Questões de Inglês para Concurso

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Q2421812 Inglês

Krashen is an important author that deals with language acquisition. In his book Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, he shows that findings on first language influence on second language performance are quite consistent with findings and hypotheses from other apparently nonrelated areas, and that they contribute to a clear theoretical picture of second language acquisition and performance.

I. First language influence appears to be strongest in complex word order and in word-for-word translations of phrases.

II. First language influence is weaker in bound morphology.

III. First language influence seems to be strongest in acquisition poor environments.

According to his research findings, the correct affirmatives are:

Q2421811 Inglês

Celse-Murcia, in her book Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, stablishes central principles of four current approaches to language teaching.

The four approaches are:

Q2421810 Inglês

According to Leffa, the ideal foreign language teacher needs to have certain characteristics.

The ideal foreign language teacher characteristics’ are:

Q2421809 Inglês

The Communicative Approach is used by many teachers around the world and studied by many important authors including Leffa

It is NOT appropriate to say, according to Leffa, that in the Communicative Approach:

Q2421808 Inglês

Read the text below and complete the gap.

___________, or a person’s preferred or habitual ways of learning, can affect strategy use and learners outcome. Therefore learners need to be aware of their style so they can develop style-stretching skills for learning and using a foreign language.

The alternative that best completes the sentence is

876: A
877: A
878: B
879: C
880: C