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Ano: 2015 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNESP Prova: VUNESP - 2015 - UNESP - Bibliotecário |
Q499763 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir para responder a  questão.
                                   Fundamental competencies for
                                 Special Collections Professionals

          Today's special collections environments are increasingly  diverse. They vary significantly with regard to institutional  setting, nature of collections, scope of functions and services,  and audience. A special collections professional may  experience much of this variety over the course of his/her  career, taking on different public and technical service duties, curatorial functions, and management responsibilities. Even those who remain focused on a single functional specialty  within one institution will best contribute to that institution's  vitality and success by developing broad awareness of the full
array of responsibilities that define the field as a whole. We  assume a professional who gradually achieves such general  proficiency over the course of his/her career; full mastery in all  areas, however, is by no means expected.

                                                              ( Adaptado)
De acordo com o trecho, as chamadas Coleções Especiais em bibliotecas
Q499577 Inglês
A man stepped onto the overnight train and told the conductor, “I need you to wake me up  in Philadelphia. I'm a  deep sleeper and can be angry when I get up, but no matter what, I want you to help me make that stop. Here's $100 to  make sure".

The conductor agreed. The man  fell asleep, and when he awoke he heard  the announcement  that  the  train was  approaching New York, which meant they had passed Philadelphia a long time ago.  Furious, he ran to the conductor. “I gave you $100 to make sure I got off in Philadelphia, you idiot!"  “Wow," another passenger said to his traveling companion. “Is that guy mad!"  “Yeah," his companion replied. “But not half as mad as that guy they forced off the train in Philadelphia." 

                                                      (English2Go, No 7,The Reader's Digest Association, 2005. P. 80.) 

In “ ...the train was approaching New York" a gerund is used as a/an
Q499576 Inglês
A man stepped onto the overnight train and told the conductor, “I need you to wake me up  in Philadelphia. I'm a  deep sleeper and can be angry when I get up, but no matter what, I want you to help me make that stop. Here's $100 to  make sure".

The conductor agreed. The man  fell asleep, and when he awoke he heard  the announcement  that  the  train was  approaching New York, which meant they had passed Philadelphia a long time ago.  Furious, he ran to the conductor. “I gave you $100 to make sure I got off in Philadelphia, you idiot!"  “Wow," another passenger said to his traveling companion. “Is that guy mad!"  “Yeah," his companion replied. “But not half as mad as that guy they forced off the train in Philadelphia." 

                                                         (English2Go, No 7,The Reader's Digest Association, 2005. P. 80.) 

In “They had passed Philadelphia a long time ago" the verb tense is a:
Q499575 Inglês
A man stepped onto the overnight train and told the conductor, “I need you to wake me up  in Philadelphia. I'm a  deep sleeper and can be angry when I get up, but no matter what, I want you to help me make that stop. Here's $100 to  make sure".

The conductor agreed. The man  fell asleep, and when he awoke he heard  the announcement  that  the  train was  approaching New York, which meant they had passed Philadelphia a long time ago.  Furious, he ran to the conductor. “I gave you $100 to make sure I got off in Philadelphia, you idiot!"  “Wow," another passenger said to his traveling companion. “Is that guy mad!"  “Yeah," his companion replied. “But not half as mad as that guy they forced off the train in Philadelphia." 

                                                            (English2Go, No 7,The Reader's Digest Association, 2005. P. 80.) 

In “Here's $100 to make sure" MAKE SURE is closest in meaning to:
Q499573 Inglês
The item that matches the image is:   

Q499572 Inglês
                           The Office of Weights and Measures

The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, regulations, and standards to achieve equity between buyers and sellers in the marketplace. This enhances consumer confidence, enables U.S. businesses to compete fairly at home and abroad, and strengthens the U.S. economy.

OWM partners with the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), an organization of State and local weights and measures officials and representatives of business, industry, consumer groups, and Federal agencies, to develop U.S. standards in the form of uniform laws, regulations, and methods of practice. OWM serves as the U.S. representative to the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) to bring efficiency and cost savings to U.S. manufacturers and other stakeholders doing business overseas, through the promotion of harmonized international standards and regulatory practices.

OWM ensures traceability of state weights and measures standards to the International System of Units (SI); develops procedures for legal metrology tests and inspections, and conducts training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials. OWM provides guidance on the model weights and measures laws and regulations adopted by the NCWM and coordinates the development and publication of key NCWM publications.

It is estimated that sales of products or services impacted by weights and measures laws in the United States represent approximately 50 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. Industry sectors potentially affected by the decisions of the NCWM include retail food sales, other retail sales, petroleum products, transportation, and chemicals.

