Questões de Inglês - Pronome subjetivo | Subjective pronoun para Concurso

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Q1694820 Inglês
Involve local groups in protecting biodiversity, conservationists urge Edinburgh declaration calls on leaders to work far more closely with communities Severin Carrell Scotland editor @severincarrell

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Available at:<> . Access on: 31st, Aug. 2020.

Analyze the sentences extracted from the article, then choose the alternative that best explains the underlined elements, respectively.
i. […] that’s how we’re going to meet those targets. (line 12) ii. These are chiefly focused on scientific, policymaking and political capacity […] (line 35)
Q1682985 Inglês


Coronavirus is a newly discovered virus. It causes a disease called Covid-19. In some parts of the world, it has made lots ............ people sick. Corona is a Latin for crown, because ............. the microscope, these viruses look like a crown .............. spikes ending ............... little blobs.

A lot of symptoms are similar to the flu. You may have dry and itchy cough, fever, lots of sneezing and even hard to breathe. Most of people who has gotten sick with this coronavirus have had a mild case. It means you will not feel the disease. But, for people who are much older or who already have health problems are more likely to get sicker with coronavirus.

If anyone gets sick and feels like they may have coronavirus, they can immediately call their doctors and get help. If there is something we are not sure about the information, confused or worried about, don’t be afraid to ask someone we trust.

Here are some things you can do to protect yourself, family and friends from getting sick: 1) wash your hands often using soap and water. 2) Sneeze into your elbows. It is believed that coronavirus spread through little liquid from our lungs. If you sneeze into your elbows, you can prevent germs for going far into the air. 3) Avoid touching your face. Don’t pick your nose. Don’t touch your mouth. Don’t rub your eyes. They are the places where the virus enter our bodies. 

Remember that this kind of virus can affect anybody. It doesn’t matter where you come from or what country you are from. Don’t forget, there are a lot of helpers out there who are working to protect us from the virus. We can take a part by keeping our health and stay at home to stop the virus spread to others.

In the sentence “Here are some things you can do to protect yourself, family and friends from getting sick: 1) wash your hands often using soap and water.” the underlined words can be correctly classified as:
Q1649418 Inglês

The difficult journey to Olympic success

For Jessica Morgan, a young athlete New Zealand, a typical day starts early. Most mornings, she gets up 4:30 a.m., while her family is still bed, and trains before school. As an elite rower, she is one the best in her country, and she aims to compete in the next Olympic Games.

Jessica’s weekly schedule is grueling. She trains twice a day, six days a week, and competes in rowing events on the weekends. However, she’s also a normal schoolgirl, and like every other sixteen-year-old at high school, she regularly does her homework, too. Jessica’s motivation is impressive. She never hangs out with friends or takes a vacation. She isn’t only an amazing athlete – she usually gets good grades in school, too. Of course, it isn’t easy to become successful. Being the best at your sport requires hard work, determination, and the help of family and coaches. Young athletes’ relationships with their family and coaches can influence their success in the future. Jessica’s parents usually spend hours every week taking her to training and competitions, and they help her to eat a healthy diet. Her coach plans her training and enters her for competitions. But both parents and coach must offer emotional support, too – for example, when Jessica loses a competition or she gets an injury. Luckily for Jessica, she has a good relationship with both her coach and family. But in other cases, these relationships can place too much pressure on young athletes. For this reason, some of them lose their motivation to do well. For Jessica, the most important factor in her future success is her own desire to win. “I know talented young athletes who give up because they feel lonely without their friends,” she says. “But I prefer not to think negatively.” Jessica believes she is responsible for securing her future success. “It’s my decision to train every morning and go back to it again every afternoon. It’s my decision not to have a social life, and never to take a vacation.” Not everyone can cope with this kind of lifestyle. But each day Jessica moves one step closer to achieving her Olympic dream.

Analyze the sentences according to structure and grammar use.
1. The negative form of the following sentence: “ Luckily for Jessica, she has a good relationship with both her coach and family” is “Luckily for Jessica, she hasn’t a good relationship with both her coach and family.” 2. The words ‘however, but, for these reason’, in bold in the text are adverbs. 3. In the following sentence: “For Jessica, the most important factor in her future success is her own desire to win.” The underlined words are in the superlative form. 4. The underlined words in the text: “it, they, her, them” are personal pronouns.
Choose the alternative with all the correct sentences
Q1252650 Inglês

Read the text and mark the CORRECT alternative form question:

Windsurfing around Britain

   Kevin Cookston, a 23-year-old engineering student, has been keen on windsurfing for many years. Recently, he set a new record for travelling all the way round the coast of Great Britain on a windsurf board.

