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Q2562614 Inglês
Spoken and written English do not have different grammars, but the shared English grammar is used differently on the two channels. For the benefit of those who want to acquire good, all-round communicative competence we will therefore indicate in this book many such differences in the use of English grammar. So, 
Q2562613 Inglês
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The summaries of ‘Deutsche Kastanien’ by students from France and Germany confirm my hypothesis that the genre summary (French résumé, GermanZusammenfassung) is a culturallymarked genre. Representative samples of each cultural group are reproduced below. They show that the summaries by the American and French learners of German (cf. summary 7) remain close to the human interest story and its factual aspects, whereas the summaries by the German native speakers (summaries 8, 9 and 10) focus on the larger problem, of which Ender’s story is only an illustration.

KRAMSCH, 1993, p. 10.

From this perspective, the study of language encompasses
Q2562612 Inglês
What is the two views of learners authonomy Postmethod Pedagogy takes into account?
Q2562611 Inglês
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The postmethod condition is a sustainable state of affairs that compels us to fundamentally restructure our view of language teaching and teacher education. It urges us to review the character and content of classroom teaching in all its pedagogical and ideological perspectives. It drives us to streamline our teacher education by refiguring the reified relationship between theory and practice.

KUMARAVADIVELU, B. Understanding language teaching: from method to postmethod. Marhwah: Erlbaum, 2006. in: Language teacher education for a global society. Routledge: Taylor& Francis, 2012, p. 170.

So, Postmethod Pedagogy is a three-dimensional system consisting of three pedagogic parameters:
Q2562610 Inglês
In a recent interpretation of the learning objectives of communicative language teaching, Savignon (2002, p. 114– 115) considers the five goal areas, (known as Five Cs: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities) agreed upon as National Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the United States as representing a holistic, communicative approach to language learning. In this way, the cultures goal area
16: B
17: B
18: B
19: A
20: D