The NIST Office of Weights and Measures analyzes weights and measures training needs, obtains input from the weights and measures community, designs and delivers training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials, measures the impact and effectiveness of training to ensure ongoing continual improvement, and consults with the weights and measures community to ensure ongoing professional development.

                                                                                (Available in:

Choose the item which is a measure:
Q499571 Inglês
                           The Office of Weights and Measures

The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, regulations, and standards to achieve equity between buyers and sellers in the marketplace. This enhances consumer confidence, enables U.S. businesses to compete fairly at home and abroad, and strengthens the U.S. economy.

OWM partners with the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), an organization of State and local weights and measures officials and representatives of business, industry, consumer groups, and Federal agencies, to develop U.S. standards in the form of uniform laws, regulations, and methods of practice. OWM serves as the U.S. representative to the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) to bring efficiency and cost savings to U.S. manufacturers and other stakeholders doing business overseas, through the promotion of harmonized international standards and regulatory practices.

OWM ensures traceability of state weights and measures standards to the International System of Units (SI); develops procedures for legal metrology tests and inspections, and conducts training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials. OWM provides guidance on the model weights and measures laws and regulations adopted by the NCWM and coordinates the development and publication of key NCWM publications.

It is estimated that sales of products or services impacted by weights and measures laws in the United States represent approximately 50 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. Industry sectors potentially affected by the decisions of the NCWM include retail food sales, other retail sales, petroleum products, transportation, and chemicals.

The NIST Office of Weights and Measures analyzes weights and measures training needs, obtains input from the weights and measures community, designs and delivers training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials, measures the impact and effectiveness of training to ensure ongoing continual improvement, and consults with the weights and measures community to ensure ongoing professional development.

                                                                                (Available in:

Weights and Measures represent approximately 50 percent…" APPROXIMATELY is closest in meaning  tolaws in the US 
Q499570 Inglês
                           The Office of Weights and Measures

The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, regulations, and standards to achieve equity between buyers and sellers in the marketplace. This enhances consumer confidence, enables U.S. businesses to compete fairly at home and abroad, and strengthens the U.S. economy.

OWM partners with the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), an organization of State and local weights and measures officials and representatives of business, industry, consumer groups, and Federal agencies, to develop U.S. standards in the form of uniform laws, regulations, and methods of practice. OWM serves as the U.S. representative to the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) to bring efficiency and cost savings to U.S. manufacturers and other stakeholders doing business overseas, through the promotion of harmonized international standards and regulatory practices.

OWM ensures traceability of state weights and measures standards to the International System of Units (SI); develops procedures for legal metrology tests and inspections, and conducts training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials. OWM provides guidance on the model weights and measures laws and regulations adopted by the NCWM and coordinates the development and publication of key NCWM publications.

It is estimated that sales of products or services impacted by weights and measures laws in the United States represent approximately 50 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. Industry sectors potentially affected by the decisions of the NCWM include retail food sales, other retail sales, petroleum products, transportation, and chemicals.

The NIST Office of Weights and Measures analyzes weights and measures training needs, obtains input from the weights and measures community, designs and delivers training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials, measures the impact and effectiveness of training to ensure ongoing continual improvement, and consults with the weights and measures community to ensure ongoing professional development.

                                                                                (Available in:

One of the outcomes of the OWM action is:
Q499569 Inglês
                           The Office of Weights and Measures

The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, regulations, and standards to achieve equity between buyers and sellers in the marketplace. This enhances consumer confidence, enables U.S. businesses to compete fairly at home and abroad, and strengthens the U.S. economy.

OWM partners with the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), an organization of State and local weights and measures officials and representatives of business, industry, consumer groups, and Federal agencies, to develop U.S. standards in the form of uniform laws, regulations, and methods of practice. OWM serves as the U.S. representative to the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) to bring efficiency and cost savings to U.S. manufacturers and other stakeholders doing business overseas, through the promotion of harmonized international standards and regulatory practices.

OWM ensures traceability of state weights and measures standards to the International System of Units (SI); develops procedures for legal metrology tests and inspections, and conducts training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials. OWM provides guidance on the model weights and measures laws and regulations adopted by the NCWM and coordinates the development and publication of key NCWM publications.

It is estimated that sales of products or services impacted by weights and measures laws in the United States represent approximately 50 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. Industry sectors potentially affected by the decisions of the NCWM include retail food sales, other retail sales, petroleum products, transportation, and chemicals.

