Questões de Inglês - Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis | Countable and uncountable para Concurso

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Q2348163 Inglês
    Agronomy looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. Some things they look at are:

• the properties of the soil;
• how the soil interacts with the growing crop;
• what nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs;
• when and how to apply these nutrients;
• the ways that crops grow and develop;
• how climate and other environmental factors affect the crop at all stages;
• how best to control weeds, insects, fungi, and other crop pests; and,
• how to grow crops effectively and profitably while conserving and protecting the environment.

Internet: <> (with adaptations).
According to the text, judge the item from.

Agronomists need to pay attention to the growth and development of the crops.

Q2348159 Inglês
    Agronomy looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. Some things they look at are:

• the properties of the soil;
• how the soil interacts with the growing crop;
• what nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs;
• when and how to apply these nutrients;
• the ways that crops grow and develop;
• how climate and other environmental factors affect the crop at all stages;
• how best to control weeds, insects, fungi, and other crop pests; and,
• how to grow crops effectively and profitably while conserving and protecting the environment.

Internet: <> (with adaptations).
According to the text, judge the item from.

The word “crop” is mentioned several times in the text. One of its meanings can be expressed as the produce of cultivated plants, especially cereals, vegetables, and fruit.
Q2343028 Inglês
Há algumas situações em que uncountable nouns são usados como countable nouns na língua inglesa, por conta da língua falada e coloquial, sendo flexionados para o plural (-s). Assinalar a alternativa que demonstra esse uso: 
Q2334609 Inglês

Julgue o item que se segue.

The nouns information, furniture, advice, and loaf are uncountable.

Q2334600 Inglês

Julgue o item que se segue.

In the sentence “Susan looked at herself in the mirror”, the subject and the object are the same. 

6: C
7: C
8: D
9: E
10: E