _____________ that to many strange taboos, spiritual and traditional beliefs.

Today, disability is seen very differently. Education, information, support services, policy and accessibility efforts by many modern societies have empowered people with disabilities, together with _____ families, to rise to their fullest potential. Children with disability are able to go to school and feel part of society. Many people with disability have grown to become great, successful people.

Ray Charles and Steve Wonder, both blind from childhood, are some of ____________ musicians in the world. Marlee Matlin, ______ lost her hearing from childhood, is a great Standup Comedian and Actress. Chris Burke, a favorite American TV character, and writer, is a person with Down Syndrome. Nick Vujicic is _______ Australian Christian Evangelist and Motivational Speaker. Born ______ 1982 with a rare disorder, characterized by no hands and legs, has lived to inspire millions and continue to empower people.

Disability is part of life. People with disability have potential too, just like people without a disability. They have the same rights as everyone else and if people with disabilities, families, and society can work together on policy, we can make society all-inclusive and every person will have a fair chance to be the best they can be. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/22/2018)

In the sentence “Children with disability are able to go to school and feel part of society.”, the verbs are respectively in the 
16: E
17: D
18: D
19: E
20: E