The NIST Office of Weights and Measures analyzes weights and measures training needs, obtains input from the weights and measures community, designs and delivers training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials, measures the impact and effectiveness of training to ensure ongoing continual improvement, and consults with the weights and measures community to ensure ongoing professional development.

                                                                                (Available in:

All of the itens fit into the same category EXCEPT:
Q499568 Inglês
                           The Office of Weights and Measures

The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, regulations, and standards to achieve equity between buyers and sellers in the marketplace. This enhances consumer confidence, enables U.S. businesses to compete fairly at home and abroad, and strengthens the U.S. economy.

OWM partners with the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), an organization of State and local weights and measures officials and representatives of business, industry, consumer groups, and Federal agencies, to develop U.S. standards in the form of uniform laws, regulations, and methods of practice. OWM serves as the U.S. representative to the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) to bring efficiency and cost savings to U.S. manufacturers and other stakeholders doing business overseas, through the promotion of harmonized international standards and regulatory practices.

OWM ensures traceability of state weights and measures standards to the International System of Units (SI); develops procedures for legal metrology tests and inspections, and conducts training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials. OWM provides guidance on the model weights and measures laws and regulations adopted by the NCWM and coordinates the development and publication of key NCWM publications.

It is estimated that sales of products or services impacted by weights and measures laws in the United States represent approximately 50 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. Industry sectors potentially affected by the decisions of the NCWM include retail food sales, other retail sales, petroleum products, transportation, and chemicals.

The NIST Office of Weights and Measures analyzes weights and measures training needs, obtains input from the weights and measures community, designs and delivers training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials, measures the impact and effectiveness of training to ensure ongoing continual improvement, and consults with the weights and measures community to ensure ongoing professional development.

                                                                                (Available in:

One of the OWM’ duties is to
Q498397 Inglês
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                                      E-mail Spoofing

           E-mail spoofing is the forgery of an e-mail header so that  the message appears to have originated from someone or  somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spam  often use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open,  and possibly even respond to, their solicitations. Spoofing can  be used legitimately. However, spoofing anyone other than  yourself is illegal in some jurisdictions.
           E-mail spoofing is possible because Simple Mail Transfer  Protocol (SMTP), the main protocol used in sending e-mail,  does not include an authentication mechanism. Although  an SMTP service extension (specified in IETF RFC 2554)  allows an SMTP client to negotiate a security level with a mail
server, this precaution is not often taken. If the precaution is  not taken, anyone with the requisite knowledge can connect  to the server and use it to send messages. To send spoofed  e-mail, senders insert commands in headers that will alter  message information. It is possible to send a message that
appears to be from anyone, anywhere, saying whatever the  sender wants it to say. Thus, someone could send spoofed  e-mail that appears to be from you with a message that you  didn't write.
          Although most spoofed e-mail falls into the “nuisance" category and requires little action other than deletion, the  more malicious varieties can cause serious problems and  security risks. For example, spoofed e-mail may purport  to be from someone in a position of authority, asking for  sensitive data, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or  other personal information – any of which can be used for a  variety of criminal purposes. One type of e-mail spoofing, self- sending spam, involves messages that appear to be both to  and from the recipient.

                                                               ( Adaptado)
An example of sensitive data mentioned in the last paragraph is
Q498396 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão.

                                      E-mail Spoofing

           E-mail spoofing is the forgery of an e-mail header so that  the message appears to have originated from someone or  somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spam  often use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open,  and possibly even respond to, their solicitations. Spoofing can  be used legitimately. However, spoofing anyone other than  yourself is illegal in some jurisdictions.
           E-mail spoofing is possible because Simple Mail Transfer  Protocol (SMTP), the main protocol used in sending e-mail,  does not include an authentication mechanism. Although  an SMTP service extension (specified in IETF RFC 2554)  allows an SMTP client to negotiate a security level with a mail
server, this precaution is not often taken. If the precaution is  not taken, anyone with the requisite knowledge can connect  to the server and use it to send messages. To send spoofed  e-mail, senders insert commands in headers that will alter  message information. It is possible to send a message that
appears to be from anyone, anywhere, saying whatever the  sender wants it to say. Thus, someone could send spoofed  e-mail that appears to be from you with a message that you  didn't write.
          Although most spoofed e-mail falls into the “nuisance" category and requires little action other than deletion, the  more malicious varieties can cause serious problems and  security risks. For example, spoofed e-mail may purport  to be from someone in a position of authority, asking for  sensitive data, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or  other personal information – any of which can be used for a  variety of criminal purposes. One type of e-mail spoofing, self- sending spam, involves messages that appear to be both to  and from the recipient.

