Questões de Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns para Concurso

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Q2066013 Inglês
Classifique cada palavra da frase, a seguir, de acordo com suas respectivas categorias.
He might drive down my street. 
Q2064492 Inglês
Sabe-se que os pronomes reflexivos podem ter uma função enfática. Neste caso, eles se adaptam à pessoa ou à coisa que será enfatizada. Diante do exposto, analise as afirmativas a seguir e assinale a alternativa correta.
I. Mary is a journalist. She talked to the prime minister theirself. II. Mary is a journalist. She talked to herself the prime minister. III. Mary is a journalist. She talked to the prime minister herself. IV. The journalist, Mary, talked to the prime minister him. 
Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-MT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: IF-MT - 2018 - IF-MT - Português/Inglês |
Q2055054 Inglês
Growth Cocktail Helps Restore Spinal Connections in the Most Severe Injuries

Repairing damaged nerves in a rodent study marks a crucial first step toward bringing back lost movement

By Emily Willingham on August 30, 2018

In 1995 the late actor Christopher Reeve, who most famously played Superman, became paralyzed from the neck down after a horseback-riding accident. The impact from the fall left him with a complete spinal cord injury at the neck, preventing his brain from communicating with anything below it. Cases like Reeve’s are generally considered intractable injuries, absent any way to bridge the gap to restore disrupted communication lines.When Reeve died in 2004 a means of reconnection had yet to be built. Now, 14 years later, researchers have coaxed nerve cells to span the divide of a complete spinal cord injury. Their findings, described August 29 in Nature, are specific to only one kind of nerve cell and much work remains before a means of reconnection reaches patients, but the results make an impression. [...]

Their first effort failed. They tried dampening the activity of a gene called PTEN because the gambit had worked well with a few other types of nonspinal neurons. To their surprise, that strategy did not succeed with the propriospinal cells. They then turned to a set of chemicals that promote nerve cell growth and trigger production of a well-known structural protein called laminin, widely used in tissue engineering as a scaffold. Some of these growth promoters are active in embryonic development, and adults usually do not make them. Previous efforts to coax axons across an injury gap using so-called growth factors alone had come up empty—failures blamed on other inhibitory chemicals getting in the way.

(Disponível em:, acessado em 02/09/18).
O pronome “it”, na terceira linha do primeiro parágrafo do texto, refere-se a: 
Q2037136 Inglês

The Amazon Forest

The Amazon is often called the lungs of the earth and produces 20% of the world’s oxygen. For this reason, many people are trying to stop deforestation in the rainforest. Brazil, for example, is working hard to help the rainforest survive.

A few years ago, the Brazilian government put forward a plan called ARPA (Amazon Region Protected Areas). It had the support of many international agencies, including the World Bank, and the German Development Bank, KfW. The main aim was to build new areas of protected rainforest, maintain areas of the rainforest that hadn’t yet been destroyed, and stop deforestation. Deforestation contributes greatly to global warming because carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when trees get cut down and burned.

One of the first areas to be recognized as part of ARPA was the Tumucumaque Mountains National Park. It is 38,800 km2 and is the same size as Switzerland, a small country in Central Europe. It’s the world’s largest protected tropical national park, and the second largest national park. It is home to certain species of jaguar, eagle, and lizard, which can only survive in the rainforest. Many of these species are under threat from climate change and deforestation.

In order to work in the park, conservationists need a reliable map. However, no map existed, and they didn’t have enough knowledge to make one on their own. They came up with the idea of involving local tribes to help them, combining modern and ancient methods to produce a map. The tribes learned to use global positioning system handsets (GPS), in conjunction with their local knowledge of the area, which included fishing and hunting grounds, and places of historical or mythical importance. Aerial photos were a 20useful aid in the process as well. This method of map-making is now the key to the future of rainforests, in Brazil and the rest of the world too.

The words which in bold in paragraphs 3 and 4 in the text, are examples of: 
Q2026127 Inglês
Fay studies in a British school. She believes that .... teachers aren't strict enough. Teachers should help .... students to get better grades.
The pronouns that complete the sentences above, respectively, are:
191: A
192: C
193: C
194: E
195: E