Questões de Inglês - Pronome subjetivo | Subjective pronoun para Concurso

Foram encontradas 86 questões

Ano: 2017 Banca: IFB Órgão: IFB Prova: IFB - 2017 - IFB - Professor - Português/Inglês |
Q776088 Inglês

Read the text about Nobel Prize for the question.

In the sentence “It would be very bad to award it just to nice people”, the first ‘it’ refers to:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IFB Órgão: IFB Prova: IFB - 2017 - IFB - Professor - Português/Inglês |
Q776084 Inglês

Read the text about Nobel Prize for the question.

Based on the article, it is correct to affirm that the pronouns “it(l.2), “it(l.14), and “he(l.23), RESPECTIVELY, refer to:

Q767189 Inglês

Based on text 2, an adapted forum discussion, answer question below.

Teaching with no books

Dianne Bell

I have started teaching in a language school suggesting no books to teach except for some magazines. These show the framework what should be worked on, for example, countability and that’s it. When it was offered I accepted the job easily because it seemed challenging and at the same time simple but now I’m out of reliable materials. Please help me out in what ways I can find materials for all the suggested frameworks. 


Mila Junior and Senior Teacher

Posted on 02/22/2015

What exactly are you supposed to be teaching (i.e., conversation, grammar, business English, etc.)? Can you give more examples of the “frameworks”? If there are no books or resources, it sounds like the school wants you to do conversation classes. These can be easy to prepare if you tell the students to come prepared with a topic to discuss. Then, you can assist them with keeping a conversation going, asking questions, giving opinions, etc.


Secondary Teacher

Posted on 01/07/2015

 Hi, I think it really does depend on the students and the level you are teaching to. I have found a lot of online resources are useful, especially news articles. If you just type in “Free online English lessons” or something similar you are bound to find resources. I had to teach like that once. They give you a book with a list of what you should be teaching in each lesson but nothing else. The teacher has to make the lesson up out of thin air each time, and it’s pretty time-consuming. 


Science Educator

Posted on 11/22/2015

There are so many other resources out there for teachers to use, online and off, that teaching without textbooks is becoming more and more acceptable including websites, iPod lectures and field trips — that will encourage you to toss out your textbooks. Before you can toss out the textbook and replace it with technology tools, you’ll need to understand how your students — whatever their age — respond to and work with technology.

(Adapted from

In the excerpt “When it was offered I accepted the job easily…” in Dianne’s comment, the pronoun “it” refers to:
Q738943 Inglês

Atenção: A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Judges Push Brevity in Briefs, and Get a Torrent of Arguments


OCT. 3, 2016 

    The Constitution of the United States clocks in at 4,543 words. Yet a number of lawyers contend that 14,000 words are barely enough to lay out their legal arguments.

    That’s the maximum word count for briefs filed in federal appellate courts. For years, judges have complained that too many briefs are repetitive and full of outmoded legal jargon, and that they take up too much of their time.

    A recent proposal to bring the limit down by 1,500 words unleashed an outcry among lawyers.

    Lawyers in criminal, environmental and securities law insisted that briefs’ lengths should not be shortened because legal issues and statutes are more complex than ever

    As a result, the new word limit − which takes effect on Dec. 1 − will be 13,500 words, a reduction of only 500 words. And appellate judges will have the freedom to opt out of the limits.

    The new limit may not provide much relief for judges deluged with verbose briefs.

    While workloads vary, according to federal court data, the average federal appeals court judge, for example, might need to read filings for around 1,200 cases annually.

    That amount of reading − especially bad reading − can thin the patience of even the most diligent judge.

    Briefs “are too long to be persuasive,” said Laurence H. Silberman, a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

    In arguing against a reduction of words, the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers urged singling out “bad briefs” rather than only lengthy ones. It advised courts to “post on their court websites short videos outlining how to write a decent brief.”

    Robert N. Markle, a federal appellate lawyer, has argued − in his own personal view, not the government’s − that the limit should be reduced to 10,000 words. In a typical case, he said, “nothing justifies even approaching, much less reaching or exceeding 14,000 words.”

    Still, he acknowledged that the cut of 500 words “was at least a start.”

(Adapted from html?_r=0)

No trecho they take up too much of their time, os pronomes they e their referem-se, respectivamente, a
Q730051 Inglês
Mario-Centered Nintendo Land To Open By Tokyo Olympics
Nintendo Land is set to become the next highly-anticipated attraction at Universal Studios Japan, where it is scheduled to debut by 2020 in time for the Tokyo Summer Olympics. The recently confirmed $350 million deal was said to mirror the same large-scale investment that was needed in building the Harry Potter-themed area of the park, which opened to the public in July 2014.
Source: 305/mario-centered-nintendo-land-set-to-openby-tokyo-olympics.htm. (Adapted). Access: March 23rd, 2016.  
The pronoun it refers to
31: B
32: A
33: C
34: C
35: C