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Q52561 Inglês
A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna (I), no texto, é:
Q52560 Inglês
Em Chicago,
Q52559 Inglês
Segundo o texto,
Q52558 Inglês
No texto, nearly pode ser traduzido por
Q52557 Inglês
O significado de get, no texto, é
Q52556 Inglês
A synonym for issues in the above text is
Q51853 Inglês
Imagem 004.jpg

In the text,

"threaten" (L.32) is synonymous with menace.
Q51852 Inglês
Imagem 004.jpg

In the text,

"availability" (L.5) means difficult to be obtained.
Q51851 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

According to the text, judge the items from 21 to 28.

Judicial authorities now seem to have confidence in the new powerful cryptographic system.
Q51850 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

According to the text, judge the items from 21 to 28.

Criminal use of encryption is a drawback which restricts its benefits.
Q51849 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

According to the text, judge the items from 21 to 28.

Encryption is the ideal solution found to guarantee integrity of documents in use by our society.
Q51848 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

According to the text, judge the items from 21 to 28.

Encryption means mechanical processing of data so as to turn them understandable to the end user.
Q51847 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

According to the text, judge the items from 21 to 28.

A strong, refined and practically inexpugnable system of cryptography is the result of an association of two main factors.
Q51846 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

According to the text, judge the items from 21 to 28.

New ways are yet to be found to protect data flow secret.
Q51845 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

According to the text, judge the items from 21 to 28.

Human society has already become an information society.
Q51844 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

According to the text, judge the items from 21 to 28.

Technological communication has been developed along the last ten years.
Q51555 Inglês
In "provide them free" (line 21) them refers to
Q51554 Inglês
When "mortgage companies seize properties" (lines 13-14) this means they
Q51552 Inglês
The underlined word in "wriggling larvae" (lines 5-6) means that the larvae are
Q51548 Inglês
When the article informs that it "has a reputation for harbouring some dark areas" (lines19-20), this implies the Internet can be used for
16681: D
16682: A
16683: D
16684: E
16685: C
16686: B
16687: C
16688: E
16689: E
16690: C
16691: E
16692: E
16693: C
16694: C
16695: E
16696: C
16697: E
16698: C
16699: D
16700: E