Questões de Concurso Sobre inglês

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Q503713 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
In language teaching studies, some attempts of modeling the reading process have been made. The approach to reading that is generally accepted today is:
Q503712 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
In “Oficina de Linguística Aplicada”, Moita Lopes (1996) discusses the concept of “self-ful?lling prophecy”, presented by Rosenthal and Jacobson in 1973. The author particularly uses this concept to tackle the belief of failure, which:
Q503711 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
The “Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais" claim that learning a foreign language contributes to the learning of the first language. According to this document, that can be explained by the fact that learning a foreign language:
Q503710 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
The “Currículo Mínimo – Língua Estrangeira” (2012) has the purpose of developing the following competence in basic school education:
Q503709 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
The “Currículo Mínimo – Língua Estrangeira” (2012) aims at promoting interdisciplinarity, majorly with the discipline of Portuguese language. The document suggests that this promotion be achieved by means of:
Q503708 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
In “Dimensões Comunicativas no Ensino de Línguas", Almeida Filho (2007) discusses the types of competence a language teacher should achieve. For the author, “implicit competence" is the most basic one and should be surpassed. This competence can be defined as a/an:
Q503707 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
The current state of the reflections about language teaching is broadly associated to the idea of “postmethod". This term was proposed by Kuramadivelu in 1994 and it includes ten macrostrategies. Three of these macrostrategies are:
Q503706 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
The conceptual difference between “method” and “approach” is an interesting point to start discussing English language teaching. According to Richards and Rogers (2001), in “Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching”, “method” and “approach” can be translated into the two following phrases, respectively:
Q503705 Inglês
Questions 21 through 35 address existing theories of English teaching. Read them and mark the correct alternative.
In the article “Ensino de Línguas: passado, presente e futuro”, Vilson Leffa (2012) predicts a certain “invisibility” to teachers in the future. According to the author, this “invisibility” means:
Q501868 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que preencha CORRETAMENTE as sentenças abaixo de acordo com os verbos dados, respectivamente.

I. _________________ (to lie) in the sun for six hours. That’s why he is sunburnt.
II. Carry is on the phone now. _________________ (to talk) to her sister in Greece.
III. I’m not sure if this is a good book. _________________ (to read) it.
IV. I think I’m a good skier. _________________ (to go skiing) every weekend in the winter.
V. In Middle East the people _________________ (to rise up) against the dictator after the incident.
VI. Americans _________________ (to be) the first to send a man to the moon about fifty years ago.
Q501865 Inglês
Leia o diálogo abaixo:.

Douglas: It’s good to have you here, cousin! Would you like some wine?
Claudia: Sure. Douglas, remember when we were kids and we used to visit grandma every Sunday for lunch? Douglas: Yes. We would spend the whole day playing in the backyard! Too bad we can’t turn back time…
Claudia: You’re right… I guess I would have spent more time with her. She used to take such good care of us. She would make us those delicious chocolate chip cookies, then she would buy us all Christmas presents.! She has always enjoyed being around her grandchildren!
Douglas: Yeah… If I had grandchildren, I would be exactly like she was to us.
Claudia: So would I! I would rather be like her than being a lonely old lady.

De acordo com o diálogo acima, nas expressões destacadas, o verbo modal would é empregado para indicar, respectivamente,
Q501864 Inglês
Texto para a questão.

“Dear Robert,

I can’t believe I have found your email address, because I thought I’d lost it! It’s been so long we haven’t talked, I feel I have so much to tell you. Do you remember Alex from our high school class? We got married! And we’ve been married for about six years. We have two kids, Lily and Oliver. They’re so lovely! Lily is five and Oliver is two. We moved from Florida right after we had Lily for Alex got a nice job as a chief engineer of a car factory in Chicago and we’ve been living here since then. Chicago is an incredible city. There are many shopping centers, parks, libraries and the nightlife is pretty fun. Of course, after having two kids, Alex and I don’t have plenty of time to go out at night, but we do catch a movie every once in a while, we just have to find a babysitter! I’m still working as a teacher in a primary school very close to our neighborhood. I work in the afternoons and it gives me the opportunity to see the kids in the morning and at night. Alex usually works all day, yet he gets home before I do, so that when I arrive the kids have already taken their showers and are finishing their supper. It’s very rewarding to be a mom, even though I may get worn out at times. So, I heard you run a taco place in central Florida, is that right? Me and my husband love Mexican food and we’re planning on visiting our parents in the city on Thanksgiving. Maybe we could stop by your business and grab a taco! Well, Oliver has just woken up from his afternoon nap and is calling for me! I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon!



De acordo com o texto acima, as expressões destacadas for, every once in a while e yet podem ser substituídas, sem prejuízo de sentido, respectivamente, por
Q501862 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta os termos que preenchem CORRETAMENTE as lacunas existentes nos enunciados seguintes, de cima para baixo:

I. These bees ___________ kept in a large hive before they were taken out and examined by the beekeeper.
II. A thief came into his house, tied him up, took his money, and left. He ___________ tied up for several hours.
III. John doesn't cook very well. He _____________ helped by his wife.
IV. Amanda is pregnant. She expects her baby ______________ in November.
Q501861 Inglês
Leia as sentenças abaixo:

I. The waiter that served me at the coffe shop moved away.
II. He saw that the bottles were empty.
III. Carla told me that she was going to quit the restaurant where she works in.
IV. I didn’t get the job that I applied for.

