Questões de Inglês para Concurso

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Q2968544 Inglês

Complete the sentence with one of the words below.

Instead of .................. them orders from above, your administration should support them and try to make their life easier.

Q2968543 Inglês

Choose an equivalent (value, purpose and meaning) translation for the idea:

 Today she's a key part of any working team, making decisions, running vital parts of a company and keeping everyone in line - especially when it comes to new technology.

Q2968541 Inglês
not valid statement found

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem related to bandwidth?

Q2968539 Inglês
not valid statement found

In paragraph 1, the text refers to:

Q2968533 Inglês
not valid statement found

Bandwidth refers to:

21: D
22: A
23: B
24: E
25: D