   'I don‟t really know why I did it,‟ says Kevin, ‟just for the fun of it, I suppose. It was there to be done, that was all.‟ Despite lacking both the obsessive ambition and the funds that normally go with attempts to break records, Kevin made the journey in eight weeks and six days, knocking one week off the previous record set in 1984.

   Leaving from Exmouth in the south-west of England, Kevin travelled up the west coast of England and Wales, before going round the top of Scotland and then coming back down the other side. The journey officially covered 2.896 kilometres, although given the changes of direction to find the right wind paths, the actual distance Kevin travelled is probably closer to 4.000 km.

    Kevin fitted his fitness training in around his final year university examinations. ‟I didn‟t have that much time to prepare,‟ he explains. ‟But I went running often and supplemented that with trips to the gym to do weight training. I found I got a lot better during the trip itself actually. At the start, I was tired and needed a rest after four hours, but by the end I found I could do ten hours in a row no trouble.‟

   Kevin had a budget of £7.000 to cover the whole expedition. The previous record had been set with a budget twice that size, while a recent unsuccessful attempt had cost £40.000. Budgets have to meet the cost of fuel, food and accommodation for the support team, as well as the windsurfer's own equipment and expenses.

   Previous contenders had been accompanied by a boat on which they slept at night, as well as a fleet of vehicles on land to carry their supplies. Kevin made do with an inflatable rubber boat and an old van manned by four friends who followed his progress. Overnight arrangements had to be found along the way. Apart from the odd occasion when they enjoyed the hospitality of friends, the team made use of the camping equipment carried in the van, and slept on the beach.

   When asked if his athlete‟s diet was a closely kept secret, Kevin replied that he ate a lot of pasta and added the odd tin of tuna to keep up his energy. ‟Basically, we had anything that was on special offer in the nearest supermarket, he confided.

  Such a prolongued period of gruelling windsurfing made relaxation important however, and for this, Kevin favoured the pub method. This also provided social opportunities.“The people we met were really encouraging he recalls“. 'They thought what we were doing was really great. It was hard work, but we had a lot of fun along the way“. 

   Kevin has been windsurfing since he was thirteen years old and he is also a highly-ranked competitor at national level. ‟I don‟t know where I‟m ranked now,‟ he says, `because I‟ve missed a lot of important competitions this year. But what I did has more than made up for that and I‟ll be doing my best to be up there amongst the winners once I get back into the competitive sport next season‟. Given his unique achievement this year, Kevin seems well-placed to take on the world‟s top windsurfers. 

Fonte: First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 1, pg 116 Kenny/ Luque-Mortimer, Ed. Longman

What does the pronoun “we” in paragraph 8 refer to?
Q1009775 Inglês

Texto 01

Going Mobile, Going Further!

By Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia – October 28, 2016

So what happens to “learning” if we add the word “mobile” to it? The increasing and rapidly developing use of mobile technology by English language learners is an unquestionable aspect of today’s classroom. However, the attitude EFL teachers develop towards the use of mobile devices as an aid for language teaching varies greatly.

The unique benefits of mobile learning for EFL teachers include the ability to bridge formal and informal learning, which for language learners may be realized through supplementary out-of-classroom practice, translation support when communicating with target language speakers and the capture of difficulties and discoveries which can be instantly shared as well as being brought back into the classroom. Mobile learning can deliver, supplement and extend formal language learning; or it can be the primary way for learners to explore a target language informally and direct their own development through immediacy of encounter and challenge within a social setting. We still miss sufficient explicit connection between these two modes of learning, one of which is mainly formal and the other informal. Consequently, there are missed opportunities in terms of mutual benefit: formal education remains somewhat detached from rapid socio-technological change, and informal learning is frequently sidelined or ignored when it could be used as a resource and a way to discover more about evolving personal and social motivations for learning.

One example of how mobile devices can bridge formal and informal learning is through instantmessaging applications. Both synchronous and asynchronous activities can be developed for language practice outside the classroom. For example, in a discussion group on Whatsapp, students can discuss short videos, practice vocabulary with picture collages, share recent news, create captions and punch lines for memes, and take turns to create a multimodal story. Teachers can also create applications specifically to practice new vocabulary and grammar to support classroom learning.

Digital and mobile media are changing and extending language use to new environments as well as creating opportunities to learn in different ways. Mobile technology enables us to get physically closer to social contexts of language use which will ultimately influence the ways that language is used and learned. Therefore, let us incorporate mobile learning into our EFL lessons and literally “have the world in our hands”.

        (Disponível em

In “Consequently, there are missed opportunities in terms of mutual benefit: formal education remains somewhat detached from rapid socio-technological change, and informal learning is frequently sidelined or ignored when it could be used as a resource and a way to discover more about evolving personal and social motivations for learning.”, the pronoun it (paragraph 2, line 10) refers to:
21: C
22: A
23: D
24: C
25: B