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Q2538684 Inglês

Text 1

Youth and Adult Literacy in Brazil:

learning from practice

The Concept of functional ILLITERACY

[…] A person is considered functionally literate ..................... he or she is capable ................. using reading and writing skills ........................ meet the demands of his or her social context, using them to continue learning and developing over their lifetimes. With the expansion of the access to schooling beyond literacy, the focus was shifted to the quality of the educational process offered to all. The issue here is not simply whether people know how to read or write, but what they are capable of doing with those skills. This means that, besides the issue of illiteracy, a social problem that still persists in Brazil, there is also the issue of functional illiteracy; in other words, the inability to effectively use reading and writing skills in the various areas of social life after a certain number of years of schooling. According to census criteria, individuals with less than 4 years of schooling are considered functionally illiterate. […]


Study these sentences below and decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to structure and use of grammar and lexical aspects of language use.

( ) The words in bold, them and their in text 1, are respectively an object pronoun and a possessive adjective.

( ) In the sentence: The issue here is not simply whether people know how to read or write… the underlined word whether can be replaced by if without changing its meaning.

( ) The noun criteria in: According to census criteria, individuals with less than 4 years of schooling are considered functionally illiterate; is the singular form of criterium.

( ) In the following sentence from text 1: … the inability to effectively use reading and writing skills in the various areas of social life after a certain number of years of schooling; the underlined words reading, writing and schooling are examples of present participle.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

Q2530815 Inglês

Read the text and answer the question. 

What is a consumer society?

A consumer is a person who buys things, and a consumer society is a society that encourages people to buy and use goods. Some people think that a consumer society provides people with better lives. People in consumer societies tend to live more comfortably. They eat a wider variety of food. They go to restaurants more often. They also buy a lot of products, maybe more than they need. Products such as TVs, cell phones, and computers used to be luxuries. Today people can buy these things more easily than ever before. The market for these goods is growing faster all the time. Consumer societies encourage people to buy bigger and better products. For example, “smarter” phones come out every year. In a consumer society, people are often buying newer and more advanced products. This creates a lot of waste. Nowadays, many people are thinking more seriously about the effects of consumer societies on the environment, and they are trying to become more responsible consumers. ( 0000000538/grex2_su8.pdf).

The word “often” can be replaced by:
Q2523647 Inglês

Comet Fragment Explodes in Dark Skies Over Spain and Portugal     


(Available at: – text specially adapted for this test).

Which of the alternatives below can replace the bold word “utmost” in line 42 with no significant changes in meaning?
Q2521826 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder à questão.

An introduction to Strategic Management

    Strategic Management is all about identification and description of the strategies that managers can carry to achieve better performance and a competitive advantage for their organization. An organization is said to have competitive advantage in case its profitability is higher than the average profitability for all companies in its industry.
    Strategic management can also be defined as a bundle of decisions and acts which a manager undertakes and which decides the result of the firm’s performance. The manager must have a thorough knowledge and analysis of the general and competitive organizational environment to take right decisions.
    The managers should conduct a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) in order to make the best possible utilization of strengths, minimize the organizational weaknesses, make use of arising opportunities from the business environment. They should not ignore the threats either.
    Strategic management is nothing but planning for both predictable as well as unfeasible contingencies. It is applicable to both small and large organizations as even the smallest organization faces competition and, by formulating and implementing appropriate strategies, they can attain sustainable competitive advantage. It is a way in which a strategist sets the objectives and proceeds about attaining them. It deals with making and implementing decisions about future direction of an organization. It helps us to identify the direction in which an organization is moving.

( Adaptado)
No trecho do segundo parágrafo – The manager must have a thorough knowledge... – o termo destacado em negrito pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
Q2511305 Inglês



According to the Brazilian National Education Guidelines and Framework Law enacted in 2017, English language teaching is mandatory from the sixth year of elementary school until the last years of high school. However, the curriculum does not guarantee that all Brazilian students will receive English teaching. In 2013, Data Popular, a Brazilian research institute, drafted a report for the British Council analyzing the problems concerning knowledge of English in Brazil. The report claims that the low level of English proficiency amongst Brazilians reflects the educational opportunities available in the country […]. 

To understand the reasons why English teaching does not seem efficient for all students, it is important to highlight the English language teaching provision in Brazil. Formal English teaching in Brazil takes place in four different contexts: English schools, bilingual schools, regular private schools, and public schools. In general, people who wish to learn English believe that effective learning occurs only in private English schools or bilingual schools because the structure (the teaching methods and the quality of support materials) is more likely to provide successful learning. The focus in those institutions is on oral expression. Learners have more exposure to the target language because classes are taught entirely in English, and teachers are usually well trained to comply with that requirement. In addition, groups are smaller, so students can receive personal support and enjoy a comfortable learning environment, not to mention access to multimedia resources. 

(Adapted from:

Which one of the following options can substitute the word “entirely” (line 11), without change in meaning? 
1: A
2: A
3: B
4: A
5: A