Questões de Inglês para Concurso

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Q2541657 Inglês
Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that express notions such as ability, obligation, permission, and possibility. Choose the sentence that correctly uses a modal verb.
Q2541656 Inglês
John and Mary are discussing their weekend plans. Complete their dialogue with the correct verb tense.

John: "What ___ (you/do) this Saturday?"
Mary: "I ___ (attend) a workshop on active learning methodologies." 
Q2538691 Inglês
According to the Base Curricular da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Palhoça, Matriz curricular 16, choose the alternative that presents the Grammar topics for the 6th grade.
Q2538689 Inglês

Text 2

Pre-Communicative and Communicative Activities 

[…] The development of communicative competence involves the acquisition and use of so-called language skills, which are promoted from the communicative approach in an integrated manner and with real communication purposes. To contribute to the development of these communicative language skills, the English teacher has a continuum of options ranging from so-called pre-communicative activities to proper communication activities. According to Littlewood (1998), the first are based on accuracy and present structures, functions, and vocabulary; the latter focus on fluency and involve information sharing and exchange.

The pre-communicative activities are subdivided into structural activities and quasi-communicative activities. Structural activities are described as machining and practical structures. The quasi-communicative ones are based on communication and the structure of the language. […]

English as a second Language teaching has methods ways in which teachers use to teach English.

Study the affirmatives below about Methods and Approaches, and mark the correct option.

Q2538688 Inglês

Text 2

Pre-Communicative and Communicative Activities 

[…] The development of communicative competence involves the acquisition and use of so-called language skills, which are promoted from the communicative approach in an integrated manner and with real communication purposes. To contribute to the development of these communicative language skills, the English teacher has a continuum of options ranging from so-called pre-communicative activities to proper communication activities. According to Littlewood (1998), the first are based on accuracy and present structures, functions, and vocabulary; the latter focus on fluency and involve information sharing and exchange.

The pre-communicative activities are subdivided into structural activities and quasi-communicative activities. Structural activities are described as machining and practical structures. The quasi-communicative ones are based on communication and the structure of the language. […]

Study these sentences below and decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).

( ) People learn a language best when using it to do things rather than through studying how language works and practicing rules.

( ) Learners participate in classroom activities that are based on an individualistic approach to learning.

( ) Communicative language teaching methodology makes real communication the focus of language learning.

( ) One of the goals of Communicative Language Teaching is to develop fluency in language use.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

321: C
322: A
323: E
324: A
325: B