                                                               ( Adaptado)
In the last sentence of the second paragraph – Thus, someone could send spoofed e-mail that appears to be from you with a message that you didn’t write. – the word “thus” introduces a
Q498395 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão.

                                      E-mail Spoofing

           E-mail spoofing is the forgery of an e-mail header so that  the message appears to have originated from someone or  somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spam  often use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open,  and possibly even respond to, their solicitations. Spoofing can  be used legitimately. However, spoofing anyone other than  yourself is illegal in some jurisdictions.
           E-mail spoofing is possible because Simple Mail Transfer  Protocol (SMTP), the main protocol used in sending e-mail,  does not include an authentication mechanism. Although  an SMTP service extension (specified in IETF RFC 2554)  allows an SMTP client to negotiate a security level with a mail
server, this precaution is not often taken. If the precaution is  not taken, anyone with the requisite knowledge can connect  to the server and use it to send messages. To send spoofed  e-mail, senders insert commands in headers that will alter  message information. It is possible to send a message that
appears to be from anyone, anywhere, saying whatever the  sender wants it to say. Thus, someone could send spoofed  e-mail that appears to be from you with a message that you  didn't write.
          Although most spoofed e-mail falls into the “nuisance" category and requires little action other than deletion, the  more malicious varieties can cause serious problems and  security risks. For example, spoofed e-mail may purport  to be from someone in a position of authority, asking for  sensitive data, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or  other personal information – any of which can be used for a  variety of criminal purposes. One type of e-mail spoofing, self- sending spam, involves messages that appear to be both to  and from the recipient.

                                                               ( Adaptado)
According to the text, in order to avoid spoofing, one should
Q498394 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão.

                                      E-mail Spoofing

           E-mail spoofing is the forgery of an e-mail header so that  the message appears to have originated from someone or  somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spam  often use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open,  and possibly even respond to, their solicitations. Spoofing can  be used legitimately. However, spoofing anyone other than  yourself is illegal in some jurisdictions.
           E-mail spoofing is possible because Simple Mail Transfer  Protocol (SMTP), the main protocol used in sending e-mail,  does not include an authentication mechanism. Although  an SMTP service extension (specified in IETF RFC 2554)  allows an SMTP client to negotiate a security level with a mail
server, this precaution is not often taken. If the precaution is  not taken, anyone with the requisite knowledge can connect  to the server and use it to send messages. To send spoofed  e-mail, senders insert commands in headers that will alter  message information. It is possible to send a message that
appears to be from anyone, anywhere, saying whatever the  sender wants it to say. Thus, someone could send spoofed  e-mail that appears to be from you with a message that you  didn't write.
          Although most spoofed e-mail falls into the “nuisance" category and requires little action other than deletion, the  more malicious varieties can cause serious problems and  security risks. For example, spoofed e-mail may purport  to be from someone in a position of authority, asking for  sensitive data, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or  other personal information – any of which can be used for a  variety of criminal purposes. One type of e-mail spoofing, self- sending spam, involves messages that appear to be both to  and from the recipient.

                                                               ( Adaptado)
E-mail spoofing is frequently used by
Q496529 Inglês
In the excerpt of item 7 of the text – While failed hardware can be frustrating, your documents, pictures, and email should be safe– the word “while” can be correctly replaced by
Q496528 Inglês
The procedure recommended in item 4 aims at
Q496527 Inglês
According to item 1 of the text, in order to ensure that the monitor is working well, one should
Q496526 Inglês
The purpose of the text is to
Q488116 Inglês
In each of the following text pages, a connective is missing.

I. “Six months ago, saving Libya from potential atrocities inspired by Moammar Gadhafi meant establishing a no- fly zone over the country, all the better to protect Benghazi, the rebel stronghold in the east. ____________ classic mission creep set in and the NATO forces, Canada among them, were bombing Tripoli and clearly trying to eliminate Africa’s longest-standing dictator and his sons (while denying that was the goal).”

II. “Like all early civilisations Ancient Greece was an agricultural society. Most of the people lived by farming and the main form of wealth was owning land. In each city there was an upper class and a middle class of men like substantial farmers, doctors and teachers. ____________ the vast majority of people were peasants and craftsmen or slaves. Slavery was common. (It is estimated that about 30% of the population of Athens was made up of slaves). If they worked in rich peoples homes slaves could be reasonably treated. However by law owners were allowed to flog slaves. Those slaves who worked in mines probably suffered the most.”

III. “Older people are facing a scarcity of qualified nurses to care for them ____________ the Government changes its policy on undergraduate education, a leading nursing organisation has warned. The All-Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association (AIGNa) is calling for the urgent introduction of specialised nursing degree courses in care for older people – as an estimated 700 jobs remain unfilled in the sector.”