Em qual (is) das sentenças acima o uso do pronome relativo em negrito é extremamente necessário?
Q501860 Inglês
A sentença “Jane _____ cook pasta very well.” é CORRETAMENTE completada com
Q501859 Inglês

Party girls don't get hurt
Can't feel anything, when will I learn
I push it down, push it down

I'm the one "for a good time call"
Phone's blowin' up, they're ringin' my
I feel the love, feel the love

1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 drink
1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 drink
1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 drink
Throw ‘em back, till I lose count

I'm gonna swing from the chandelier,
from the chandelier
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't
Like it doesn't exist
I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night
Feel my tears as they dry
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier,
from the chandelier

And I'm holding on for dear life
Won't look down, won't open my eyes
Keep my glass full until morning light
'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight
Help me, I'm holding on for dear life
Won't look down won't open my eyes
Keep my glass full until morning light
'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight
On for tonigh

Sun is up, I'm a mess
Gotta get out now, gotta run from this
Here comes the shame, here comes the

Furler, Sia. Chandelier, Sia. In: 1000 Forms of Fear. Monkey Puzzle Records e RCA Records, 2014.

Letras de músicas abordam temas que, de certa forma, podem ser reforçados pela repetição de trechos ou palavras. O fragmento da canção Chandelier, por exemplo, permite conhecer o relato de alguém que
Ano: 2015 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNESP Prova: VUNESP - 2015 - UNESP - Bibliotecário |
Q499767 Inglês
                                     Cataloging Electronic Resources

         Within the last few years, electronic resources have 
become a prominent, if not the most dominant, means of  
discovery and research for users of all types of libraries.  
Although much of the electronic content for which libraries  
provide access is in the form of electronic journals, there is 
a growing proliferation of databases and indexes that lead  
users directly to full-text content, both serial and monographic. 
The variety of electronic resources and means of accessing 
them has led to discussions regarding cataloging and online 
resource management. Workflow and concomitant staffing  
issues have also become prevalent in the literature as libraries  
adjust to the realities of acquiring and processing these non- 
print materials. Electronic resources have challenged the 
principles and practices of cataloging over the last several 
years. The complex nature of cataloging and the changes  
necessitated by electronic resources have led to the need for 
guides to explain the rules in what may be perceived as more 
“practical” terms.
A frase do texto – Electronic resources have challenged the principles and practices of cataloging over the last several years. – indica que
Ano: 2015 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNESP Prova: VUNESP - 2015 - UNESP - Bibliotecário |
Q499766 Inglês
                                     Cataloging Electronic Resources

         Within the last few years, electronic resources have 
become a prominent, if not the most dominant, means of  
discovery and research for users of all types of libraries.  
Although much of the electronic content for which libraries  
provide access is in the form of electronic journals, there is 
a growing proliferation of databases and indexes that lead  
users directly to full-text content, both serial and monographic. 
The variety of electronic resources and means of accessing 
them has led to discussions regarding cataloging and online 
resource management. Workflow and concomitant staffing  
issues have also become prevalent in the literature as libraries  
adjust to the realities of acquiring and processing these non- 
print materials. Electronic resources have challenged the 
principles and practices of cataloging over the last several 
years. The complex nature of cataloging and the changes  
necessitated by electronic resources have led to the need for 
guides to explain the rules in what may be perceived as more 
“practical” terms.
De acordo com o trecho,
Ano: 2015 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNESP Prova: VUNESP - 2015 - UNESP - Bibliotecário |
Q499765 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir para responder a  questão.
                                   Fundamental competencies for
                                 Special Collections Professionals

          Today's special collections environments are increasingly  diverse. They vary significantly with regard to institutional  setting, nature of collections, scope of functions and services,  and audience. A special collections professional may  experience much of this variety over the course of his/her  career, taking on different public and technical service duties, curatorial functions, and management responsibilities. Even those who remain focused on a single functional specialty  within one institution will best contribute to that institution's  vitality and success by developing broad awareness of the full
array of responsibilities that define the field as a whole. We  assume a professional who gradually achieves such general  proficiency over the course of his/her career; full mastery in all  areas, however, is by no means expected.

                                                              ( Adaptado)
No fragmento – ... developing broad awareness of the full array of responsibilities that define the field as a whole. – a expressão em destaque, no contexto em que aparece, associa-se, em português, à ideia de desenvolver
Ano: 2015 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNESP Prova: VUNESP - 2015 - UNESP - Bibliotecário |
Q499764 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir para responder a  questão.
                                   Fundamental competencies for
                                 Special Collections Professionals

          Today's special collections environments are increasingly  diverse. They vary significantly with regard to institutional  setting, nature of collections, scope of functions and services,  and audience. A special collections professional may  experience much of this variety over the course of his/her  career, taking on different public and technical service duties, curatorial functions, and management responsibilities. Even those who remain focused on a single functional specialty  within one institution will best contribute to that institution's  vitality and success by developing broad awareness of the full
array of responsibilities that define the field as a whole. We  assume a professional who gradually achieves such general  proficiency over the course of his/her career; full mastery in all  areas, however, is by no means expected.

                                                              ( Adaptado)
A quarta frase do texto – Even those who remain focused on a single functional specialty within one institution… – aponta para um profissional cujo perfil
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