Questões de Inglês - Pronome reflexivo | Reflexive Pronoun para Concurso

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Q1387324 Inglês

Complete the sentence with the best alternative.

That old machine cleans ________!

Q1387323 Inglês

Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

The girls climbed that tree _____.”

Q1387322 Inglês
Mark the best alternative to complete the blank.
Phoebe hurt ______ last game, then, she might not play tomorrow.”
Q1374300 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

The birth of a nation

     The most memorable writing in eighteenth-century America was done by the founding fathers, the men who led the American Revolution of 1775-1783 and wrote the constitution of 1989. But none of them were writers of fiction. Rather, they were practical philosophers, and their most typical product was the political pamphlet. They shared the European Enlightenment belief that human reason could understand both nature and man. Unlike the Puritans – who saw man as a sinful failure – the Enlightenment men were sure man could improve himself. They wanted to create a happy society based on justice and freedom.

     The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790) show the Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most optimistic. His style is quite modern and, even today, his works are a joy to read. At the same time, there’s something “anti-literary” about Franklin. He had no liking for poetry and felt that writing should always have a practical purpose.

     Almanacs, containing much useful information for farmers and sailors (about the next year’s weather, sea tides, etc.), were a popular form of practical literature. Together with the Bible and the newspaper, they were the most-widely read and often the only reading matter in most Colonial households. Franklin made his Almanac interesting by creating the character “Little Richard”. Each new edition continued a simple but realist story about Richard, his wife and family. He also included many “sayings” about saving money and working hard. Some of those are known to most Americans today:

     Lost time is never found again.

     God helps those who help themselves.

     In 1757 Franklin collected together the best of his sayings and published The Way to Wealth. This little book became one of the best-sellers of the Western World and was translated into many languages.

(Peter High. Outline of American Literature . Essex, Longman. 1996. Adaptado)

One of Benjamin Franklin’s sayings states that “God helps those who help themselves”. Another popular saying in English with the correct use of a reflexive pronoun is found in alternative
Q1252654 Inglês
Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the correct grammar use of the Pronouns:
I. She always does ______________ homework. II. Henry never talks to _______________. III. The baby can‟t feed ________________. IV. Paulo and you love _________________ teachers
16: B
17: C
18: A
19: C
20: D