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Q2166431 Inglês
Instruction: answer question based on the following text. The highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.

The Best & Worst Places for Expats in 2022 (Part 1)

*expat: informal for expatriate, someone who does not live in their own country. 
The sentence “expats in #2 Indonesia face few struggles when it comes to housing” (lines 03 and 04) means that when people move to Indonesia, finding a place to live is: 
Q2166430 Inglês
Instruction: answer question based on the following text. The highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.

The Best & Worst Places for Expats in 2022 (Part 1)

*expat: informal for expatriate, someone who does not live in their own country. 
According to the text, all the options below are reasons why expats enjoy living in Mexico, EXCEPT for the:
Q2163898 Inglês

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The preposition was adequately used in the sentence “My nephew was born on April”.
Q2163895 Inglês

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The sentence “It is I who wrote the letter” is grammatically incorrect.
Q2163889 Inglês

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 A aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira deve possibilitar o aluno a se envolver nos processos de construir significados nessa língua se torne um ser discursivo no uso de uma língua estrangeira. 
Q2163888 Inglês

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No que diz respeito ao processo avaliativo de língua inglesa, é correto afirmar que a aprendizagem da língua inglesa deve ser avaliada preferencialmente por meio de ferramentas quantitativas, com o objetivo de classificar os alunos e prepará-los para exames. 
Q2163887 Inglês

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The sentence “They have drank a lot of beer” is grammatically correct.
Q2163886 Inglês

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The preposition is correct in the sentence “She is really good at sports”. 
Q2163881 Inglês

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The article was correctly used in the sentence “Online translators have been an useful tool for students”.
Q2163878 Inglês

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In the sentence “You should avoid drinking coffee before going to bed”, the modal verb “should” can be replaced with “must” without changing the meaning of the sentence. 
Q2163876 Inglês

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Na frase “Billie is playing his guitar always”, o uso do advérbio está correto.
Q2163870 Inglês

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The sentence “She is the more beautiful girl in the classroom” is grammatically correct. 
Q2163868 Inglês

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In the sentence “She was born in the Netherlands”, the use of the article is correct.
Q2163866 Inglês

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Na frase “my house is bigger than yours”, o comparativo de superioridade do adjetivo “big” está correto. 
Q2163865 Inglês

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The plural form of “That kid is a good student” is “Those kids are goods students”. 
Q2163864 Inglês

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In the phrase “A beautiful big white horse”, the order of the adjectives is correct.
Q2163863 Inglês

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The sentence “Lucy wants to spend some days in the her beach house” is grammatically correct. 
Q2163857 Inglês

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Na frase “She rarely goes to the park”, a palavra “rarely” é um advérbio de frequência. 
Q2163855 Inglês

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In the sentence “John is still working, though he’s old enough to retire”, the conjunction “though” expresses comparison. 
Q2163852 Inglês

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The plural form of “mouse” is “mice”. 
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