Questões de Concurso Sobre inglês

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Q344242 Inglês
The FIFA World Cup™ is the biggest single-event sporting competition in the world and its impact on society and the environment is indisputable.”

O sentido de indisputable no trecho acima, em português, é:

Q344241 Inglês
“The FIFA World Cup™ is the biggest single-event sporting competition in the world and its impact on society and the environment is indisputable.”

Há, sublinhada nas sentenças a seguir, a mesma forma de superlativo adjetivo apresentada em the biggest, EXCETO na alternativa:

Q344240 Inglês
Segundo o texto:

Q344194 Inglês
Leia os excertos a seguir, retirados do texto:

1. “ the first global football championship held in South America

2. “roads are being built

3. “people are being employed and trained

As formas infinitivas dos verbos destacados acima se encontram dispostas, correta e respectivamente, na alternativa:

Q344193 Inglês
Uma turista irlandesa, dirigindo um carro alugado, estacionou em local proibido. Ao ser abordada pelo agente de trânsito, ela alegou que na placa em que a proibição estava indicada não havia tradução para o Inglês e, por isso, ela não entendeu o que estava escrito.

Assinale a seguir a alternativa que traz, corretamente, essa proibição quanto ao estacionamento, em Inglês:

Q344192 Inglês
São advérbios os vocábulos a seguir, retirados do texto, EXCETO o exposto na alternativa:

Q344191 Inglês
De acordo com o texto, qual a expectativa do número de turistas que devem vir ao Brasil durante a copa do mundo de 2014?

Q344190 Inglês
Considerando a flexão em número das classes gramaticais das palavras em Inglês, como ficariam, respectivamente, os vocábulos country, influx e many na forma plural?

Q341551 Inglês
According to the text, choose the correct option.

Q341550 Inglês
Based on the ideas of the text, choose the correct option.

Q341549 Inglês
Analyze the following statements as True (T) or False (F) and choose the correct option.

I – The Director- General of unesco believes that culture and humanitarian aid cannot be considered separately from each other.

II – Some 9000 people left Camp- Perrin in order to escape from the earthquakes.

III – Jacmel, a city in the southeast of Haiti, integrates unesco’s World Heritage List to be reconstructed.

IV – Minustah, the uN’s mission in Haiti, is suspected of vandalism and illicit trade in art objects.

The correct sequence is:

Q341548 Inglês
According to the text, choose the correct option.
Q341547 Inglês
According to the text:

Q338051 Inglês
Read the sentence below and choose the option that fills in the blank with the correct form of the verb.

“The drugs affected by grapefruit juice usually have some difficulty entering the body after they are consumed because an intestinal enzyme partially destroys them as they ______________.”

Q338050 Inglês
Read the sentence below, considering the context of the text, and choose the alternative that best fills in correctly and respectively the blanks.

“When we eat, the food is _________ down into glucose (blood sugar), the body’s main energy source. As blood flows through the pancreas, this organ detects the high levels of glucose and knows to release insulin, a hormone that it produces in order to allow the cells _____________ the body to use the glucose. The cells have insulin receptors that allow glucose to enter. Then the cell either uses the glucose to make energy right away or __________ it as a future energy source.”

Q338049 Inglês
Read the sentence below.

“Dealing with Alzheimer’s disease can be extremely difficult, but planning ahead and getting support can lighten the load.”

It is correct to affirm that the underlined expression means that.

Q338048 Inglês
Read the sentence below and choose the alternative that presents a synonym to the underlined word.

Ongoing studies are looking at whether some things can help prevent or delay the disease.”

Q338047 Inglês
Read the text below and choose the alternative that fills in correctly and respectively the blanks.

Q338046 Inglês
Read the sentence below and choose the alternative that presents a synonym to the underlined verb.

“Margarine can fulfill needs that butter can’t.”

Q338045 Inglês
Read the sentence below taken from the text and analyze the assertions below.

“Sales of margarine have plummeted in the last year, according to Kantar, with ‘health’ spreads dropping 7.4% in sales. Flora has been particularly badly hit, losing £24m in sales, partly due to reformulating its recipe.”

I. The possessive pronoun “its” refers to Flora’s new recipe.

II. “Due to” establishes a relation of cause to the situation exposed.

III. “Badly” has the same gramar classification as “wooly”.

The correct assertion(s) is(are)

14901: C
14902: B
14903: C
14904: C
14905: B
14906: A
14907: E
14908: A
14909: D
14910: D
14911: E
14912: C
14913: B
14914: D
14915: E
14916: A
14917: D
14918: D
14919: C
14920: A