Questões de Inglês para Concurso

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Q2440837 Inglês

Text CB1A7 

    Whenever a global economic transformation takes place, a single city usually drives it forward. Ghent, in modern-day Belgium, was at the core of the burgeoning global wool trade in the 13th century. The first initial public offering took place in Amsterdam in 1602. London was the financial centre of the first wave of globalisation during the 19th century. Today the city is San Francisco. 

    California’s commercial capital has no serious rival in generative artificial intelligence (AI), a breakthrough technology that has caused a bull market in American stocks and which, many economists hope, will power a global productivity surge. Almost all big AI start-up companies are based in the Bay Area, which comprises the city of San Francisco and Silicon Valley (largely based in Santa Clara county, to the south). OpenAI is there, of course; so are Anthropic, Databricks and Scale AI. Tech giants, including Meta and Microsoft, are also spending big on AI in San Francisco. According to Brookings Metro, a think tank, last year San Francisco accounted for close to a tenth of generative AI job postings in America, more than any other city of the country. New York, with four times as many residents, was second. 

Internet: <> (adapted). 

Maintaining the original meaning and the grammatical correctness of text CB1A7, the word “burgeoning” (second sentence) could be replaced with 
Q2440836 Inglês

Text CB1A7 

    Whenever a global economic transformation takes place, a single city usually drives it forward. Ghent, in modern-day Belgium, was at the core of the burgeoning global wool trade in the 13th century. The first initial public offering took place in Amsterdam in 1602. London was the financial centre of the first wave of globalisation during the 19th century. Today the city is San Francisco. 

    California’s commercial capital has no serious rival in generative artificial intelligence (AI), a breakthrough technology that has caused a bull market in American stocks and which, many economists hope, will power a global productivity surge. Almost all big AI start-up companies are based in the Bay Area, which comprises the city of San Francisco and Silicon Valley (largely based in Santa Clara county, to the south). OpenAI is there, of course; so are Anthropic, Databricks and Scale AI. Tech giants, including Meta and Microsoft, are also spending big on AI in San Francisco. According to Brookings Metro, a think tank, last year San Francisco accounted for close to a tenth of generative AI job postings in America, more than any other city of the country. New York, with four times as many residents, was second. 

Internet: <> (adapted). 

In text CB1A7, the word “which”, in the first sentence of the second paragraph, refers back to
Q2439430 Inglês
Fire up your taste buds … it’s International Hot and Spicy Food Day!

036.png (759×450)

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).
In the excerpt "the higher the Scoville rating, the hotter the chilli" (l. 13-14) there are two adjectives in the comparative form: "higher" and "hotter". Which of the following combinations show two adjectives that follow the same spelling rules in their comparative forms, in the same order?
Q2439429 Inglês
Fire up your taste buds … it’s International Hot and Spicy Food Day!

036.png (759×450)

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).
Mark the alternative that correctly and respectively fills the gaps in lines 04, 08 and 17. 
Q2435888 Inglês

O ensino de Língua Inglesa como X representa uma abordagem que reconhece o inglês não apenas como uma língua estrangeira, mas como uma ferramenta de comunicação global entre pessoas de diferentes línguas. Nessa perspectiva, o foco vai além da aquisição de uma cultura específica ou da reprodução de padrões linguísticos tradicionais, priorizando a eficácia da comunicação intercultural. No contexto de ensino de Língua Inglesa como X, o objetivo principal é capacitar os alunos a se comunicarem de forma clara e eficaz em situações diversas, onde o inglês é usado como um meio de interação internacional. Isso implica uma abordagem flexível que valoriza a compreensão mútua acima da conformidade rígida com normas linguísticas específicas.

Marque a alternativa que substitui corretamente o X no texto acima.

711: B
712: D
713: C
714: B
715: A