Questões de Inglês - Pronome possessivo adjetivo | Possessive adjective para Concurso

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Q483832 Inglês
                        Gravity, review: “heartachingly tender”

            Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as astronauts adrift in
                  space, Alfonso Cuarón’s astonishing thriller is one of the films of
                                           the year, says Robbie Collin

      Watch an astronaut drifting through space for long enough and eventually you notice how much they look like a newborn baby. The oxygen helmet makes their head bigger, rounder and cuter; their hands grasp eagerly at whatever happens to be passing; their limbs are made fat and their movements simple by the spacesuit’s cuddly bulk. They tumble head-over-heels like tripping toddlers or simply bob there in amniotic suspension. Even the lifeline that keeps them tethered to their ship has a pulsing, umbilical aspect.
      Gravity, the new Alfonso Cuarón picture, is a heart- achingly tender film about the miracle of motherhood, and the billion-to-one odds against any of us being here, astronauts or not. It’s also a totally absorbing, often overpowering spectacle - a $100 million 3D action movie in which Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play two Hollywood-handsome spacefarers, fighting for their lives 375 miles above the Earth’s crust.
      A series of captions over the opening titles reminds us that this is a dead zone: no oxygen or air pressure, and nothing to carry sound. “Life in space is impossible,” the final message tells us, as the cinema shakes with Steven Price’s resonant score, and then suddenly falls quiet.
      For Dr. Ryan Stone (Bullock), a mission specialist in orbit for the first time, the lack of noise is welcome. She’s a medical engineer called up by NASA to install new software on to the Hubble Telescope, but also a mother in mourning for her four- year-old daughter, whom she lost in a senseless accident, and the silence enfolds her like a comfort blanket.

                                                            Available in:

Considering the text, read the sentence below and choose the alternative that presents the grammar function of the underlined words, respectively.

“The oxygen helmet makes their1 head bigger2 , rounder and cuter; their hands3 grasp eagerly at whatever happens to be passing; their limbs are made fat and their movements simple by the spacesuit’s cuddly bulk.”
Q383668 Inglês

                                                            Food Engineering

                                           MAKE A DIFFERENCE BE A FOOD ENGINEER

            Food engineering is the application of engineering principles to the storage, processing and distribution of food materials and _____ bio-products. It requires a sound engineering education, as well as fundamental training in chemistry and food science.
            Food Engineers can make valuable contributions in various capacities of food chain such as design of processing, handling, packaging and storage equipment and systems; scale-up of prototype food processes, machinery, and equipment; product/process research and development; regulation and protection of the public health; and engineering and technical Sales.

                                    Fonte: Acesso em: 15/10/2013.

The correct word to fill in the space provided in “food materials and ____ bio-products.” from text 2 is
Q359330 Inglês
In relation to the pronouns shown in bold in the text above, judge if the items below are right (C) or wrong (E).

The pronoun “theirs” (l.5) refers to “others” (l.4).
Q328067 Inglês
                                                     Generation Y
                                                                                     By Sally Kane, Guide

Born in the mid-1980's and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today's workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation. Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.

Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.

Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.

Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a solid learning curve

Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.

Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.


The best example of a possessive pronoun is:

Q325553 Inglês
Read the sentence below and choose the alternative that correctly links the underlined words to the nouns they refer to.

An FDA advisory panel, (I) which gave preliminary approval to Allergan's application, wasn't entirely happy with the company's data supporting (II) its safety and efficacy claims for the Lap-Band— (III) its own 149-patient study and six other studies, at least three of (IV) which conducted by researchers with financial links to Allergan.

46: E
47: C
48: E
49: A
50: A