Questões de Inglês para Concurso

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Q2520327 Inglês

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The emergence of interest in teaching languages for specific purposes, such as instrumental English, after World War II, was influenced by the development of research in areas such as sociolinguistics and educational psychology. 

Q2520326 Inglês

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Effective text comprehension only occurs if there is correspondence between the activated knowledge in the text and the reader's world knowledge.

Q2520325 Inglês

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Adverbial phrases in English can be composed exclusively of an adverb as their central element which does not modify directly a verb. For example: The weather forecast predicted rain quite soon.

Q2520324 Inglês

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The purpose of teaching is to prioritize the accumulation of knowledge, valuing a mind filled with information which is the only possible way to achieve problem solving skills as it can be observed in classrooms.

Q2520322 Inglês

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In the libertarian progressive pedagogy, the teacherstudent relationship is horizontal and non-directive, promoting self-management and the freedom of students in their learning.

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