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Q1015031 Inglês

As far as language learning is concerned, the author compares young and old learners and concludes that the latter usually

Q1015030 Inglês
The excerpt “The English learner of the future may be less worried about sounding exactly like a native speaker and more concerned about how to use English effectively in cross-cultural communication.” (L. 28-30) implies that, when learning English in the future, one will probably
Q1015029 Inglês
The use of one in “[…] the meaning of texts and symbols is situated in what one does […]” (L. 26,27) is related to
Q1015028 Inglês
In the excerpts “[…] there are lowered consequences for failure and taking risks […]” (L. 15) and “[…]while school-based Baby Boomers give lip service to multicultural diversity and understanding,[…]” (L. 38,39), the underlined lexical occurrences are known as
Q1015027 Inglês
The use of do in “Such young people experience much better viewpoints on learning in their "trivial" (from a Baby Boomer's perspective) cultural pursuits than they do in the schools Baby Boomers largely control.” (L. 36-38) is a clear instance of the process of
Q1015026 Inglês
On accounting for the semantic value of the prefix used in “[…] the video and computer games industry now outsells the movie industry.”(Poole 2000)” (L. 7), the alternative in which the word formation process produces the same effect as in the underlined word is
Q1015025 Inglês
Regarding the noun phrase modern first-and-third person shooter games (L. 12), one may infer that, in the games referred to, the player
Q1015024 Inglês
The excerpt “[...] thanks to modern technology, young people today are often exposed outside of school to processes of learning that are deeper and richer than the forms of learning to which they are exposed in schools” (L.1-3) indicates that learning outside of school has become
Q1015023 Inglês
By reading the passage “[…] there are intrinsic rewards (within the game) keyed to any player's level of expertise;[…]” (L. 22,23), it is possible to infer that the
Q1015022 Inglês
From the excerpt “[…] they are just the sorts of principles that are driven out of schools by our current mania for testing and accountability.” (L.46-48), it can be understood that traditional schooling
Q1015021 Inglês
From the fragment “I should mention, too, that while school-based Baby Boomers give lip service to multicultural diversity and understanding, they rarely extend this understanding to the generational, peer-based, and popular cultures of the young people in school.” (L. 38-40), one can infer that Baby Boomers
Q1015020 Inglês
An overview of the text makes it possible to affirm that the author portraits school as being committed to
Q1015019 Inglês
Indicate which of the following verbs, combined with the same preposition, is similar in meaning to the underlined expression in “[…] different social and cultural environments will call for different strategies […]” (L. 8,9):
Q1015018 Inglês
In “Specialists in teaching – and, in particular, the teaching of World English (WE) will, henceforth, need to take into consideration the important fact that language teaching is, over and above everything else, a matter of negotiating identities” (L. 6-8), the underlined word functions as a discourse marker of
Q1015017 Inglês
The expression underlined in “[…] when it comes to dealing with the question of negotiating new identities in the face of contact with alien tongues.” (L. 9,10) refers to languages which
Q1015016 Inglês
Considering the characteristics of our post-modern society and language, the author raises the need for teaching strategies which
Q1015015 Inglês


Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Taking into account the assumptions that underlie the text, one can say that the author advocates a linguistic approach that

Q1015014 Inglês
On paraphrasing the underlined words in “Whole communities, such as several in the Basquespeaking parts of northern Spain, have had their linguistic identity deliberately eliminated.” (L. 41,42) one might say that someone/ something
Q1015013 Inglês
The change of word order in the clause “[…] but it is hardly a new problem.” (L. 13) to hardly is it a new problem reveals the following linguistic phenomena:
Q1015012 Inglês
Mark the excerpt in which a word formed by the adding of the suffix –ING in a similar way as it happens to the underlined word in “[…] the remarkable progress of English as a promising step towards global communication.” (L. 49,50) can be found:
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