The alternative that respectively brings the correct connective for each one is:
Q488115 Inglês
The internet vigilantes: Anonymous hackers' group outs man, 32, 'who drove girl, 15, to suicide by spreading topless photos of her'

Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself.

Amanda Todd, from Vancouver, Canada, was found hanged in her home on October 10, just weeks after she uploaded a video to YouTube detailing her horrific treatment at the hands of cyber bullies.

When she was just 12, a man in an internet chat room convinced her to flash her breasts, and a year later, he plastered a picture of the incident across Facebook.
Now in a vigilante move, Anonymous, the world's largest hacking group, has named the man allegedly responsible for the picture.

The group claims that he is a 32-year-old from British Columbia, but MailOnline has chosen not to identify him for legal reasons

As Todd's supporters set up Facebook pages warning the man to 'sleep with one eye open', the move by Anonymous sparks concerns over its abilities to create a 'trial by internet' - bypassing the justice system and casting guilt.

In a video posted to YouTube by Anonymous, a figure claims the group lists his personal information, including his date of birth and address

It explains that his username appears on websites where he 'blackmailed' and gave advice to young girls. The same username is also tied to a website with a 'jailbait' photo gallery. '[He] is an abomination to our society, and will be punished,' the Anonymous figure says.

Referring to the possibility they might have the wrong man, they add: 'At the most this is the person who did this to Amanda Todd, and at the least it's another pedophile that enjoys taking advantage of children.'

Following Anonymous' announcement, the web moved swiftly, with groups calling for his death and warning him to 'sleep with one eye open' cropping up on Facebook.

CKNW reporters have unsuccessfully tried to speak with the man, and neighbours have described his home as 'a known party house on the weekend with lots of young women coming and going'.

But police attended the home on Monday after a neighbour, Chyne Simpson, said Anonymous named the wrong address. He said he felt threatened by internet users and asked them to stay away.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police refused to confirm Anonymous have the right man but a spokesperson said they were aware that someone had been named.

'We are aware of what's being posted online and certainly following up what we feel is important to follow up,' Sergeant Peter Thiessen told The Globe and Mail, adding: '[Vigilantes] run the risk of committing a criminal offence.'

Todd's family members also said they are not sure the Anonymous report is accurate and said police have tracked down a person living in the U.S. whom they believed was involved.

The claims come weeks after Amanda posted a nearly nine-minute YouTube video detailing her treatment on a stack of notecards held up to the camera.

Todd says that a year after she flashed her breasts, the man tracked her down and demanded he put on a show for him or he would expose her.

When she refused, he created a Facebook page with a list of her friends and used her naked chest as the profile photo. The picture quickly spread across the internet and among her classmates.

It led to relentless bullying online, she said, and she was diagnosed with depression and started drinking. In the video, posted September 7, she admitted that she had previously tried to kill herself twice and has been hospitalised.

After moving to a different city and school, another instance of bullying occurred after she started a romantic relationship with an older man who had a girlfriend. Once that relationship soured, she was confronted and beaten up by the man's girlfriend. She was hit in front of a crowd of screaming people who encouraged her to be left in a ditch.

Amanda does not speak in the video, and her face is not fully shown, but she confirmed her identity with the last notecard which says her name.

One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life.
During a memorial for Todd on Monday, her friends said they have been aware of a man in his 30s 'stalking' their friend for years.

'There were multiple accounts with random names,' one friend told QMI Agency. 'There were Twitter accounts also used.' The Vancouver Sun reported that Amanda was a student in Grade 10 at the Coquitlam Basic Alternative Education school. The principal of the school confirmed her death and said that she had become connected with many since she transferred to the school in the middle of last year.

'It is a very sad case,' Paul McNaughton told the paper. 'I can tell you we feel we tried everything we could to help her when she came to us.'
Her death prompted a local politician to release a video of her own that pleads to put an end to bullying.
'I just heard about Amanda. I want to say to everyone who loved her, to all her family and friends, how sorry I am about her loss,' British Columbia premier Christy Clark said.
'No one deserves to be bullied. No one earns it. No one asks for it. It isn't a rite of passage. Bullying has to stop.' teen-kill-spreading-nude-pictures.html

According to the text, the best alternative is:
13941: D
13942: A
13943: A
13944: D
13945: B
13946: A
13947: C
13948: D
13949: C
13950: B
13951: E
13952: A
13953: B
13954: D
13955: A
13956: C
13957: D
13958: B
13959: D
13960: C